
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 33 I’m so touched

Hou Xiaomei warmed her hand on Sun Xiaokong's chest for a while, then she stopped her hand and pretended to be shy and said: "You... you should eat the peach quickly."

"This peach seems to be able to heal injuries. Every time I was injured, I would get better after eating one of these peach."

Guanyin: I'm not lying. I was injured before, and I really got better after eating a flat peach.

There was no change on Sun Xiaokong's face. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll eat it, but..."

"You can't do this anymore. It's so cold outside. What if your hands are frozen?"

Sun Xiaokong: I turned a blind eye when I was supposed to cooperate with your performance~

"Well, I understand, just eat it quickly."

Hou Xiaomei nodded, then squatted aside and looked at Sun Xiaokong with her chin in her hands, asking him to eat the flat peach.

The acting skills also exploded.

In his eyes... there was a desire to take a bite.

Because Huaguo Mountain has been frozen for several days, most monkeys are now very eager for spiritual fruits, and Guanyin's look can definitely seal the movie queen.

Sun Xiaokong looked at Little Sister Monkey who was squatting next to him, looking at him with big watery eyes, and was almost moved.

No, Sun Xiaokong really needed to be moved.

I saw Sun Xiaokong squatting next to Little Sister Hou with a flat peach, and said: "Actually... such a big peach, I can't finish it by myself, how about each of us eat half of it?"

Hou Xiaomei shook her head, looked at Sun Xiaokong and refused: "I won't eat, I... you should eat everything, you are injured."

"That's not okay. If you don't eat, I won't eat either. How about we take a bite each."

While talking, Sun Xiaokong reached out to touch the monkey girl's head and said softly: "I know it's not easy to find a peach now."

"I also know that you haven't eaten spiritual fruit for many days. If you don't eat it yourself, bring it back to me. I really..."

While talking, Sun Xiaokong's acting skills also improved, his eyes were red and he was a little choked.

"I'm... really... so touched."

Guanyin felt a little embarrassed when she saw that Sun Xiaokong was so moved.

She felt that it was a bit unbearable to trick Stone Monkey like this.

But how did she know that when the Golden Horse Best Actress met the Academy Award Best Actor, she would still be out of luck.


[Congratulations to the host for countering routines with his superb acting skills and receiving the reward: 2 flat peaches.]


Originally, Sun Xiaokong, who was playing "Touching", heard the system prompts and got two flat peaches.

The joy brought by the two flat peaches, and the unbearable look in Monkey Girl's eyes... Then Sun Xiaokong couldn't help but want to laugh.

But is this scene laughable?

So Sun Xiaokong hurriedly covered his face, feeling really uncomfortable.

When Guanyin saw this, she couldn't bear it.

This stone monkey seems to be naughty by nature, but in fact he is still a person who values love and justice.

Now they are so moved that they hide their faces and cry.

And the feeling that I had deceived him in this way was really not good.


"I was touched." At this time, a figure stood out from the entrance of the cave, Bai Jingjing.

Bai Jingjing didn't know that... they were a pair of drama queens.

So just now Sun Xiaokong and Hou Xiaomei made each other's flat peaches and Hou Xiaomei's little hands turn red...

It really moved Bai Jingjing to tears.

Sun Xiaokong heard Bai Jingjing's voice and turned around to see that Bai Jingjing was really moved to tears.


Seeing this, Sun Xiaokong felt like he was going to collapse.

Inexplicably, I just want to laugh...

Damn it, it's so unbearable! ! !

I saw Sun Xiaokong covering his face with both hands, banging his head against the wall, thinking: "Ah... I hurt so much, I hurt so much, I don't want to laugh... I don't want to laugh!"

In the eyes of Guanyin and Bai Jingjing, Sun Xiaokong's behavior was extremely touching and exciting.

Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor frowned. He couldn't understand this part.

"It shouldn't be!"

"This stone monkey, judging from all the shameless behavior before, it seems that it shouldn't be like this... being moved and crying."

The Jade Emperor was thinking and analyzing in his mind. He felt that there was something weird in it.


Tathagata's face showed a bit of satisfaction.

Tathagata thinks, now that things are like this, it's time to go and become a disciple, right?

Patriarch Bodhi has been paying attention to Sun Xiaokong recently.

After all, great men like the Jade Emperor and Patriarch Bodhi have nothing to do every day.

When they used their magical powers to observe Sun Xiaokong, it was like watching a live broadcast to kill boring time.

Patriarch Bodhi saw all the difficulties that Guanyin had to do to become a disciple. For a moment, Patriarch Bodhi thought, should he be a little more proactive?

For example, send someone to capture the stone monkey directly to Fangcun Mountain?

Then he said that he used his magical power to blow the stone monkey into the cave and knock it down.

In the Water Curtain Cave.

Sun Xiaokong gnawed on the flat peach with tears in his eyes.

Sun Xiaokong felt that it was too difficult for him.

Obviously I can't help but want to laugh, but on my face I still pretend to be moved and want to cry...

This feeling, when eaten with flat peaches...

It's just...so wow!

"You... have eaten this peach. Do you feel that your injuries are healed?" Guanyin asked as she watched Sun Xiaokong finish the peach gradually.

Sun Xiaokong listened to the other party's words, suddenly froze, right.

He said before that he was injured and could not go out to become a disciple. Guanyin was clearly asking him to heal his injuries and urging him to become a disciple.

After some consideration, Sun Xiaokong pretended to be cautious and said: "Okay, it's better, okay...I decided to become a disciple..."

"Okay, are you going tomorrow?" Guanyin heard Sun Xiaokong's words and excitedly interrupted and asked.

"Depart in three years."

"What???" As soon as he finished asking, Guanyin heard Sun Xiaokong's next sentence and froze on the spot.


[The counter-routine was successful, and I got: Peach × 1.]

This stone monkey…

Guanyin gritted her teeth in anger, it was so disgusting.

I've eaten all the peaches, and you still want to go there in three years?

To be honest, Guanyin now wanted to punch Sun Xiaokong in the stomach and make him spit out the peaches he had eaten.

"You...why did you wait three years to go?" Guanyin calmed down and asked pretending to be confused.

Bai Jingjing stood aside, looked at Sun Xiaokong, then looked at Hou Xiaomei, and asked: "Sun Xiaokong, are you going to learn skills from a teacher?"

"Let's go together. I'm also going to learn skills from a teacher."

"You also want to learn from a teacher?"

"Are you sure?" Sun Xiaokong was a little confused when he heard Bai Jingjing's words.

If Bai Jingjing goes to become a disciple, then it is probably the Great Immortal Pansi, also known as Zixia?

"Yes, I'm planning to go, but I haven't decided yet." Bai Jingjing answered.

"Where to go?"

Sun Xiaokong asked.

Sun Xiaokong planned to test it out first to see where the Pansi Cave was. After completing his mission and obtaining magical powers, he could flirt with it or steal the Moonlight Treasure Box or something.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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