

Mr Dana a director who is famous for having a lucky hand leading the company. So, that it becomes a hot topic of discussion among employees in the office. But he is also known to have a cold attitude, he will only talk about important things related to work. But all of his cold demeanor changed when Mr. Dana meet an intern named Muna Syabila. Intern who are often bullied by the seniors. Do a lot of work outside of his job desk. Of course, that confession took many people by surprise, including Muna herself. Whereas in reality, not marriage took place. Hearing those words, she was furious at Mr Dana. It's seem fate favors Dana's word then, Muna is betrayed, her lover married another woman. So, he made an agreement with Mr. Dana to get married. But, married is only legal in religion, does not need to be recognized by the state.

Suratni_123 · Sports, voyage et activités
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18 Chs

My Name Tag

-Why her name it's specially? Do you like?- Your Employeed.

I matched several shirts with span skirts, for my outfit today. I've been in GATA Group for a week, said Ms Vayuna, my black and white clothes can be replaced with other clothes. I'm happy, i can finally bring out some of my favorite clothes that cost a little bit, victims of spilling of the public figure on Instagram. I descended the stairs while humming a little, unsourced song, my own creation.

" Muna.." My brother called from the dinning table." Don't you have breakfast first?"

I shook my head." Fast," i answered.

" Ugh, diligent." He teased, i pouted." Change the fast?"

" Yes, i am a responsible person." I said proudly," i remember something. Don't leave me to Dana. I don't like being watched by him. My space for movement is so limited."

" I hasn't said anything about you at the office, what did Dana say?" His brow furrowed.

" That's right, you lied to me." I chuckle sarcastically.

" For God's sake, Muna. There hasn't been any message to Dana," him brought up the words of God, it means serious.

" Why did he say you asked to take care of me?"

" It was his own initiative," said my brother half laughing.

I was surprised to hear him narrative, " are you serously?"

He nodded firmly." That Dana know you since you were little, it's only natural that he wants to take care of you too."

" But you don't have to bring you too, i feel something a little strange about him." For some reason, i sat down next to my brother, at least i wanted to share my experiences at the office.

" The odd fund or the employees?"

" Both," i sighed sadly." I don't have any friends, the seniors there are far away, at least with Dana secretary. That's just a matter of work. The rest are busy alone, is that the world of work?"

" Isn't your cubicle far from them?"

" That's right." I nodded," but Dana himself asked for it, it should be in the corner of the room. It's crazy, how can Dana keep Dana the arrogant employees like that."

" As long as it doesn't harm the company, it's not problem for Dana." Him feed the breakfast into his mouth, his wife is taking a big bath in the room. You know, them is newlywed.

" Married?"

" More funds?" My brother asked, just to make sure.

" Yes, him. It can't be you." I pouted and he laughed out loud.

" Not yet, acute single. It's hard to open your heart."

" No first love?"

Him shrugged." At least there is, he never talks about love either, his son is closed."

" Oh, North Korea." I had no intention of asking the man, not interested either.

" But he is well- established and handsome. If you want to be his wife, i can talk about it later. That's easy."

I waved my hand in rejection." No, no, no. I didn't mean anything do Dana. Let alone a crush."

" Not interested?"

" No, it's normal."

" Certain?"

" Sure, he's my boss at the office. Nothing more."

" Over an ounce you don't lose either."

" You! I like to make fun of my own sister." I pointed the fork at his face.

" He took my scolding casually." Dana is a rare species, it doesn't hurt to be a partner. If you want, i give the green light righ away."

" Yes, he's your best friend. I don't like old man. His face is really ominous, that's a vase. Just looking at it is already amused." I pretended to bd disgusted.

Him lips pursed, taking a sip of warm coffe up to half a cup." I don't like it, actually it's already weak on it's own. That sidburn actually attracts the opposite sex, Muna."

" Ah, where is there. What kind of philosophy is that. What i see is a mess. Isn't it dirty?"

" Do you think Dana a dirty man? If you go into his room, your room will be outmatched."

" Never came in."

" So try," challenge him carelessly.

" Yes, sometime." My answer is carefree, meaningless. Get ready to go before it's to late.

" Intern like this, are you paid or not?"

" How would i know, ask to Dana. I just an intern or what?"

" If you're guessing, it's just that." He intensified the joke again and i was getting high blood pressure hearing it. Just snorted at him and then left. Rather than hurt himself.


My cubicle is still neat, fragrant and shiny. Looks like i came to the office too soon. Only a few cleaners going back and forth with mops in hand visible. Seniors employees have not been seen.

" Too early, huh?" The source of the voice from the other side was Dana.

" Yes, Sir." I answered politely.

" Why sir? I don't like you calling that, Muna."

I wonder to myself, is this man playing with me?

" Ms Vayuna herself asked for that, why don't you like it? I'm so confused, which one should i actually use, Sir or Dana?" My answer did not accept.

" For me, call me Dana, unlike Vayuna. Just follow what he wants." He said casually, his expression, it was annoyinh as well as adorable.

" But you're really the boss, i should have followed Ms Vayuna advice."

" I am your brother friend, Zeo."

" Then? What's the connection?" I don't understand anymore.

" A relationship that doesn't involve the office with your calling, understand?"

" No," i shook my head." But if i really want to call Dana. I'll just call him. Is it outside, right?"

" If you're inside, it's dangerous. You're not ready yet, Muna. This is your name tag, wear it." He looked away, leaving me alone in the cubicle.

My lips pursed with gritted teeth, could connect to it. It is extraordinary that a man who is known to be cold, but in fact can be perverted.

I saw the name on the name tag along with the photo, my eyes widened. How did the man make the photo on the Whatsapp display picture as an identification, his name is also Muna, that's all. It should be Muna Syabila.


Is my Whatsapp display picture very pretty?

Not long after, a seniors employee came into the room. I still give a sweet smile, even if it is not appreciated. Ms Vayuna smiled back at me, only she can be friendly without coercion.

" Morning, Miss." I say hallo to Ms Vayuna.

" Morning too, Muna." Her reply was no less friendly." Did Mr Dana come?"

I nodded." Yes, Miss. It's in the room."

Ms Vayuna eyes stared intently at the name tag hanging around in my neck." Print it yourself?"

" This name tag, Miss?" I reconfirmed Ms Vayuna question.

She nodded." Yes, it's."

" No, Miss. Is it okay to play with printing carelessly? This was given by Mr Dana. When he was about to enter the room."

" Mr Dana?" Ms Vayuna gaze couldn't believe it.

" Yes, is there something wrong or what?" I said worried.

" Usually, interns don't have to wear name tags. It's only for a few months, that's how it was before."

" Haa? What? How come i was given, Miss?" My mouth gaped.

Ms Vayuna shook her head." I don't really understand, but that's okay, i think you want to separate the intern secretary from me, i think so."

" Oh, that could be true."

Instantly i felt the look on Ms Vayuna face change, a little cynical and then said goodbye to Dana office.

I leaned back, looked at the object that Dana gave me, what is this name tag? Other interns never get it, i've only been pasted this for one week.

Working hours began, i now hold several piles of documents. Copying some recaps from Dana meetings with outside clients. Most of them use English, i am a college student but my English is passive. Ha ha.

My cellphone creaked, a message came from Akasy, annoucing that was going to college. Taking the time, i took the time to reply to the time to reply to the message and give encouragement, don't forget the word miss i pinned.

" Muna.." Suddenly Ms Vayuna called me.

" Yes, Miss. Can i help you?" I stammered, putting the flat object back in the bag.

" What are you doing?"

" This is Miss, my boyfriend will notify." I grimaced," young man."

For some reason, Ms Vayuna face turned friendly again. Even very happy.

" Wow, you're not single?"

" Of course not, i am beatiful, when i'm single, Miss." I answered Ms Vayuna question with a little joke.

" Ha ha, yes too. But me is beatiful like this, hoe come you're still single."

" You must have fallen in love with someone else first, so you don't want to open heart to other."

She smiled faintly, smoothing her bangs that fell on her eyebrows." So, Muna was asked by Mr Dana to submit the results of yesterday's meeting. Are you ready?"

" Not yet, Miss. There are still a few more."

" Please prepare immediately and take it to Mr Dana directly, okay?" Order me.

" Okay, Miss. " I continue to work, let alone being waited on. This means that design of this collaboration is very important.

I struggled back, occasionally adjusting the glasses that kept dropping to bridge of my nose. Without realizing it, there were gazes from the cubicle as well as Dana room.

" Are you done, Muna?" The soft voice pierced the eardrumbs.

" Not yet, Miss." I looked up," uh, Sir. Just a little longer. Can you wait a moment, Sir?"

" Dana." The orders are stiff.

I was silent, my fingers were still swinging to the right in order to finish the series of words that Dana had compiled. He pulled a chair and sat next to me. Without thinking about the impact on seniors, never mind. My history here is finished. The more they don't want to talk to me. I know Dana is giving me some little attention.

" Just wait in the your room. I'll take you later." I said softly, almost in a whisper.

He remained expressionless, his eyes focused on the cellphone screen with his legs crossed.

Every now and then his eyes shift to the laptop screen, where i'm finishing some of his projects.

" Dana..." I pressed my vocal cords, hopinh he would hear my request.

" Alright, just finish your work. I it doesn't bother Muna. I just matched some of the results discussed yesterday with what you wrote now."

" Wrong?" I said panicked.

"No, it's all the same. That's why it's resolved quickly."

I dare not argue, my fingers are like steel and move fast. Until the laptop keyboard keys sounded wary.

" Not like that, Muna. It's torturing them." Again, the warning came out of Dana lips.

" People say, you is a person who doesn't talk much. How come this keeps on protesting?"

" Because you are wrong, if the work is correct. Why protest?"

Again, the answer is numb. I have no intention of having a conversation with Dana. My focus was 360 degrees on the laptop and handed my work to him.

" You like that name tag?"

" It's normal, there are even suspicions." I gave an answer without a glance.

Him laughed softly." Let them be suspicious, my only intention is to make you like the name tag."

Alright, today i really have a fever because Dana unfounded words. What does he want? OH MY GOD.