
Chapter 101

He never had, he realized with some guilt about friendship, known exactly what direction Evan’s interests lay, if they even did. He was pretty sure there’d been a casual girlfriend or two, and the dimples and friendliness and impressive body charmed a whole lot of people, but—flipping through memories—he couldn’t come up with anything serious.

This’d been Evan’s fourth film in that superhero franchise. Doubling for James Parr, the young and attractive square-jawed wholesome lead actor, who hadn’t been anyone Jason’d known at the time of casting but who played a team leader and weary-but-optimistic supersoldier to perfection. They would’ve been working closelytogether.

Interesting, he thought.

Colby asked a question about the previous film and the big fight sequence on the superhero jet, in close quarters. Evan grabbed another chair, plus one for Jason, and settled in.