
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 41: Patriarch Bodhi feels very sad

As Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to Laojun again.

Laojun also said calmly: "I have been in Tushita Palace."

"To be honest, I think everyone here understands that even if my junior brother and I want to argue about something, there is no need to be so secretive."

What Lao Jun said is powerful.

But there is no way, I have the capital.


Bodhi is really a pain in the ass, if it wasn't you two, who could it be?

However, after Bodhi thought about it carefully, what Laojun said made sense.

Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun are on the same team. Whether it is fighting with the clone in this world or with the true self outside, Laojun will never waste any of his points.

Although the relationship between the Three Purities has collapsed.

But the Bodhi deity, Zhunti Taoist and Jie Yin Taoist team up, and they are not necessarily the opponents of Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.


For a moment, Bodhi thought of reaching heaven...

After thinking about it carefully, I feel that it is very possible.

When Bodhi said "hmm", other people on the scene also thought of this.

However, no one dared to say it out loud.

After hesitating for a moment, Bodhi put away his magical power, looked at Lao Jun and apologized: "Fellow Taoist, I have offended a lot of people today. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter...it's just that I need two pots of ingredients for the elixir..." Laojun looked at Bodhi and said with a frown.


Tathagata was about to say something to Bodhi, but Laojun glared at him and said nothing more.

At the beginning of the Battle of the Gods, Tathagata was still a Taoist priest of Duobao. He was a little wandering and went astray to sneak attack on Lao Jun.

However, Lao Jun said, "A pearl of rice dares to shine..." and he was captured with one move.

Now Tathagata is still a little afraid of being dominated by Laojun.

Bodhi was also helpless and felt really sad.

In this situation, a wave of blood must be drawn out.

Although Laojun is talking about two pots of ingredients,... the most important thing is face.

Is Tushita Palace a joke?

Whoever wants to call can do so?

So in this wave, Bodhi will definitely have to pay the price in blood.

"What fellow Taoist said is that I will definitely prepare a generous gift someday and come here to apologize." After Bodhi finished speaking, he left.

Everyone looked at each other and turned away.

If you don't have anything to eat anymore, why are you still here?

Laojun watched everyone leave, turned back to Tushita Palace, made some calculations secretly, and felt strange in his heart.

"No, there's something weird here..."

Then, Sun Xiaokong, who almost triggered the Quasi-Saint War in the Three Realms,...

I don't know where I flew to at this moment.

To be honest, Sun Xiaokong is now eating noodles in a human country, and the food is quite delicious. As for what kind of place he is in front of him, Sun Xiaokong really doesn't know.

The noodles were so delicious that Sun Xiaokong drank thirty-eight large bowls in one go.


After Tathagata came back, Guanyin stepped forward and asked, "Buddha, what happened?"

Tathagata nodded and said: "Yes, Bodhi's merit and luck were robbed. Stone Monkey learned a skill without becoming a disciple..."

For some reason, Guanyin was not surprised at all when he heard Tathagata's words. Instead, he felt that this was the... normal operation of the Stone Monkey?

"Did those two take action?" Guanyin asked with some confusion.

Tathagata shook his head, saying no, and thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's him."

Speaking of this "him", Guanyin also trembled in her heart. If "he" supports Shihou or accepts Shihou as his disciple, then whoever wants to easily control Shihou in the future will have to think twice.

This time, basically everyone's speculation was placed on the leader of Tongtian.

Maybe they felt that Tongtian was still unhappy about the battle for the gods.

In other words, Tongtian deliberately targeted Bodhi.

"By the way, go and solve the problem of the Huaguo Mountain being frozen. Thank you for your hard work." Tathagata looked at Guanyin and reminded him.

Guanyin nodded, took the jade purification bottle and flew towards the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

This is indeed a bit difficult. Huaguo Mountain has been frozen for more than three years, so many living creatures and spiritual creatures must have suffered.

This requires the divine water in the Guanyin jade bottle.

In the Lingxiao Palace of Heaven.

The Jade Emperor summoned all the immortals and gave them a brief meeting.

"What's going on... We all have a good idea, but this doesn't affect us. We will continue to act as we should."

All the immortals nodded in unison.

Anyway, Stone Monkey has learned the skill, and they don't care who he learned it from.

The next step is to accompany him to act out a big havoc in the Heavenly Palace and the subsequent journey to the west.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea hesitated for a moment, then took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty... I have something to say."

"What's the matter?" Jade Emperor asked with some confusion.

"I...my Dragon Palace's Sea-Dinging Needle...is missing."

"Your Majesty, the chain-locked golden armor I prepared is also... missing."

"And what we have prepared..."

For a moment, all the dragon kings from all over the world spoke.


The Jade Emperor and the immortals were stunned when they heard what the Dragon King of the Four Seas said.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the stone monkey before at the entrance of Xianyue Sanxing Cave not only suddenly gained magical powers, but also gained an extra set of equipment.


For a moment, the Jade Emperor also fell into deep thought.

Dragon King of the Four Seas is also an entry point here.

If the Stone Monkey did not go to the Dragon Palace to retrieve the treasure, then the Dragon King would not be able to file a complaint, and the Jade Emperor would have one less reason to force the Stone Monkey to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

"Is there any problem over there in the underworld?" the Jade Emperor suddenly asked.

The Tenth Palace of Hell is also in the Lingxiao Palace.

Everyone looked at each other, and King Qin Guang said: "Returns to Your Majesty, there is no problem. The big deal is that we will personally take action to seduce the soul."

The Jade Emperor nodded, that's okay.

Taibai Jinxing saw that the Jade Emperor was still thinking about the Dragon King, so he opened his mouth to relieve his worries and said:

"Oh yes, Dragon King, who in the Three Realms doesn't know that the Dinghai Divine Needle belongs to you, Donghai."

"And now that the Sea-Dinging Needle is in Stone Monkey's hand, you can definitely go and get it. All of us can testify that the Sea-Dinging Needle is your treasure from the East China Sea."

Did I get a scratch?

Listening to Taibai Jinxing's words, all the immortals couldn't help but want to give a thumbs up.

You're too much, aren't you?

This logic is really simple.

I've lost something in my house. I won't tell you whether you stole it, but the thing is in your hands and you have to give it back to me...


The Jade Emperor suddenly looked at Taibai Jinxing and praised it.

Of course, it is not unreasonable for Taibai Jinxing to be the most popular person around the Jade Emperor, as well as the "good old man", "peacemaker" and "first diplomat" in the three realms.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas looked embarrassed and was speechless.

On paper, easy.

But...the hell are you going to try one?

However, the Dragon King of the East China Sea had already thought of a countermeasure, nodded, and said nothing more.

The Jade Emperor looked at the immortals and said:

"Is there anything else missing?"

"If there is no one, we will disperse and go back to rest for two days. It will be almost time for us to play."

Everyone nodded, and many people said goodbye and left.

After Bodhi returned to Xie Yue Sanxing Cave, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

This time, it was bad luck. He lost his wife and lost his troops.

So Bodhi began to think of remedies in his mind.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get... The more I think about it, the angrier I get...

With a "pop" sound, Bodhi spit out black blood.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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