
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 9 The king dies

On Lingshan Mountain.

There were two big guys sitting in a room.

One Tathagata, one Bodhi.

"I have already asked Guanyin to do what you said. The Lingming Stone Monkey was born five hundred years too late. We cannot waste hundreds of years by letting him stay in Huaguo Mountain."

"So, I will arrange for people to push Shihou to go to Fangcun Mountain to learn skills, and guarantee that people will go to Fangcun Mountain within three years."

After hearing Tathagata's words, Bodhi nodded and felt relieved.

The Stone Monkey was five hundred years late, so now, they need to get the Stone Monkey into the routine as soon as possible, start learning skills, causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace, suppressing, rescuing, and heading west.

"That's fine, I'll go back and wait."

Bodhi nodded and left directly.

Originally, Bodhi came to see Tathagata because he felt that since Stone Monkey was born five hundred years later, everything must be speeded up, otherwise things would be troublesome if something unexpected happened.

At this time, Sun Xiaokong, who was busy practicing in the Water Curtain Cave, had no idea that these two shameless men had begun to speed up their tricks on him.

In the original work, after the stone monkey lived in Huaguo Mountain for three to five hundred years, he saw old monkeys dying one after another, and thought that he would die eventually, so he went to learn the art of immortality from his teacher.

But now, Tathagata and Bodhi obviously did not give Sun Xiaokong a chance to be free and unrestrained, and planned to let him become a disciple as soon as possible.


Early the next morning, while Sun Xiaokong was still practicing, he heard a group of monkeys yelling.

"Come quickly, the king has passed away."

"Get up soon, the king has passed away."

"Someone is coming quickly!"

"My King, why did you leave so suddenly? You have only been King for a day..."

Sun Xiaokong heard the noise and came out of the remote cave.

Among a group of monkeys, some were sad, some were in tears, and some were even ready to become the second generation Monkey King.

From time to time, monkeys come from all over the place, and they all look confused. "Okay, why do you just give up and leave?"

Sun Xiaokong also felt strange. It wasn't that coincidental, was it?

After thinking about it, Sun Xiaokong stepped forward and checked, but found nothing wrong.

The old monkey had no injuries or anything, and he walked away quite peacefully.

Another old monkey, seeing the suspicion on the faces of all the monkeys, said: "Don't think too much, the monkey flute is just that the normal life span has expired."

As he spoke, the old monkey explained: "A few of us are almost three hundred years old, and we may go at any time. Don't make us sad."

Only then did Sun Xiaokong know that the tool monkey was called the Monkey Flute.

However, these are obviously not what Sun Xiaokong worries about. Regardless of whether the old monkey dies or not, and what to do after death, he is not very interested in the Monkey King.

It's better to continue practicing. After working hard last night, Sun Xiaokong has successfully evolved a cell to the Earth Immortal level.

In other words, Sun Xiaokong's current strength is already twice that of an Earth Immortal.

Sun Xiaokong felt that if he continued like this, he would be able to smooth out Tathagata's bumps in a short time.

Just when Sun Xiaokong was about to leave, a monkey suddenly grabbed Sun Xiaokong.

"What's your business?"

Sun Xiaokong looked at the other party with some confusion.

Sun Xiaokong felt a little strange looking at this monkey. Logically speaking, except for the four monkeys, Sun Xiaokong felt nothing when looking at the other monkeys.

Sun Xiaokong had seen all four monkeys last night and confirmed them.

Four monkeys that look like humans.

The two red-collared monkeys are the two female monkeys who gave themselves bananas and peaches. The one who brought the bananas to themselves is called the big monkey, and the other one is called the small monkey.

The other two were Tongback apes called by the monkey group from other places, and they were already quite a bit older.

One is called Tongbei Monkey, and the other is called Old Ape.

Although the monkey holding him in front of him was not as human-like as the monkey, Sun Xiaokong felt that he was very strange.

"What are you going to do?" the monkey holding Sun Xiaokong asked.

Sun Xiaokong said calmly: "Go back to sleep. It's still so early. Why don't you sleep?"

After speaking, Sun Xiaokong turned around and left.

I really returned to a remote cave and fell asleep with my eyes closed.

Of course, it's not really sleeping, but entering into cultivation.

Sun Xiaokong's practice is just like sleeping normally, relaxing the body and letting his consciousness wander in the body.

The spiritual consciousness in the body is like staying in a vast universe, and every cell is like a star.

In this sea of stars, use your own cultivation power to activate, strengthen, and evolve every star, that is, a cell.

Ahem, the monkey holding Sun Xiaokong was definitely not an ordinary monkey.

But what Guanyin changed was to accelerate Sun Xiaokong's desire for power and immortality, and encourage him to quickly become the Monkey King and learn skills from his master.

At this time, Guanyin was also speechless. The Monkey King is dead, and the next step must be to elect the next Monkey King.

Why doesn't this Stone Monkey care at all?

The first generation of monkey king died, and the monkeys just dug a few holes and buried him.

Next, several old monkeys discussed with a group of monkeys how to elect the next generation of Monkey King.

If it were before, maybe it would be okay not to choose.

Now there are thousands of monkeys gathered in Shuiliandong. Without a monkey king to lead them, they will definitely fall into chaos.

"Tell me, Who should be our next generation monkey king?"

The monkeys scratched their heads and scratched their heads after listening to the words of one of the old monkeys, not knowing what to do.

"I think we should follow the previous method. Whoever can jump up from below will be our new Monkey King."

Needless to say, the person who made the suggestion was a monkey transformed by Guanyin.

"Okay, I think it's okay."

Listening to Guanyin's words, the big horse monkey who had brought Sun Xiaokong here seconded his opinion.


A few old monkeys looked at each other in embarrassment. The Water Curtain Cave waterfall is so high, I am afraid that not one of the monkeys in the group can jump up.

The monkeys who were preparing to challenge for the position of the Monkey King were a little discouraged when they heard this.

They really don't have the ability to jump up.

"Do you think anyone can do it?"

An old monkey looked at the big horse monkey and asked.

"I think that Stone Monkey is good, we can let him try." Da Mahou supported Sun Xiaokong.

Maybe it's because she's still craving for Sun Xiaokong's body.

"Stone monkey?"

"Who is it? Come out and take a look?"

Later, when some monkeys heard the name Stone Monkey, they felt a little strange because they didn't recognize him.

Guanyin, who was beside the big horse monkey, felt a little comfortable. The big horse monkey was good at last-hitting, so he didn't need to say anything else.

"Stone Monkey...he's not here. I'll call him over. Just wait!" Da Mahou said a few words and ran to find Sun Xiaokong.

When the monkeys saw the big monkey calling for someone, they shook their heads, feeling that it was not very reliable.

Sun Xiaokong, who was practicing in the cave, was interrupted by the big horse monkey. Before he could ask any questions, he was pulled out by the big horse monkey.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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