
Starting at forever and ending at never

7 years ago Henry Li met Liya when he attended an exchange program at her univeristy. They became close to each other, forming a relationship that cannot be labelled. Before they can even settle their affection, Henry left without saying goodbye. 7 years later, Liya has been outsourced by a multinational company to collaborate with a Chinese company for a potential partnership. What would happen if they're path meet again? Would they settle their unfinish business? When Liya found out that the reason for Henry's sudden departure years back is a 7 year old little bun, would she accept it? Not everyone is lucky enough to get a second chance, no matter if it’s life or love, so how lucky could one be to get both at the same time?

elcee_arti · Urbain
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2 Chs

The Partnership

Not everyone is lucky enough to get a second chance, no matter if it's life or love, so how lucky could one be to get both at the same time?

No matter how many times he needs to check his watch, it won't change the fact that he's already running late for his meeting. Lisa called him last night to inform him about the meeting with their partner from Denmark. It was supposed to be just an online meeting, but the company representative happened to have finished their business in China and decided to hold a last-minute meeting with their company.

This partnership is a turning point in his company's project in Sustainable Mapping since Denmark is in the forefront within Smart City Sustainability. Of course, there's also a personal motive involve in focusing on Danish companies.

He took a quick shower and quickly change to his business attire. If there's no traffic, from his apartment to their company it would only take 15 minutes. He's just counting on luck that traffic at 1 in the afternoon on a Monday isn't bad. It was already half past 12 when he went down on the garage parking. If he would have known earlier that he can't even have a bite to eat, he would have ordered some airplane food or grab a sandwich at the airport.

He arrived at the company 10 minutes before 1, went up directly to his office for a briefing with Lisa, his secretary. He is lucky enough to bring her along with him when he started his own company. He had been her assistant since he worked at his father's company 4 years ago. He decided to leave his position and focus on his own company 2 years ago. But, after 4 months, Lisa will finally leave her position and become a Project Manager, she will start with this Danish project as soon as it will commence.

"You're lucky, they just called that they are running a little late," Lisa met him by the elevator as soon as he arrived.

"Late? For the Danish is probably only 10 minutes unforeseen circumstance," of course, how can he not be familiar with the Danish concept of punctuality.

"They found a new liaison. The one we have been coordinating to since last year just had a maternity leave, so they outsource a Project Manager in her stead," informed Lisa.

"Do we know anything about this person? You know it's important to have a common understanding with our project. How could they outsource someone with this kind of important project? Do they think that it's not as important as their other projects?"

He's disappointed. They are just starting with their plans, and they gave the responsibility of this project to someone outside their own company? How good could this person be, to be entrusted with such a project?

"They are already downstairs," after talking on her phone, Lisa notified. "I've prepared Conference Room 2, there's only 3 of them."

"Ok. I'll just make a call to clarify some stuff in their HQ." He won't let this pass. What made him coordinate with Maptitude in Denmark for this project is also because Lars the CEO is a common friend. He assured him before signing the contract that he would prioritize this project, that's why he didn't hesitate with 50/50 share.

After 2 rings, the call was answered.

"Henry, I would assume that this is an urgent call, since you are disregarding the fact that it's no longer work hour here in Denmark," greeted the other line.

Of course, he knew that he's probably having dinner or having his rest in the evening already.

"What's up with the change of Project Manager?" He got direct to the point.

"Oh, that. Have you met her?"

"I'm about to have a meeting with them, imagine my surprise when I was told that Stine is no longer your liaison. I am not even going to say anything about this last-minute meeting that you demanded…"

"So, you haven't met yet, why are you so annoyed? You haven't even known if our new representative is up to your standard. I assure you; she is as much qualified as Stine. Although, she's just with us for 3 months. She has known about this project since the start," there's a hint of taunting in his voice.

"I called just to tell you; this is not the end of this topic. I will meet with your representative now and I will let you know how we'll go on with this."

"I hope you still remember to call after your meeting, I can't wait."

Although, he is puzzled as to why Lars sounded smug, he prepared himself to the meeting. He is on his way to Room 2 when he received Lisa's call.

"Boss, they are not up yet. They are held up downstairs, it's lunch break so there's probably a lot of people on the line to come up."

If Lisa didn't bring the topic about lunch, he wouldn't have noticed his growling stomach. Being hungry and infuriated with the news at the same time made him look and feel unpleasant. So, when the elevator opened, his disbelief cannot be denied. He squinted his eyes and pursed his lips when he finally realized why Lars' last statement came about.

Among the 3 people that came out from the elevator is someone he would have never expected to see after almost a year. She definitely knew this project from the beginning not from Lars' company, not even from his own company, but from him personally.

Ma Liya. After 7 years, how is she here?