
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 5: Being greedy by the female monkey?

"No wonder I jumped so high just by jumping casually. That's it."

After Sun Xiaokong muttered something, his heart suddenly tightened and he asked: "System, was I too high-profile just now?"

"After all, you are just born now, and your talent is so good, will you be strangled in the cradle?"

"Any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!"


[The system has long blocked the secrets of the host. In the eyes of others, the host's talent is just an innate spiritual body from the prehistoric times of this world.]


Sun Xiaokong was drunk after listening to the system's words. The rare innate spirit body from the ancient times appeared in the Journey to the West era, which is enough to make people jealous, right?

However, according to what the system means, my ancient supreme body is even more powerful than those innate creatures from the prehistoric times.

While Sun Xiaokong was in a daze communicating with the system, a monkey ran over and handed Sun Xiaokong a banana.

The monkey's face was a little shy, and his eyes showed an ambiguous look, a bit like he wanted to have a partner.

"Shall I wipe it?"

Female monkey?


Sun Xiaokong was stunned for a moment. Looking at the monkey in front of him, his head hurt for a moment.

"What's your name? Why haven't I seen you before?" the female monkey asked.

Sun Xiaokong was even more confused. Any monkey can spit out fragrance... Oh no, spit out human language?

Is the mythical world so sixty?

But why are you just talking, why are you peeking at me?

Thinking about it, Sun Xiaokong himself felt a little embarrassed. He just jumped out of the stone and didn't even have anything to cover his body.

No wonder this female monkey keeps looking at her body.


Opening his mouth, Sun Xiaokong was suddenly startled and ran towards the seaside.

Under the reflection of the sea water, Sun Xiaokong was stunned.

He really has become a monkey, but the appearance of the monkey played by someone like that is not much different from his previous life, and he is still as handsome.

If he shaves his hair cleanly, he will look like a human being, and he will still be at the level of a handsome guy.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaokong also accepted it with relief.

He is afraid that he will turn into an ordinary monkey, or have a hairy face and a thunderous mouth...that would be embarrassing.

The female monkey also ran over and looked at Sun Xiaokong curiously.

Sun Xiaokong looked at the monkey in front of him carefully and felt that this monkey was a little strange.

It stands to reason that an ordinary monkey looks like an ordinary monkey.

As for the female monkey in front of him, Sun Xiaokong felt that she was similar to him, and she also had a particularly human-like appearance.

"Is it possible that this is also one of the four great monkeys?"

For a moment, Sun Xiaokong felt a little confused.

"You don't have a home yet? You can come back with me and join us." The female monkey looked at Sun Xiaokong's confused look and said.

"Join you?" Sun Xiaokong was speechless.

I'm so afraid of you coveting my body. After all, I'm a human being.

Even if I jump from here, I will never join.

"Yes, join us. We can play together and look for fruits to eat together." The female monkey said while holding a banana in her hand for Sun Xiaokong.

Sun Xiaokong was speechless. I will never mess with monkeys. I am a human being...

"I won't add..."


[The rising life begins when I am no longer the Monkey King in Water Curtain Cave.]

[Following the monkeys to find the Water Curtain Cave in the Flower and Fruit Mountain does not make you the Monkey King. (Note: The counter-routine does not mean simply saying no.)]

[Mission reward: Supreme Yu Hua Jue.]


Sun Xiaokong was a little strange. This task seemed simple, but there seemed to be another mystery behind it.

Looking at the notes in the system, it's not something you can do just by refusing to be the Monkey King.

"Can the system give you a little explanation? This..."

[In other words, when the host follows the plot and fate inevitably happens to you, you don't just reject it, you go against the routine.]

[One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi - the Supreme Universe Transformation Art. It is about cultivating the 60 trillion cells in the body, and each cell can be cultivated into a world.]

Damn it!


Sun Xiaokong was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

Cultivation of body cells, one cell, one world?

Then you really have mastered it, what kind of bullshit saint you are, you just stabbed him to death with one finger.

What kind of mess is it that you can ruin the world by just spitting on yourself?

In other words, what kind of bullshit are there three thousand worlds in the universe, but my body has sixty trillion worlds?

This Matt!

Just asking you if you are afraid?

Sun Xiaokong felt like he was drifting away. The Ancient Supreme Body was paired with the Supreme Yuhua Art. Who else could be there?

Can't you go to heaven?

"Why don't you speak?" The female monkey asked after seeing that Sun Xiaokong remained silent for a long time.

Sun Xiaokong didn't pick up the banana. He looked at the other person and replied, "Okay, I'll go back with you first."

According to normal logic, as a human being, how could Sun Xiaokong hang out with a female monkey?

But now that I have a mission, I can only go with the other party.

It smells so good!

"Okay then, you come back with me, we have many companions there..."

The female monkey led Sun Xiaokong towards the woods and started talking.

Sun Xiaokong kept listening, thinking in his mind that the monkeys on the other side should be part of the monkeys and grandchildren in the original Sun Wukong.

And the female monkey next to me is probably either a red-breasted monkey or a monkey.

There is not only Sun Wukong in Huaguo Mountain, there are five monkeys in Huaguo Mountain.

The other four - two red-collared macaques and two thong-branched monkeys.

After following the female monkey for a long time, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net arrived at the base camp of the monkeys at a river.

Next to a river in a forest, this is where the monkeys rest.

Sun Xiaokong was stunned. There were so many little monkeys...

According to visual inspection, there are at least several hundred monkeys.

There is also a female monkey, which is also a bit more like a human monkey.


"What kind of monkey are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Your hair is so beautiful, and you look so good too!"

"You are so strong, people like you so much."

As soon as Sun Xiaokong arrived, the monkeys gathered around, scratched their heads and looked at Sun Xiaokong and asked.

Listening to the monkeys chirping around him, Sun Xiaokong felt his head hurt.

How the hell am I supposed to pretend I'm a monkey?

"Do you eat peaches?"

Another female monkey with an unattractive appearance took two peaches and handed them to Sun Xiaokong.

Sun Xiaokong was a little confused. The monkey in front of him was so similar to the monkey that brought him over from the beach just now!


There are several older monkeys in this group of monkeys.

There are two more human-like monkeys, the ones who brought me here before and the ones who gave me peaches.

Sun Xiaokong felt that he couldn't distinguish the other monkeys.

After hesitating for a moment, Sun Xiaokong looked at the monkeys and replied: "I...Hello, I am the stone monkey that jumped out of the stone."


"Plopped out of a rock?"

"You are so awesome, then who are your parents?"

"Are they rocks or monkeys?"

"Is your mother a stone and your father a monkey?"

"How do stones and monkeys mate???"

Sun Xiaokong: I'm telling you, you're a loser!


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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