
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 8 Supreme Yu Hua Jue

The reason why Sun Xiaokong was anxious was not because he was curious about what was inside the Water Curtain Cave.

But Sun Xiaokong couldn't help but go inside to find a place to start practicing his Supreme Yuhua Art.

The mission this time is simply perfect. I will practice the Supreme Yu Hua Jue in seclusion by myself without going to be a disciple.

Then I got the magical power, which is so awesome.

When all the monkeys heard Sun Xiaokong talking about climbing up the Water Curtain Cave, they all became playful. They jumped over one by one and lay down along the tree vines.

Even the two monkeys and the old monkey didn't think so much anymore and started to be curious about the Water Curtain Cave.

Just now, the old monkey was just looking for a tree vine to come down from, and didn't even look carefully into the hole.

After Sun Xiaokong and a group of monkeys entered.

There is no water or waves in Shuilian Cave, just a clear bridge.

Look carefully, you can see an iron bridge. The water under the bridge rushes through the stone holes, flows out upside down, and blocks the bridge door.

Sun Xiaokong walked up to the bridge and looked again. It looked like there was someone living in the water curtain cave.

There is a stone house inside, with stone pots and stoves, stone bowls and basins, stone beds and stone benches. On a stone tablet in the middle, there is an inscription "Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave and Heaven".

Seeing this, Sun Xiaokong also scratched his head for a while. When he read Journey to the West, Sun Xiaokong felt that the Water Curtain Cave was not simple. Looking at it now, it was definitely a secluded residence for a big boss.

The old monkey smiled and said: "This is really a safe place. It is spacious inside and can accommodate thousands of families, old and young. We all live here, and we don't have to suffer from God's anger. There is a place to hide here when the wind blows, and when it rains Good for shelter."

After hearing this, all the monkeys nodded happily.

After hesitating for a moment, he started to fight for the basin, the bowl, the stove and the bed, moving them here and there. It perfectly describes the naughty nature of monkeys.

Although Sun Xiaokong was also very happy, it was not because of the Water Curtain Cave, but because of the Supreme Yu Hua Jue in his mind.

The chaotic village is as dense as an egg,

The sky is dimly filled with silence.

The characteristic of the Supreme Yu Hua Jue is to continuously absorb the power of heaven, earth, and the universe to strengthen and evolve every cell in the body.

Cultivation and evolution of cells without limit.

Just like the cultivators in Xianxia novels, everyone practices the golden elixir, and then breaks the elixir to become a baby, transform into a god... and finally open up the world, or even higher.

Some genius monsters may have two golden elixirs, or several golden elixirs.

And Sun Xiaokong is amazing.

A simple understanding is that there are 60 trillion golden elixirs at the same time, and these golden elixirs can eventually become a world.

What the hell?

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaokong was stunned. This seemed to be a bit of a trap. Everything was mutual, even though he was practicing with his cells as a golden elixir.

Then it is equivalent to the same Nascent Soul cultivation level. The combat power of others is one, while my own combat power is sixty trillion.

Similarly, if others practice for one day, you need to practice for 60 trillion days?

I'm so depressed.

For a moment, Sun Xiaokong was also very upset. The products produced by the system shouldn't be so unreliable, right?

"System, shouldn't my cultivation be particularly slow?"


[The host does not need to worry too much. The Supreme Yu Hua Jue first needs to understand the 60 trillion cells in his body and gradually evolve them.]

[Furthermore, the host is cultivating normally and improving the main body's cultivation level.]

[The star cells in the body do not need to be cultivated deliberately, they will evolve on their own as the strength increases.]

[It will not affect the host's cultivation progress.]

After hearing what the system said, Sun Xiaokong was relieved.

However, before acquiring magical powers, you cannot practice your main cultivation for the time being, lest your breakthrough be noticed as abnormal.

The old monkey thought for a while and looked at the other monkeys and said, "I don't think we can live in such a big cave. It's better to inform the other companions and let's live together."

After listening to the old monkey's words, the monkeys scratched their heads and thought for a while before replying: "Okay!"

"But they have to worship you as their king."

"Yes, whoever worships our king as king, we will share the blessed land with them."

Sun Xiaokong didn't have any objections to these. Now he just wanted to find a remote small cave, squat in it and start practicing.

After all, only if you are strong enough, you will not be afraid of the calculations of those above.

After seeing many monkeys running out to find their companions, Sun Xiaokong found a remote cave in the Water Curtain Cave and started practicing.

Now in order to avoid the suspicion of the gods and Buddhas of the three realms, Sun Xiaokong can only practice to activate these star cells first.

If you are self-taught without a teacher and your major is improved, then it will not make sense.

The first step to activate cultivation is to understand the trillions of cells in the body.

After realizing this, Sun Xiaokong was still quite confused.

Others practice to understand the Dantian and understand the Qi, pulses, internal energy, spiritual energy, etc. in the body.

As for the perception cells, it is obviously not that difficult. Without the ancient supreme body specially modified by the system, ordinary people would not be able to practice it even if they have this kind of divine power.


In the main hall, King Chu Jiang, who was meditating with squinted eyes, seemed to feel something and opened his eyes suddenly.

When he saw the person coming in front of him, he stood up quickly and shouted: "Welcome to Master Guanyin."

Guanyin smiled and said: "King Chujiang, you don't have to be polite. I came to you to ask for something."

King Chu Jiang frowned and felt a little confused. What could Guanyin do to him?

Although the Buddhist Ksitigarbha is also in the underworld, the underworld is actually under the control of the great emperor.

That is, Emperor Fengdu.

To put it simply, Emperor Fengdu is a big boss who is absolutely worthy of Tathagata and the Jade Emperor.

"I wonder if there is anything you need help from, Sir?" King Chu Jiang asked.

It was obviously no small matter to get Guanyin to speak. King Chu Jiang did not dare to agree easily.

Guanyin looked at the ghost in the main hall and said, "Please take a step to speak."

King Chu Jiang nodded and looked at the ghost generals, who said goodbye and left directly.

After seeing that everyone had left, Guanyin waved his hand and made a barrier to block the sound, and said, "You should know that there are more variables in the journey to the west."

"Now this matter cannot be delayed any longer and must be accelerated, so I would like to ask you..."

Next, Guanyin told the story about the stone monkey not becoming the monkey king and the plan to finish the old monkey's role in advance.

King Chu Jiang was stunned and looked very embarrassed.

"Master, I'm afraid this matter won't be easy to handle. If the Jade Emperor knows about it, even the Great Emperor won't be able to protect me."

Guanyin smiled, feeling contemptuous in her heart: "Just pretend to be like me, don't you brothers do this kind of thing often?"

"I owe you a favor, okay?" Guanyin paused and said.


King Chu Jiang's eyes lit up, there was nothing wrong with this at all.

The favor of Guanyin Bodhisattva is definitely not small.

Although Guanyin has not yet become a Buddha, his magical power and status and relationships in the three realms are definitely superior, much more powerful than him, the Tenth Palace of Hell.

Guanyin nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble King Chu Jiang. If you want to do this..."

After telling King Chu Jiang about his inner plan, Guanyin left the underworld.

King Chu Jiang was also happy after Guanyin left.

What Guanyin said is to ask the underworld to help cooperate and promote the accelerating monkey to become the monkey king, and then learn the skills as soon as possible.

King Chu Jiang and his brothers had already begun to prepare this plan. After all, they needed the monkey to come and cause trouble in the underworld as soon as possible.

Destroy all those messy accounts.

Now it's like Guanyin has given herself a favor in vain.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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