
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 39 The rampaging Ancestor Bodhi

Sun Xiaokong listened to the woodcutter's words, thanked him and went looking for him.

After Sun Xiaokong left, the woodcutter also turned into smoke and disappeared.

According to what the woodcutter said, the road is not far.

However, Sun Xiaokong walked extremely... slowly.

"System, I just want to ask again, will I be beaten to death?"

Sun Xiaokong felt that when he walked to the entrance of Xianyue Sanxing Cave, he signed in and ran away...

If you don't become a disciple and treat the gods and Buddhas in the three realms like monkeys, you are seeking death.

Sun Xiaokong had already imagined in his mind...the image of Patriarch Bodhi holding a kitchen knife and chasing him all over the street.


[It's impossible to be beaten to death. At most, it's a severe beating.]

[The system believes that the host's talent will be able to carry forward routines and counter-routines.]

[Additional mission rewards: flat peach x 5, golden elixir x 5.]

Damn it!

After hearing what the system said, Sun Xiaokong was stunned on the spot.

Have you even prepared the medical expenses?


"If the system had corrected this earlier, it would have been over."

Sun Xiaokong felt refreshed instantly, wasn't he just seeking death?

Take the most severe beating, eat the sweetest peach, and take the most delicious golden elixir.

At this moment, the gods and Buddhas of the three realms are paying attention to Sun Xiaokong's apprenticeship.


The Tathagata used projection to stare at the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the West.

Guanyin prayed in her heart: "Buddha bless me and don't let any accidents happen."

Tathagata: To be honest, I don't know what to think now...

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor also kept watching.

However, the Jade Emperor always felt that... things would not be that simple.

Patriarch Bodhi was sitting in the blessed place, looking at the fairy boy beside him and said: "A Taoist visitor is coming outside the door. Go and bring him in."

"Disciple, obey."

Fairy Boy nodded and walked out.

Patriarch Bodhi also smiled knowingly and said to himself: "I will finally be free. After teaching the Stone Monkey this time, I will have nothing to do from now on."

Walk all the way.

Sun Xiaokong saw a cave door ahead.

Next to it stands a stone tablet, about three feet high and eight feet wide. There is a line of ten characters on it, which is "Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xianyue Sanxing Cave".

Sun Xiaokong took a deep breath and thought: "This is it."

I saw Sun Xiaokong slowly walking up a few steps and standing at the door, thinking: "Sign in."


[Sign in successfully and get rewards: golden armor with locks, purple golden crown with phoenix wings, lotus root silk walking on the clouds, wishful golden cudgel, flat peach x 5, nine-turn golden elixir x 5.]


[The mission is to ask the host to leave Fangcun Mountain within two minutes.]

[Reward: Golden elixir x 2.]

I saw that when Sun Xiaokong completed signing in, the cave door also opened.

Fairy boy came out and saw Sun Xiaokong, and asked, "Are you the Taoist visitor that Master said?"

Sun Xiaokong pretended to reply, but...



Sun Xiaokong's face was startled at first, and then became ecstatic, and he said in shock: "Seventy-two transformations of the earth evil, somersault clouds, golden armor with chains, purple gold crown with phoenix wings, lotus root silk walking on clouds, wishful golden hoop... "

As he spoke, Sun Xiaokong was already walking on lotus root silk, holding a Ruyi golden hoop in his hand, wearing chain-locked golden armor, and wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head.

The monkey hair on his face has faded, and his handsome white face still retains a hint of domineering. Matched with a suit of equipment... he is extremely handsome.

At this moment, Sun Xiaokong had completely transformed into a human form, and his tail and body hair had disappeared.

"Ha ha!"

"I have become an immortal."

With a wild laugh, Sun Xiaokong somersaulted thousands of miles and disappeared at the entrance of Xie Yue Sanxing Cave.

A burst of BGM was left in the air:

I want to become a fairy~Happy to the sky~

Transformed myths spread in the wind ~

Fairy Boy's eyes widened and he looked confused.

What? ? ?

Why did you fly away?

On Lingshan Mountain.

All the Bodhisattvas and Arhats were also stunned.

Together they turned to look at Tathagata.

what's going on?

Tathagata also looked confused, thinking: "What the hell is this, I don't understand it either!"

Guanyin was also confused. What was happening in front of her?

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor frowned and all the immortals scratched their heads.

"This...do any of you understand?" the Jade Emperor asked.


"It seems that the fairy boy said a word, and the stone monkey gained an extra set of equipment, and then flew away."

"What did the fairy boy say? Is it so easy to learn skills from a teacher now?"

"Isn't it just a matter of saying a word when you walk to the door?"

"Shunfeng Er, tell me what you heard."

Shunfeng Er listened to everyone's urging and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, the fairy boy asked, are you here to visit Taoism?"

"The stone monkey said: Seventy-two transformations of earth evil, somersault clouds, golden armor with chains, golden hoops of good luck..."

"Finally, he said...haha, I became an immortal. Then he flew away."

Nani? ? ?

All the immortals in Lingxiao Palace were also confused.

What operation?

can't read.

In the Three Stars Cave under the slanting moon.

Patriarch Bodhi was dumbfounded for a long time.

A bunch of hellos popping up in your mind? ? ?

In an instant, Patriarch Bodhi understood, was he being intercepted?

"Fuck you!"

"Who the hell is it...who! Who! Who!"

A roar shook the entire Xiniu Hezhou.




Anyone with a high level of cultivation has heard Patriarch Bodhi's curse.

A group of confused immortals and Buddhas in Lingshan and Tianting came to their senses immediately with an angry curse.

turn out to be…

They understand.

It turned out that after Stone Monkey arrived at the door of Patriarch Bodhi and was about to become a disciple, he was suddenly taught magical powers and magical equipment.

In other words, someone cut off Patriarch Bodhi's beard under everyone's gaze.

In Tushita Palace.

The old man who was working overtime to make elixirs shook his hands when he heard the angry voice of Patriarch Bodhi.

"Ouch...this pot is a bit mushy."

"How old are you? You still have such peace of mind."

Laojun also muttered with some contempt.

However, Laojun doesn't know yet that Bodhi will arrive at the battlefield in thirty minutes.

Indeed, Patriarch Bodhi suppressed his anger and thought about it in his mind.

In the Three Realms, there are only two people who dare to do this and have the ability to do so.

Taishang Laojun.

Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although the Tathagata, the Jade Emperor, Zhen Yuanzi, Taiyi Suffering Heavenly Lord, etc. are all quasi-sages, they would never dare to cut off Bodhi's Hu without the background of a saint.

Why? Hongjun in Journey to the West has completely become a Taoist, and saints will generally never appear again.

As for Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, they are both the clones of the saint left in this world just like Patriarch Bodhi.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Bodhi killed him directly and went to Tushita Palace without saying a word.

Anyway, they are all clones of saints, and Bodhi is not afraid of Taishang Laojun.

If you really can't fight even if you try hard, call me back.

Anyway, Patriarch Bodhi is willing to risk everything.

I've been pushing the raft for months, and you just kidnapped it. Doesn't your conscience hurt?


Tathagata frowned, confused.

In the current situation, Bodhi can think of Laojun, and so can Tathagata.

But Tathagata feels that it shouldn't be right?

The person arranged by Laojun is Zhu Bajie, who is second only to Stone Monkey and Jin Chanzi.

Still ranked in front of the Jade Emperor's men.

Thinking about it, Tathagata looked at the crowd and said, "Just wait here. Don't talk too much. I'll go there."

Tathagata went out for one purpose, to break up the fight.

Otherwise, Bodhi and Laojun will fight...

Two quasi-sages really fighting is no joke.

Although, usually these two people are very low-key.


The Jade Emperor and all the immortals also thought of this.

However, they are also confused!


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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