Vanquish the dark gods, banish the dragon, and defend the land of Avoner. Messenger of Light: "Darkness be gone, for only light shall remain." Apostle of Gaia: "Destruction is rebirth; all things must perish." Limon Darwin: "Light and darkness coexist; true power lies in balance." The tale of a sinner’s adventure and battles in another world—hero or demon, only time will tell.
Not far ahead of him, a dilapidated church stood in the forest. In the dim surroundings, it exuded an air of gloom.
The church was sizable, in fact, quite large, with its tallest spire reaching no less than fifty meters.
When had it materialized?
Limon was certain he hadn't laid eyes on this church before. Mere moments ago, it was nonexistent, yet now, it had abruptly emerged.
All these uncanny occurrences made Limon's expression turn solemn. Although he was clueless about what was transpiring, it surely boded ill.
Without a second thought, Limon spun around and made to leave...
This place was a trifle eerie, and he needed to devise a long-term strategy.
Limon desired to depart, but something had other plans.
The instant he pivoted and took a few steps, commotion erupted around him.
Amidst the churning of the soil, hideous undead clambered out one after another.