
Section 461: Victory (Part 2)

The battle that erupted in the new district ended within half a day, and under Malin's leadership, the southern assault team suffered two hundred and seventeen fatalities of factory guards, with injuries four times that number; thirty-seven dwarves were killed and one hundred and twenty-nine wounded, eleven elves were killed and twenty-two wounded; and seventeen half-humans died with two hundred and thirteen injured.

The rat-man's assault on the two northern exits caused even greater damage, Malin had various persons in charge tally the numbers, and in the end, the total fatalities added up to nine hundred and nineteen, with over a thousand injured.

But they had annihilated tens of thousands of rat-men—just at the two northern exits, the rat-men left behind nearly four thousand corpses, and in the south, so many rat-men were reduced to ashes that it was impossible to count them as part of the victory.