
Starting in Harry Potter with the Celestial Forge (Rewrite)

Waking up in the Body of a mechanic in the 1940s with the Celestial forge was not what i was expecting on a Friday evening. This will focus on the Second World War and the Cold War. This is really my first attempt to make any thing in fanfiction. So it will be trash as is my grammar so feel free to trash me as much as you want. Thank you reading. If you like the Celestial Forge system and how it works I recommend Celestial Mouse, Child of Iron, and The Ringing of a Forge of Stars. They have amazing writing and take place in cool settings they are all on QQ. Also this will suck I struggle with writting and I’m trying to improve and I’m just doing this for fun. Go read the previous listed for WAY better quality stuff.

Damon_Jager · Livres et littérature
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August 10th, 1940

After the kings announcement their was some issues, parliament wanted to know why they were not alerted and how they could profit from the situation. This lead to the formation A huge team of lawyers and politicians were put to iron out the mess that was the magical law books and to actually make a magical law book.

Our commonwealth land was not so lucky, in Northern Ireland Druids that supported the IRA were seen out in the open, in India entire kingdom that had been hidden from view began demanding right full representation in the government. While we were not in open civil war like others. The tensions are high but the war was keeping the attention away from the domestic issues.

With Magic out in the open mundane wizard began joining the war effort by the droves as they had been worried about breaking the statue of secrecy.

X-Com had been announced to the public as a way to ease the tensions between magicals and the mundane, Stin and I were also asked to do a number of Radio broadcasts about X-Com.

X-com research and development was not idle, drop pods have been developed and have been attached to rockets, plasma cannons that shoot man sized ball of molten plasma miles, and even the beginnings of power armor.

The magical with inspiration from the D&D magic system with my help have begun to convert their spells and into Hp style. But our biggest breakthrough has been the discovery anyone can use DND style magic but requires a lot more studying and dedication, as instead of just willing magic to do something.

That has taken most of my time as I am currently one of two people on the face of the planet that nowadays this type of magic, as Stin with the Magos implants I was able to upload my knowledge to her.

While I could keep it for just myself and my followers but if we eventually release this it would help loosen tension between the mundane and the magical as it would level the playing field.

Stin who I lived vicariously through as she began to build mega factories to keep up with the massive demand as D-Day had come, millions of rounds, 1,000s of FALs, and a set of 20 Mechs wielding anti material rifles.

The plan will follow the OTL and land in Normandy, but in addition to the normal plan is a wave drop pods and high yield explosive rockets will drop with the Mech Teams on large concentrations of Nazi forces. They will be supported by a naval barrage and Wizard help acting as medical evac or raising cover from Nazi guns. I demanded to join the assault much to annoyance of the allied command but their worries were quelled when I showed them the prototype Personal mech I made with the help of Stin and the Kerbals.

Spoiler: Mechs

August 15th, 1940

The ships were the first to leave, 1,000s of landing craft filled with men and woman mages and mundane side by side. They were escorted by a large detachment of the Royal Navy, joining the regular navy was old enchanted warships that had been seized.

Planes then filled the sky, thunderbirds were the first air support to arrive bombing and firing upon the airfield and defense on the coast.

In France word was given for the Resistance to rise up against their Nazi invaders, Veela would be the first to fight they in their full magical forms burn the Nazis alive.

But outside of the main battle fleet and the fighting in Paris on the island of Drumcolm a cannon 6 stories tall was loaded and aimed at the Norman Coast, with it Rockets topped with suborbital drop pods And at exactly 6:30 Am the gun batteries on the British coast fired and Drumcolm joined the shells would land before the noise was heard.

The Shells upon impact would set the coast alight in Magical Napalm that would only go out after the war was finally over. The Mechs would land on the coast first they would cause mass confusion on the Nazi side, before they knew it the Mechs Charged the defensive line.

The Naval Landing followed right after capitalizing the mech Landing would swarm the coast and begin the take the first mile of land. This is when the defense began organize, Nazis empowered my their mages began to fire on the British.

That is when my mech (Liberty Prime) landed, it had been made in the Celestial Workshop And developed using Tau and Fallout knowledge And enchanted with the magic of both DND and Hp.

Spoiler: Liberty Prime

Liberty prime then rang out for the entirety of Normandy to hear

"Liberty Prime is online."

"All systems nominal."

"Weapons: hot."

And finally "Democracy....is non-negotiable." And a bright red beam of energy dusted a 20 Nazis in a single blow and began its march into France.