
Starting Dual Cultivation Sect

on pause, (while this work goes on hiatus read - Starting With The Ancient Refinement Body) "On the Martial Dao path, everyone strives to reach the martial pinnacle. After buying a dragon jade, I transmigrated to the Cultivation World, cool, right? The good thing is that I'm in my original body and have a lineage of the Primordial Dragon. Upon arriving in this world, a man who is actually a woman recommended me to a dual cultivation sect."

MyLittleSleepy · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Immortal World

At this moment, you can see a young man observing a green jade. His name is Long Yu.

The jade he's observing is one he bought earlier to help the stall owner.

After observing for a while, he stopped and put the jade around his neck. After that, Long Yu went to prepare dinner.

While preparing dinner, Long Yu cut his finger.

Quickly, Long Yu went to bandage his bleeding finger. However, he didn't realize that a drop of blood fell on the jade. At the moment this happened, the jade emitted a bright green light, and Long Yu disappeared.

Long Yu appeared again in a lush forest, with towering peaks and vibrant green vegetation, along with various animals.

"What?" Long Yu was startled. Just a moment ago, he was in his house, and now, suddenly, he was there.

Long Yu finally cleared his mind and looked at the dragon jade. The jade was now light green.

As Long Yu was about to check what was happening, a person flew by in the sky on a sword.

"????" Long Yu was confused.

"Is this an immortal world?" Long Yu had read many cultivation novels, and upon seeing that woman flying, he had no doubt: he was in an immortal world.

Long Yu was excited for this world of new possibilities.

Long Yu didn't miss Earth much; after all, he was an orphan there. The only problem would be the manga and anime he hadn't finished.

"Darn it, I wanted to see the end of the stretching pirate. Will they find the One Piece?" Long Yu thought quickly.

Long Yu stopped thinking and played "eeny, meeny, miny, moe" to decide where to start exploring. After a while, Long Yu walked straight ahead, observing everything in this fantastic new world.

After a while, Long Yu spotted a man coming his way. Curious, he stopped the man.

"Excuse me, sir, can you help me with information about this place?"

The man looked at Long Yu, who was wearing strange clothes, but didn't think much of it. In the world of immortality, strange things are commonplace.

"Are you heading to the Yin Yang Sect?" The man asked with a sleepy expression.

Long Yu was curious: was it a cultivation sect? Eagerly, he replied:


The man looked at Long Yu with a strange expression; he only mentioned it to see what Long Yu would do.

The Yin Yang Sect the man mentioned was a dual cultivation sect that was currently accepting disciples.

"Where is it?" Long Yu asked.

"Keep going straight, pass by a lake, and walk 30 kilometers to the right. There you will see the Yin Yang Sect."

Long Yu thanked the man and headed towards the Yin Yang Sect. He walked ahead, and after about 10 minutes, he saw a lake.

Arriving at the lake, he washed his face and took out the dragon jade again. This time, he wanted to use his blood to see what would happen.

He bit his finger and let the blood drip. At the moment the blood dropped, the jade emitted a bright green light and entered Long Yu's body.

"What?" Before Long Yu could think, he felt a pain like a thousand needles piercing his body. As he screamed, his body underwent impressive changes. His short black hair grew long, his eyes turned green, a beautiful emerald green, and his bones became stronger.

After 30 minutes, the pain finally passed. Long Yu stood up, looked into the water, and was shocked. Was it himself? Long Yu now had a beautiful appearance, with long black hair and green eyes.

After a while, Long Yu realized something: during his transformation, his clothes tore, and now he was naked.

When Long Yu panicked, he saw the man again. The man, seeing this, was surprised: why was there a naked man here?

Long Yu, embarrassed, said: "Hi again. Could you lend me some clothes?"

The man quickly turned red and handed a white cloak to Long Yu.

Long Yu was surprised: wasn't he a man? Why did he look like a girl? He put on the clothes again and went to confirm something.

"Are you a man?" Long Yu asked.

"Yes," the man replied.

Long Yu pulled him.


"Really," Long Yu couldn't believe it. According to clichés, this man was probably a woman disguised as a man.

As he pulled him, Long Yu noticed a ring. He took the ring off the man's finger, and poof, the man turned into a beautiful woman, with black hair and pink eyes. Seeing this, Long Yu confirmed that the novels really didn't lie.

"Sorry," said Long Yu.

"What? You ruin my disguise and apologize now?" The woman didn't understand.

"I just wanted to confirm if the novels I read were real," Long Yu smiled; it was an extremely beautiful smile.

The woman was shocked: this guy was weird, totally weird. She even forgot what Long Yu did.

Long Yu, like a gentleman, took the ring and put it back on her finger.

"?" The woman didn't understand.

"What's your name?" Long Yu finally asked.

The woman, still confused, replied:

"Mei Lin," she answered, shocked. She really didn't understand this man in front of her.

"Your name doesn't lie; you really are a beautiful jade."

"Thank you," Mei Lin replied, embarrassed.

Then, he said, "If it's fate, we'll see each other again." Long Yu crossed the lake and headed towards the Yin Yang Sect.

The woman, looking at Long Yu's back, wondered if she would meet this guy again.

Long Yu walked through the forest, his long black hair flowing in the wind. After 30 minutes, Long Yu emerged from the forest.

As he emerged from the forest, the towering trees parted, revealing a path of ancient stones, partially covered in moss and wildflowers.

He, a man with long black hair cascading softly over his shoulders, had emerald eyes that shone with an almost supernatural intensity. He was incredibly handsome, with fine features and a magnetic presence, despite being just a mortal.

As he advanced along the path, the soft sound of a nearby stream and the distant song of spiritual birds created an almost sacred atmosphere.

Finally, rounding a bend in the path, Long Yu came upon the imposing gate of the Sect. The gates were huge, made of black wood reinforced with gleaming metals and adorned with intricate symbols and ancient runes that radiated a faint luminescence.

Stone guardians in the shape of eternal dragons flanked the entrance, their carved eyes seeming to follow every move of the newcomer.

Long Yu hesitated for a moment, admiring the majesty of the gate and feeling the importance of the moment. He took a deep breath, adjusted his posture, and advanced with steady steps.