
Starting The Magical Era

A mad genius, waking on a pass no one had ever walked before. He shall create his own power from nothing. He who shattered Humans thousands of years of believes and led humans to a new magical era an era where the future progress is unknown and anything is possible. People mocked him when he said he would rule a country, but here he is ruling the mightiest empire in human history.

Vivid_Cerulean · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The promised day

"Adam wake up it's your big day todaaay."

Adam woke up hearing his father yelling, his mother lost a battle with cancer while he was 3 and he 's been living alone with his father ever since then. His father sacrificed all his life for him, he moved to London away from his relative and friends and he works 1 full time job and 2 part time jobs just so that Adam could join the university and pay the tuitions fees and because he's not actually a citizen of the UK or at least the EU but from a third world country he doesn't get any discount or scholarship, heck he doesn't even get a student dorm room cause the priority is always to the UK citizens and then to the Eu citizens.

"Coming !" he yelled at his father.

Today is his graduation day and after receiving his diploma he's invited to a conference by some world renowned companies and institutions to start up his career .

He left the bed got into his slippers and stepped out to the living room, their house is a little bit small and shabby but Adam love it it feels familiar it feels warm it feels just the way a home is supposed to feel.

Walley was in the kitchen preparing a simple eggs and muffins breakfast for the duo. although Walley 's barley 40 this year he looks a lot older and that just shows how much power he exerts in his jobs and how much stress he's under for trying to meet days end in this society. Although he looks old he's actually quiet handsome his hair in almost all white and his blue eyes gives him a certain charm with some wrinkles on his face that makes him look quiet dignified.

"have you made up your mind about today ?" asked Walley

"yeah I'm probably just gonna say the truth about what I do think and believe." Adam believed that the current society isn't doing proper scientific research on supernatural phenomena's no-one is researching paranormal and super natural activity and it's always believed to be some kind of unreal fiction. however from his point of view he sees it as a field left out undeveloped by humanity. Just as it was in the past for each path of science. If you told someone from the 1700s that humans will be riding in carriages with no horses or that we will be flighting throw the sky and that we'd reach the moon they we'll probably think you're crazy.

Walley had no idea how to react to his child's decision after all nobody tells you how to raise a child genius however ever since he has known about wally gifted mind he decided to support him to the best of his abilities, he didn't actually mind that Walley's going against common sense and logic, but he was afraid of others reactions and it's phycological effect on his son. He know that people are probably going to ridicule him for having such childish ideas, although Adam is still considered a child but nevertheless he's a genius collage graduate.

They both enjoyed their breakfast is silence, it was pretty awkward. Walley wanted to talk to Adam and maybe convince him to not state some of his outrageous ideas, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

The graduation will take place today at noon and it was already past 11, so after the duo finished their awkwardly silent breakfast they went to get ready.

"Hey Adaaam are you ready ?" yelled Walley from his room

"yeahh let's get going." Adam looked in the mirror one last time to check himself, he was wearing a blue black suit, a white shirt and a deep blue tie that matches with his eyes, he got his blue eyes from his father and his silver hair from his mother side, Adam face still contains some baby fat here and there and despite his serious expression he looks pretty cute.