
Chapter 4

Morning came with a light rain, the sky was still cloudy but not so much that you could see the sun through it. It was cold, the air still slightly damp and heavy from all the water that had accumulated over the night.

The streetlights were turned on but nothing else was on, just the occasional car rolling past as they headed for work.

A brunette girl shuffled out of her apartment and climbed down the stairs, greeting the guards on duty as she left the building with a bright smile plastered on her face.

She didn't look tired in the slightest, she seemed to be running a little late, which only made her smile grow even wider and brighter.

'I wonder if Ran will like the breakfast that I made for her.'

Kyung-Mi thought as she walked down the streets, the weather was nice enough to keep her company, so there was no need for the umbrellas yet again. After a few minutes' walk, she finally reached the university.

Humming to herself, she climbs the stairs and heads to the literature club where she and Ran would meet and go to their classes together. Her thoughts trailed off when someone grabbed onto her shoulder suddenly, causing her to let out an undignified yelp.

Turning around, she saw a group of girls wearing fake smiles. Kyung-Mi's smile turned into a thin line and the paper bag that she was holding with her right hand crumpled. She looked at them with a blank expression instead of anger when one of them quickly snatched the paper bag.

"You really like your pinkie friend that much, don't you?" One of them laughed, waving the paper bag in front of the brunette.

"You must've really put so much effort in making these, didn't you?" Another one of them mocked and the other two girls started laughing even more.

'Ah, how distressingly loud and shrill that it hurts the ears. They should've taken the surgery for their voice instead of appearance.'

Kyung thinks, trying to maintain her poker face and composure. She wasn't going to let their words affect her, but when she saw the paper bag get ripped, she felt something snap.

"Oops, my hand slipped. I'm sorry, Gi Kyung-Mi." The blonde girl said and let go of the paper bag before walking away followed by the other two, giggling.

Kyung-Mi stares down at the wasted food on her feet with blank eyes before crouching down and scoop it using the ripped paper gab and throw it in the bin beside the stairs.

She stands up straight and continues her way towards the Literature room, trying to get rid of the bitter feeling inside her stomach, her hair casting a shadow over her eyes and a thin line forming on her lips.

'How immature. Their mentality and age doesn't match at all.'

The brunette thought to herself as she resumed her way into the literature club room where Ran was waiting. After a few steps, Kyung-Mi finally reached the clubroom and stopped in front of the door.

Taking a deep breath, she put her hands on the handle before sliding it open which immediately replaced the thin line on her lips with a wide smile.

"Oh, good morning." The pink hair greet as she turns around when she notices Kyung-Mi's presence behind her.

"Ran! Good morning!" The brunette greets as she closes the door behind her and proceeds to take a seat in front of her pink-haired friend.

'I don't mind if they mock me or insult me or something. But if they dare to put their filthy hands on Ran... I'll make sure that they' won't be able to come near her ever again.'

Kyung Mi thought as she started a conversation with the pink hair, pink eyes filled with fondness and a bright smile plastered on her face.