
Starting from zero in the mind space with a system

A man transmigrates into the body of an evil wizard that’s about to be banished to the mind realm.

woodle · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


In the late hours of the afternoon a young man dressed in a suit and tie walked out of an office building. He let out a long sigh before shouting out loud "I did it! I got the job!" People stared at him as they walked by on the busy sidewalk, but he didn't seem to care. He loosened his tie and began walking home with a skip in his step. "I'm finally getting out of this slump." He said to himself before noticing something fall onto the pavement beside him. "Oh! What's this?" He bent closer to the glimmering object. "Looks like a brass coin or something? Well isn't today just my lucky day!" He was extremely fond of nick-naks so he very quickly picked up the emblem and slipped it into his shirt pocket. "Man I'm on a roll today!"

His phone buzzed from his suit pocket. He pulled it out to look at the notification, and what he saw made him stop in his tracks with his open in a wide stupid grin. "Sarah asked me out on a date!" He screamed in his mind. He was on cloud nine all the way home. When he finally reached his apartment the sun had almost set entirely. He decided to go to sleep early today so that he would be ready for his new job tomorrow. He took the coin from his pocket and placed it on his bedside table next to his new alarm clock. He swiftly changed into his pajamas and crawled into his bed before sleeping happily, thinking of his constantly improving fortune.

However as he slept the coin began to glow an eerie green, and strange voices emanated from it. His pleasant dreams were interrupted and he sprang to consciousness, however he could not move a muscle. As he began to panic he heard a voice "Damn archmages forcing me to use such a foul technique! I'm sorry friend. If there was another way I would do it but they have forced my hands. By now our fortunes and souls have been swapped. Good luck to you brother, you'll need it." This did little to calm Him down. "What?! What's that supposed to mean!? Hey! Hello!? Anyone!?" He cried in his mind but no one answered his pleas. And so he waited nervously until he felt something hit his stomach with great force. "Get up necromancer scum!" He felt his hands pulled up by metal cuffs, he opened his eyes to see his wrists were worn into a bloody mess. He saw that he was incredibly thin, little more than skin and bones. He was pulled strongly forward by a man in shining silver armor. "Move maggot! You aren't the only one being punished today!" He tried to protest but he felt something metallic and sharp poke the inside of his mouth. He noticed that there was a spiked ball in his mouth was attached to a heavy helmet he was wearing. The man in armor violently led him out of the dinghy room and down a hall. As he walked his feet ached and his dry eyes failed to water. Eventually he was led into what appeared to be the center of a massive colosseum, as he walked out the man in armor pushed him out first. The moment he stepped out of the passage and into the brightly illuminated circular stage boos and sneers rang out from all directions. He was hit in the face hard by something soft and mushy, he moved his hands over to wipe off whatever hit him. "SILENCE!" He jumped, startled by the sudden booming voice. The crowd settled down shortly after. "WE ARE HERE TODAY TO SERVE JUSTICE TO THE WICKED AND LAWLESS NECROMANCER LUCIOS GRANT!" The throng of people erupted into cheers after the loud voice said this. "IT HAS BEEN UNANIMOUSLY DECIDED THAT THE ONLY PROPER METHOD FOR PUNISHING ONE WHO DEFILES THE SANCTITY OF DEATH IS TO DENY IT FROM HIM FOR ALL ETERNITY!" The peoples roar became almost louder than the voice itself. "LUCIOS GRANT HAS BEEN SENTENCED TO BANISHMENT INTO THE PLAIN OF MIND WHERE HE WILL BE FORCED TO RELIEVE HIS WORST MEMORIES FOREVER UNTIL THE END OF TIME!"

After the voice said this a red light appeared from on his helmet, soon after he became overwhelmed by the constant influx of every negative memory he ever experienced. Every traumatic event, every uncomfortable situation, and, every pain echoed in his head and he was helpless to stop it. He barely noticed when he was lifted up and placed into what appeared to be the center of some sort of magic circle. Several robed figures approached the circle and began chanting as he curled into the fetal position. The circle began to glow brighter and brighter until he felt the light consume him entirely followed by the sensation of free fall.


-large amounts of mind energy detected-

-initializing the mind over matter system-

-reading host's memories-

-analyzing data-

-emergency detected-

-initiating mental blockade-

-Mind Over Mater System-

-Name: Lucas Grant-

-Titles: Heretic, Evil wizard, Mad genesis, Necromancer, Villain-

-Race: Human-

-Class: None lvl. 1-

-Hp: 2/10-

-Mp: 0/0-

-Pp: 1000/1000-

-Status: Cursed (SSS mind break), mind blank X, malnourished, dehydrated, immortal?-

-STR: 5 (-2)-

-CON: 5 (-3)-

-DEX: 5 (-3)-

-INT: 10 (-7)-

-WIS: 6 (-1)-

-CHA: 8 (-30)-

-ATK: F-

-DEF: F-




-Skills: identify (active), mental energy absorption (passive), Mind Over Matter (active), psyonic talent (passive)-

The horrific pain he had been experiencing was suddenly diminished to a bearable degree. He wept as the traumatic experience began to fade. He stayed still balled up for an indeterminate amount of time until he gained the confidence to look around. Seeing only a white void all around him he began to wonder what was happening.


-Materialized psychic energy: when the density of psychic energy reaches a certain threshold it begins to behave like physical matter.-

-Recommendation: Psychic energy can be manipulated by using the skill: Mind Over Matter-

Information about what is surrounding him floods his addled mind. "Slow down I don't understand!" He closes his eyes and tries taking deep breaths. He very slowly calms down. "Okay so I can use my mind over matter skill to do something with this psychic stuff. Right but how do I do that?"


-Mind Over Matter: A skill that can only be obtained by the most powerful of psychics, allowing the manipulation and manifestation of psychic energy to affect reality. Such as: telekinesis, teleportation, and matter creation.-

-Recommendation: To access an active system skill focus on the space between your eyes while thinking of the skill and the skill will become second nature to you.-

He followed the recommendation to the letter and was amazed by the information that entered his mind so gently. "Whoa… as long as I have enough psychic power I can essentially control reality itself, and I'm essentially surrounded by the stuff. Let's just test it out first before I get carried away." With a force of will he felt a shift in his momentum as he pulled himself about using the energy around him. "Telekinesis check!" He then focused really hard on just being somewhere else and after a Herculean effort he felt a sudden jolt of nausea and could feel the turbulent cloud of energy that he had been surrounding him was a good distance away. "That was unpleasant but that's teleportation confirmed. Now for something much more exciting." He began pulling as much psychic energy as he could reach and condensed it all while maintaining an image in his mind. A long time passed while he focused on his task. A storm of swirling energy flowed into the ever condensing psychic power. He would have gritted his teeth if the spiked ball wasn't in the way. Eventually with a mental "Pop!" A bottle of water appeared right in the middle of the psychic vortex. "Finally!" He desperately reached for the bottle and swiftly began chugging the water. The metal gag got in the way a bit but he continued anyway.

-The dehydrated status has been removed-

-Level up-

-Please choose a class to level up-

-Psyconaught: An esper type class that specializes in moving through mental spaces such as the minds of others or their own.-

-Crafter: An unspecialized crafting type class. The first step in any crafters journey.-

-Spacial Acolyte: A magic type class that specializes in spacial magic. The very first step for any aspiring spacial magician.-