
Section 450: Blood of Carter (Part 5)

Mars's talent in spiritual energy and shooting was plainly visible; Malin hardly needed to teach the boy how to adjust his aim. Mars could extrapolate from his actions on his own. Ultimately, on the twenty-seventh shot, he scored a 68.

Two instances of raising the gun to shoot, two instances of lifting the gun to shoot, two instances of turning to shoot, and two instances of shooting from the side.

An excellent sense of the gun, even though, since he was a child, he was using a .22 caliber handgun, it was enough to prove his talent.

"Very good, truly worthy of that lady's offspring. She always expressed envy for that lady in the ancestral diary."

"...She herself was also a very excellent woman. All I can say is, maybe it was the limitations of the era, but no matter what, I loved her, and she treated me the same..." Malin said, then yawned.