
Chapter 6

Ran walked along the loud hallways, walking past some students that's conversing loudly. She couldn't understand what they were saying and didn't have any intention of doing so.

She climbs the stairs down and heads to the library where her brunette friend is waiting for her, but takes a detour when she walks past a vending machine.

Fishing out her wallet, she took out a couple bills after fishing out her phone from her bag to call her Gi Kyung-Mi. But no one answered, causing her to furrowed brow before buying a box of strawberry milk.

'She's probably daydreaming again while reading.'

Sighing, she stuffs her phone inside the pocket of her pants before walking away, holding a box of strawberry milk and a can of iced caramel latte, her favourite drink and the only drink that gets her through the day.

The hallway got narrower when she reached the staircase to go down the second floor as more students filled the hallway.

Ran stopped at one corner where the stairs ended and reached the library. She went into the library and her violet eyes immediately searched for her brunette friend, but didn't find her causing her brows to furrowed before finally deciding to take a seat and called her friend.

But after calling her for the third time, she didn't receive any response and finally decided to send a message in case she couldn't answer her phone.

After sending the message, Ran turned off her phone and set it aside and put all her focus on studying for her upcoming test, glancing away from her notes and to her phone every few minutes.


'I've been waiting here for fifteen minutes already, yet she's still not here.'

"Where did that four-eyed go? Did she get caught up in another errand?" Ran muttered under her breath, tapping her nails on the books splayed open in front of her before resuming studying.

A few minutes later, her brown-haired friend appeared at the door and walked toward her table hurriedly.

"I'm sorry, Ran. My phone was silent and I couldn't answer your calls." The brunette apologises between breaths and musters a sheepish smile, taking a seat in front of Ran.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Why don't you catch your breath first and then we'll have lunch?" Kyung-Mi only nodded her head and smiled at the pink hair.

The pink hair couldn't help but to notice her slightly crumpled uniform and hair slightly messy. Her glasses broke a bit and a few scratches on her cheek.

Ran stares at her brunette friend who looks at her and smiles, causing the pink hair to let out a sigh before turning her attention back to her notes in front of her.

'Why would I bother to ask what happened when I already know what happened.'

Ran mentally sighed when she noticed a few eyes watching them for a while now. Putting away her notes inside her bag and closing it and before turning around.

Their eyes met briefly, but they avert after a few seconds of meeting her violet ones, talking and laughing with each other.

The pink hair turned away and took a glance at her brunette friend through the corner of her eyes before standing up.

Muttering a quiet 'let's go', she grabs Kyung-Mi's bag and proceeds to leave the room with the brown hair flowing behind her, calling her out for suddenly grabbing her bag.