
Chapter 130

“I always liked parties.” Tinsley looked at the photos again. “But I like riding on my own. Or with one or two friends. It’s nice like that. You ride, don’t you? You did in that miniseries. The historical one. I liked that one.”

“Oh, well. I do, a bit. I learned for that role. It’s been a while.” He hadn’t known she’d seen the miniseries. “But I did enjoy it. I know you’re far more experienced than I am, but we could go out together some time if you’d like?”

Tinsley stared at him. Took a sip of wine. Colby wasn’t sure whether this was promising or not.

She said, “You mean that. It’s a real offer.”


“You’re not what I expected.”

“I tend to hear that a lot.” Colby gave her a smile, tucked hands into pockets, regarded the imposing Wall of Mirelli Family History. “I’m astonished anyone puts up with the real me at all.”

Tinsley put her head on one side and looked at him. “You don’t even know me. And you did mean it. You’re not just saying it. The way anyone else would.”