
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 4 I became an immortal directly

On this day, it was still dark.

Within the Three Realms, gods from all walks of life have begun to observe the movements on the Huaguo Mountain.


The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas looked forward to the stars and the moon every day, and finally got through this day.

For five hundred years, the day they had been thinking about day and night finally arrived.

Heavenly Court, which is different from Lingshan Mountain, has been singing and singing every night for five hundred years as if nothing happened.

over time…

Its daybreak.

The hearts of everyone in the three realms began to tighten.

The Tathagata sat on Lingshan Mountain, paying attention to the situation in Huaguo Mountain, and murmured in his heart: "But please don't let anything happen again."

The Jade Emperor was sitting in the Lingxiao Palace, hesitating in his heart: "Ordinarily, there was already a performance last time. Do you want to perform another one this time?"

After thinking about it, the Jade Emperor said to the immortals: "We should cooperate for a while."

Taibai Jinxing smiled and said, "Don't be like last time and perform in vain."

The immortals raised their eyebrows and smiled, which meant, "Wouldn't this be better?"

time up!

The three realms seemed to have stopped.

Suddenly, the Three Realms really started to shake.

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor is confused. No need to act?

Is there really shaking?

In the sky, a golden light shines on the Sky-Mending Stone.

The powerful officials in the Three Realms, Heavenly Court, Lingshan Mountain, Dragon Palace, Underworld, Tushita Palace, and Fangcun Mountain all frowned and looked in the direction of Huaguo Mountain.

They were a little confused, could they really make a big fuss just after they were born?

Even in the prehistoric times, few people made a big splash when they were born.


After absorbing the golden light from the sky, the Sky Mending Stone exploded.

A figure jumped out from the boulder, soared into the clouds and mist, and soared straight into the sky!

"Didiu diu~ Deng Deng waits for Deng~ Deng Deng waits for the lamp... Deng Deng waits for Deng Deng to wait for the lamp..."

"Climb~climb~wait~climb~stool~wait... Diudiudiu..."

Accompanied by a burst of classic melody, Sun Xiaokong jumped out like the spiritual stone monkey in the original work.

When Sun Xiaokong opened his eyes for the first time in the sky, two golden lights shot out from his eyes, scanning the three realms like lasers.

Everywhere in the three realms is like a formidable enemy.

When the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on Lingshan Mountain saw this, they finally showed happy smiles after suffering for five hundred years.

"What a handsome stone monkey."

"Amitabha, I have been waiting for five hundred years."

"It seems that this luminous stone monkey is not simple. He actually made such movements when he was born."

"Look at the golden light emanating from his eyes, I'm afraid he is not a mortal."

As the Bodhisattvas were talking, they couldn't help but think of the Golden Cicada again.

(Jin Chanzi: Sorry, my name is Tang Sanzang now. I am an orphan. My family is very difficult. My father died before I was born... (Poor, poor old man, please give me a favorite and recommendation vote!))

Tathagata was a little surprised. This spiritual stone monkey actually had the cultivation level of an earthly immortal as soon as he was born?

No wonder this can trigger real visions of heaven and earth. It is such a strong cultivation talent, but it doesn't matter, this is their future Buddhist.


In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor frowned and said to himself: "Grandma Te, isn't it good to wait five hundred years?"


Among the gods, someone sighed.

The Jade Emperor looked at the immortals and said with some pain: "Hey, your performance was pretty good before. Why did there really be movement in the Three Realms just now? Why didn't you react?"


Upon hearing this, the immortals were also stunned.

"Oh yes, my God, Jade Emperor, please ask someone to take a look..."

"There is such a big movement in the Three Realms..."

"I think some kind of demon must have been born?"

"That golden light that came from nowhere just now was so scary!"

The immortals were just stunned for a moment, and their acting skills suddenly burst out.

"Those who are clairvoyant and have ears for the wind, go and find out the truth and report back." Although the Jade Emperor felt unhappy, he still followed the normal procedure.

Qianliyan and Shunfenger are both in trouble!

The Lingming Stone Monkey was born, and everyone was watching the live broadcast from the Jade Emperor's magical powers. Now isn't this lying with open eyes?

After pretending to look below, the clairvoyant said: "To the Jade Emperor, on the Huaguo Mountain in the lower realm, a stone monkey jumped out of a stone."

"The stone monkey has a handsome appearance and a strong body. It is different from ordinary monkeys and more like a human. It looks tall and powerful, with golden hair..."

Listening to the clairvoyant's praise, Shunfeng Er hurriedly answered:

"Ahem, to the Jade Emperor, a stone turned into spirit and a stone monkey popped out. This stone monkey is an innate creature, and it seems to have considerable magical power as soon as it was born."

"Should we catch it?"

At this time, when Jing Shunfeng heard it, all the immortals were stunned.

"Have you been born with magic power?"

"Are you sure you have magic power as soon as you are born?"

"How can this be…"

Everyone shook their heads, feeling a little incredible.

Those who can have magic power as soon as they are born can be said to be truly innate creatures.

Innate beings are immortals as soon as they are born. In the ancient times, they were rare existences.

Those who can do this are those innate gods and demons, or the first batch of intelligent beings.

The Jade Emperor listened to everyone's words, shook his head and said: "Don't worry about him for the time being."

Actually, to the Jade Emperor, it doesn't matter how talented the Stone Monkey is. No matter how good the talent is, can he still practice for hundreds of years to catch up with his hundreds of millions of years of cultivation?

"Let's break up. Just do everything as promised before."

Waving his hand, the Jade Emperor left the Lingxiao Palace directly.


The moment Sun Xiaokong jumped out of the stone.

The entire underworld, whether it is Naihe Bridge, Huangquan Road, or even the eighteenth level of hell, is full of bursts of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The ten kings of hell sit together in one hall.

"Old Qin, it's up to you to take care of what happens next."

"Yes, look for an opportunity to wait until the stone monkey falls asleep and catch his soul in person."

"will try to seduce him when the time comes. Not only will he cooperate with the acting, but he will also use it to make him tear up and burn all our wrong and random accounts..."

King Qin Guang nodded, looked at the brothers and replied: "Don't worry, it's fine."

In the Sanxing Cave of the Xianyue Mountain in Fangcun Mountain, Bodhi, who had been sullen for five hundred years, finally smiled.

"From now on, just wait for Stone Monkey to come and become my disciple."

"This stone monkey's talent is shocking."

"Haha, the way of heaven promotes Buddhism, and my Buddhism is unstoppable!"

East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at his three brothers and said, "Let's break up. Let's go back and prepare all the equipment. Then the performance will be timid."

The three of them nodded and left.

For them, it's not a big deal. They just accompany him to perform a play and send him some equipment.


Sun Xiaokong fell from the sky and was shocked.

"Oh my god, this ancient supreme body of the system is awesome!"

"System, was I too pretentious just now? In fact, I really don't want to be pretentious. I just want to jump out of the stone. Who knows, I will jump into the sky as soon as I jump."

"Why do I feel that I am particularly powerful and have magical powers?"

Sun Xiaokong is really strange. Geniuses can't have magic power without practicing, right?


[Please host check your character template.]

"Character template."

[Host: Sun Xiaokong

Level: Earth Immortal.

Item magic weapon: None.

Kung Fu and magical powers: None.]

Looking at the character templates listed by the system, Sun Xiaokong looked surprised.

Have I become an immortal?

When did this happen?


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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