
Starting The Group Chat With Solo Players

《Disclaimer》 The following is a non-profit Fanfiction parody. I do not own「Solo Levelling」,「Sword Art Online, and 「Kumo Desuga, Nanika?」 and many others, Please support the official release. Akihito Okamura would consider himself with two words: A "Coward" and a "Psychopath". He's not some main character who will let the antagonist make a move first to mess up his life. If anything, he'd turn over the role of antagonist and protagonist right even before the villain was able to do anything. Now imagine it when he was reincarnated to an anime world where he obviously had the advantage of knowing the plot. *Ding* [Messages have arrived!] But nevertheless, another world is still another world. Anything is possible in this multiverse. A Magical Group Chat that allows you to communicate between worlds. [A Quest has arrived!] Who would've thought that solo players have to be in groups too? How it developed, wasn't exactly like how an easygoing fanfiction of Dimensional Chat groups would've done either... In reality, it was full of conflicts and manipulations. [Welcome, to the Dimensional Group Chat] Well, Akihito is just thankful that he is an Admin of the group. . . . NOTICE: This fanfic is 1k-1500 words/ chapter. Don't expect every single thing to be explained in one chapter. The MC won't obtain the group chat directly in Chapter 1 as it should've been an introduction to the main character's normal life before the problem rising happens. And yes, there are conflicts in this fanfiction. There are MAIN Conflicts and MAIN Antagonists as it is a story. So shut it about characters from other animes that can one-shot the antagonist. So what if antagonist from this anime is stronger than this antagonist??? Does that mean I, the author, need to change the plot? F*** no. I am trying to make a story here, and my self-satisfaction is different from you guys. Because I like reading stories. Not a mess that throws both character development and problem rising out of the window. In a nutshell: Please kindly deal with it.

Door_kun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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68 Chs

Starting A Guild (2)

There was never any player who came to join Kibaou's Guild before. But that's because the day Akihito took it away from him was the day before the guild's official opening.

But that wasn't exactly what happened either, to the public's eye that is.

"Excuse me! I would like to join the guild!"

"Me too!"

"I would like to join!"

The crowd who wanted to join was ultimately rejected.

"Hah!? What are you talking about, Kibaou-san!? You told me that you'd let me join yesterday!"

"We've saved your life once, Kirihara-san! Are you going to forget all that!?"

"That's right, Bantarou. What the hell is wrong with you all of the sudden!?"

The demon with heterochromia eyes was just sitting on the guild's roof with popcorn at hand to watch his slav- I mean, "Contracted hero" handle the current situation.

Kibaou's acquaintance and "friends" complained to him without knowing exactly what happened.

In the end, he was beaten up to a bloody pulp.

"You ungrateful bastard, I am unfriending you!"

"Let's not waste our time, I am never going to contact you ever again."


While the orange spiky-haired man lay down on the ground, tears can be seen running through his purple and swelling eye. He lay down there as he looks at the feet of his friends leaving him behind multiple notifications of being "unfriended" by the system.

"Good to see you alive. I guess they still have their humanity intact huh? Oh well, the parasitical system might not be a burden now, but I wonder what'll happen later." That voice again, Kibaou's hatred reaches the maxed level when he heard Akihito's voice after he leap down from the roof.

It was a small building after all. COL is being recognized as a universal currency soon after, and Kibaou just had the luck to gain his friend's trust to get more money.

Although it backfires soon after.

"Don't be so dramatic."


Kibaou's eyes went wide, his body gets felt better when he noticed his bruises slowly regenerates and his HP went back to the green zone.

"Rimuru only gave me three of these so it's sure is a waste to use it on you." Thus he stated. It is the full potion that can regenerate even a missing limb, made by a certain great sage of a slime.

"That being said, your real name is Kihara Bantarou? You don't seem to have any families or relatives from my research, oh well... That's good."

This means Akihito can dispose of him as if he's some kind of consumable item.

"Go back inside now. We have many works to do."




On its opening day, the Liberation Guild already gained a lot from their name. That is the exact reason why Akihito won't become the guild leader right away.

He set up a plan in order to cleanse the guild name despite he was the one who soiled the name in the first place.

There was him in a formal suit, smiling on the flashes of the camera, Kibaou hands him over the guild's ownership certificate with a poorly-made fake smile on his face.

"Akihito-san! Now that The Liberation Guild who rejected all of applying members on their official opening is taken by you, can you please tell us what are your goals for the future?" A reporter hands a mic to his face.

It was all a big deal since the only recognized guild in Japan was only three at the moment currently. Including Liberation Guild.

He smiled at the camera, "Kibaou-san here was an old friend of mine. When he said he wasn't sure he can lead a guild he called me. Some events lead us to here today where I am taking the position of the guild leader..."

Suddenly, a crowd of players barge in and exclaimed some words: "Kibaou you bastard! Give me back my money!"

"What about the guild you promised us!?"

The security, despite some of them not being players came to deal with them.

All attention was now shifted to them.

Their cries get louder and louder as the chaos continues when Akihito interfered.

"Please wait, calm down everyone! I would like to know why you've come here today..."

With great acting, he calmed the situation down like a professional.

Ultimately a player came in front to voice his thoughts to represent the crowds: "That guy used our money in order to buy that building! I don't care he's your old friend, but a lot of us suffered because of him."

Kibaou flinched and looks at them with a fearful face.

"Is that true, Kibaou?" Akihito asked him.

"Wa-- that's not-!!!" Kibaou tried to deny the accusations, but he felt something cold on his neck, as if an invisible hand of the god of death was prepared to choke him to death if he spout the truth. The slave contract was activated halfway.

His eyes gazed fearfully at the cold red-grey heterochromia eyes of Akihito before noticing what happened.

"I-it was all my fault!" Tears were forced to come out of his eyes.

"I thought I could lead a guild but I hesitated last second! I worked hard so that I can repay you all, I hope that all of you can forgive me!" He bowed deeply with tearful eyes.

All of these were rehearsed before, it was just one of the few schemes Akihito set to run the guild smoothly in public.

But Kibaou's emotions were real. Kibaou only felt fear for the whole two days. He just wanted all of it to stop.

And to do that, if he needs to leech off someone he'd gladly do so.

But that wasn't exactly what happened since Akihito turned him from a leech into a pet instead.

At that moment he realized, he should cast away all vengeance in front of the predator called Akihito.

But for a second, he could see it. The wide and sadistic grin on Akihito's face, as if looking at an ant, disappeared right after he turns back to the crowds.

That kind of smile was only visible when Kibaou looks at him, not in a romantic way obviously.

"As his old friend, I apologize on his behalf, I would give all of you all the compensation to make it up to you."

"Haa!? How exactly are you going to pay us!? He collected almost a million COL from us!"

In response to the man's exclamation...


"I am quite rich you see?" Immediately, his system spouted millions of coins, filling up the whole area with COLs. The whole press conference was flooded with shining coins.

«Report: account balance has been updated. Unique Skill, 『Hacker』erased all system intervention traces. Combined with 『Divinity』, the skill was executed successfully»

Obviously, it was Great Sage's handiwork.

"I- aha-hahaha, we was just a bit angry earlier Akihito-san. I shall gladly take your compensation!"

The angry face now turned into a face of a leech born from the abyss of greed. Just as he quickly snatches a few COL with his hand, a guy behind him shouts.

[The Monkey King spilled tea on his pants]

[The Monarch Of The Beginning is asking if The Forgotten Dragon King gave you all those riches]

[The Forgotten Dragon denies the accusations and asked you about it too]

"Oi! That's also my money you bastard!" In the end, those crowds went to pick a fight with themselves.

Akihito could even see a Reporter who was also a player discard his notes and dived into the mountains of coins.

"W-where is that guy!?"

Some of the reporters who weren't players tried to get out of the pandemonium and uses this chance to ask Akihito some questions, but he and his slave weren't anywhere in that room anymore.




Of course, there were some of the few players who were also Kibaou's acquaintances, who came to the guild building and demanded compensation too. But Akihito dealt with them quickly and peacefully (?). He made a few enemies, but he doubt it would trouble him later.

Akihito smiles in satisfaction. Huh? What? Inflation? Wuzzat? Is it tasty? It is the new universal currency anyway so nothing really matters since it'll be all the administrators works

"At last, our own guild~"

"Yes yes, your own guild. You look happy aren't you?"

Akihito noticed that Hiromi stopped calling him "Onii-sama" when she was angry.

"What's wrong? Your brother is one of the richest men alive now you know?"

"All of my friends have become a creep thanks to that." Hiromi flatly delivered those words.

"You are welcome?"

"That was not a gratitude to you!!"

"Great! You can now see who's your enemies~ aren't you great full to this brother~?"

Hiromi sighed, "Not THAT kind of creep, Onii-sama."





*Stupid Flashback Sound Effect*

Schools were opened once more after a few chaotic events, even though the majority of their students didn't come.

They seem to have become a player and ditch their real life. Seriously, it seems like they forgot there are no stats for Intelligence or Wisdom they could raise.

"Hiromi-chan! Is this your brother!?"

"I heard he's a player!?"

"How rich is he, Okamura-san?"

"Will he go on a mixer? Can you introduce us, Hiromi!?"

It was the first time she witness two of her best friend and even the group of gyarus of the school went crazy with someone.

Sure now that his brother became a player she noticed his face and his body build were getting better, but Hiromi still couldn't understand what is happening.

"As I said, it's not THAT kind of creep" Thus, Hiromi explained it all to Akihito.

"Hmm~ I see."

Hiromi has been taken care of by her brother since she was little. Having no parents means only she and her brother would be there to welcome her home.

Hiromi do not understand how did he get money with only computers and laptops, but she understood one thing:

The fact of calm and calculative face his brother is making right now is not what it seems.

Even if THAT is the face he made outside, the inside would be...




"Hiromi, why are you looking at me as if you're pitying me?"

"...I'll go make some dinner."




To be continued.