

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantaisie
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75 Chs

A sweet.

"thank you",he whispered.

"For what?!",she asked politely.

"For making me feel important and alive,for protecting me,for saving my life",he replied and caressed her cheek again.

"ohh ohkay.... then simple thank you isn't enough",she said and made a cute pout.

"okay so what else I can do for you ma'am?",he asked and smiled at her cuteness.

"Don't you think that I deserve a reward for saving you?!",Jennifer said in teasing way,he moved his sight towards her in confusion.

"Don't distract me,I was trying to scold you?"

"I'm hurt and you're trying to scold me..... not fair enough",she said and made a cute pout again with her strawberry pink lips.

"I'm not trying to scold you Miss Jennifer, I'm scolding you"he said and she smiled.

"No Mr Zen a few seconds ago you were saying thank you to me",she said.

"oh,yes I-I forgot"

"it's okay",she again smiled.

"Don't give me these cute smiles,it won't melt me"he said on a serious note.

"leave it, where's my reward?!",she asked.

"so my princess wants a reward,what do you want just tell me?",he asked and smiled after hearing Princess she blushed.

"A SWEET",she replied and her cheeks turned red.A sweet isn't just a sweet for her she meant something else.

"Sweet?!",he asked confusingly.


"But doctors said that you're not allowed to eat any kind of sweet or spicy food it will cause bad impact on your recovery,so my cute little kitten,I can't give you any sweet right now, I'm sorry",he replied innocently.

"No you can",she replied while blushing.

"No I can't give you",he replied on a serious note.

"But I want it right now",she demanded while narrowing her eyes.

"But doc-",he was about to say something she grabbed his collar and pulled him closer.

"I SAID I WANT A SWEET, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND MR ZEN",she said in seductive voice.

He hovered over her by placing his both arms around her and smiled .He was hovering over her by his elbows and arms support on his own weight.

"So you're not going to give one to me let me take it by myself",she said and moved her eyes towards his perfectly kissable lips.

At the next moment she captured his lips with hers and pulled him into a cute kiss.As there lips met both felt a tickling sensation in their bodies.His eyes widened because he was shocked at her sudden flirty behaviour he wasn't expecting a kiss in this condition but he was glad, without wasting further time he kissed her back.

He was smiling in between the kiss because she was so innocent and didn't know that how to kiss but was still trying to kiss him perfectly.

His lips were moving against hers with a gentle urgency.The kiss was sweet kind of a long peck.His lips were warm and soft and her lips were sweet just like strawberries.They were completely melt in the kiss.

After a few minutes of a passionate kiss he broke the kiss and left a quick peck on her cheek.

"I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS SWEET",she mumbled in a low voice with blushed red cheeks.

"My cute little kitten's innocence is gone huh",he said and pecked her lips.


"Okay I see",he replied and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"MY PRINCESS WANT SWEETS?!",he asked while raising his one eyebrow and smirked.

"I wanted a sweet and I got it by myself so now I don't want more",she replied and blushed.

"BUT NOW I WANT TO GIVE YOU MORE",he said and snuggled into her neck.

"extra sweets cause diabetes",she replied with a smile.

"DON'T WORRY PRINCESS I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS",he said in his deep husky voice.

He was about to attach his lips again someone knocked the door and distracted them.He immediately stood up from them and and placed himself on the couch.

"Hello",the lady doctor said while coming inside.

"Hello doctor",Jennifer greeted.

"Hello Miss",Zen said and coughed.

"How're you cutie pie?!",the lady doctor asked Jennifer while caressing her hair.

"I'm feeling better now"

"that's great,I know it would be difficult for you to manage yourself in a constant position but you've to bare it.take good acre of yourself and don't feel exhausted at all",she said and squeezed Jennifer's cheek.

"yes doctor",Jennifer replied.

"Stop touching her,what the hell is wrong with me ahhh doctor is a girl and she can touch her but still I'm feeling jealous of her", Zen in his mind with cold face expressions.

"Zen can you please leave the room because I have to apply ointment on the wound and have to change the dressing",the lady doctor said.

"yea-yeah okay",he replied and went outside.

"Being a doctor isn't that bad I mean,she will see my girl without cloths,I'm just simply jealous of her,how lucky .... ahhh no I mean wtf I'm thinking,Zen stop being pervert", Zen in his thoughts.

Inside the room Doctor was about to change Jennifer's dressing,she held her hand and squeezed it to make her feel comfortable.

"I was the one who undressed you when you were unconscious so I already saw everything there is no need to feel shy,I'm just like your friend",the lady doctor said and chuckled Jennifer was feeling so embarrassed after knowing that she saw her naked.

"you saw me na-naked?",she asked in a low voice due to embarrassment.

"yes because it was necessary to take off your cloths for treatment so I did that by myself and treated you so don't be shy and let me remove it", doctor said and removed her shirt.

Her upper body was naked and Doctor was facing Jennifer's back.

"you're really beautiful", doctor said and Jennifer's cheeks started burning.

She cleaned the wound then applied the ointment and covered it with Bandage again.She helped her in wearing her shirt back because it was difficult for Jennifer to do so.After that she gave her medicines to eat which were so yucky.

"Take care",doctor said and left the room.

Zen noticed her coming out so he went inside closed the door and hovered over her again.She was completely shocked at his this behaviour.

"we dropped the session in the mid so it's time to continue PRINCESS",he said in his deep husky voice.

"what is this behaviour Mr Zen?",she asked while smiling.

"Miss Jennifer basically the thing is that my princess want to eat sweets and I want to give her sweets if you don't mind can I please give her what she wants?",he asked and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"you know what doctor gave me alot of bitter medicines to eat,I'm feeling so bad and my taste ruined after having those yucky medicines",she told him and he chuckled.

"Stop laughing and give me some water",she said,he gave her a water bottle and helped her to drink it.

"Let me give you a SWEET sweetheart,it will make you feel better",he said and at the next moment he smashed his lips on hers.The moment when his lips met hers a magic happend she felt a rush of butterflies in her tummy.His soft lips were eating her pink glossy lips she grabbed his hair by her hand in response to his loveable kiss.His lips were moving on hers and she was trying to give a proper response to his passionate kiss.

He squeezed her lower lip by his lips and then moved to upper lip and squeezed it by his lips.The kiss was sweet,warm yet intense.

Both of their cheeks were flushed and burning due to hotness.

Zen detached his lips and looked straight into her eyes then pecked her forehead and sat properly on the edge of the bed by holding her hand.She interwined the fingers and smiled.

"How're you feeling now?"he asked and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"I'm feeling better now",she replied and smiled.

"that's very good",he said and smiled.

Roby and Ana came to see Jennifer.They sat together and had breakfast together.They had a good time while talking, Jennifer was just listening to them and smiling in response to their jokes and mimicries.

Can't believe we have completed half century ilysm >>>>

A_jennie_creators' thoughts