
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 3: Acting in the morning and acting in the evening are all acting

Heavenly Court, inside the Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor has also been paying attention. As long as there is a spiritual light shining in the sky, he will shake the Lingxiao Palace and then perform a shocking show with the gods.

Now that the time has come, the Jade Emperor has not seen the birth of the Lingming Stone Monkey, and the expected signal of his eyes emitting spiritual light to the sky is embarrassing.

After thinking about it, the Jade Emperor shook the Lingxiao Palace. After all, no matter what his situation was, he might have overslept and was a few minutes late.

He just cooperated to act a shock. He acted in the morning and evening. That was all.


The Lingxiao Palace shook.

All the gods were instantly startled.

Each figure shook, and the actor was possessed on the spot.

Among them, Li Jing, the King of Pagodas, performed the best. If the giant spirit god hadn't been holding him up, he would have just sat on the ground.


"Oh my god! Is this some kind of monster born?"

"How could there be such a big movement in the Three Realms?"

"Your Majesty, please send someone to check..."

While acting, the Jade Emperor's expression suddenly changed. Damn... the Lingming Stone Monkey hasn't come out yet?

After thinking about it, the Jade Emperor was too lazy to worry about it, so he continued to play the trick until it was over.

Love so and so!

The Jade Emperor pretended to be panicked and said: "Thousands of clairvoyants and shunfeng ears, you two should quickly find out the truth!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er heard the Jade Emperor's words and began to check.

But after this inspection, the two of them were confused. Is the Sky-Mending Stone in Huaguo Mountain still a Sky-Mending Stone? There was no movement. How the hell is this going to proceed?

When we started rehearsing, there was no version of the play.

"Back...back to the Jade Emperor, maybe we acted too early."

"Yes...yes, there is no movement down there...nothing has come out..."

The two of them also scratched their heads for a while.

As soon as these words came out, all the gods were confused. What the hell?

The birth date of the Stone Monkey was confirmed by the saints, so how could it not come out?

"Haha, I can't get out...uh...ahem!"

"There was an accident. I just calculated it again. It will be five hundred years before the Lingming Stone Monkey is born. Well, I can't be wrong this time, poof!"

When he ordered the clairvoyants and shunfeng ears to check, the Jade Emperor was curious and secretly made a calculation.

When deducing this result, the Jade Emperor laughed directly, but he couldn't rejoice too much, so the Jade Emperor held back.

To be honest, although the play was in vain just now, the Jade Emperor was secretly happy that the Lingming Stone Monkey was not born. This was so... amazing.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but wanted to go to Lingshan to see the expressions of Tathagata and others.

However, the Jade Emperor had to hold back. If he went to Lingshan to watch a joke at this time, he couldn't guarantee that Tathagata would drag him to death.

When the gods heard this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they instantly became happy.

Those who hold positions in the Heavenly Court are basically from the Taoist sect. Now that the great cause of Buddhism has been hindered, it is inevitable to be happy.

Li Jing was a little speechless. He had given the best performance just now, and his acting skills were just a flop...

When I hear it now, it's all in vain.

How embarrassing!

The Jade Emperor looked at everyone and smiled. With a wave of his hand, an image of Huaguo Mountain appeared in the Lingxiao Palace.

Everyone looked at the motionless big stone and felt very happy.

Obviously, heaven is different from Lingshan.

On this side of heaven, if the Lingming Stone Monkey is not born, that is an absolute good thing!

If the Lingming Stone Monkey is not born, the road to the west to promote Buddhahood will stop.

After all, it is not easy to replace someone.

Jin Chanzi, Lingming Stone Monkey, Marshal Tianpeng, General Rolling Curtain, and the Third Prince of Xihai.

Behind these five people, they all represent a top power or big boss in the Three Realms.

When traveling to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, although the Buddhas preached and promoted Buddhism, the merits of the way of heaven were shared by everyone.

Sun Wukong is a key figure. Others are easy to replace, but Sun Wukong is really difficult to replace.

If Sun Wukong could really be replaced at will, he would not be arranged to cause havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

The Jade Emperor watched the movement on Huaguo Mountain for a while, with a smile on his face, and immediately put away the projection.

It doesn't matter to him that Stone Monkey is not born. It's too late for him to be happy.

After thinking about it, the Jade Emperor looked at the immortals and said, "Fellow immortals, this stone monkey was born five hundred years later. I feel deeply about it."

"I wonder if you immortals have time to accompany me to discuss the knowledge of fine wine and jade dew?"

"Your Majesty, we are willing."

When the gods heard this, although the Jade Emperor sounded a little emotional, they were all human beings, so they didn't know that the Jade Emperor was happy and wanted to have a drink with them.

All the gods thought the same thing: "Drink, you must drink, be happy!"

In the underworld.

The King of Hell in the Tenth Palace was a little worried.

"What kind of situation is this? Isn't it calculated that the Lingming Stone Monkey will be born? Why hasn't it come out?"

"Not only that, even the book of life and death has been changed..."

"In other words, this is Heaven's acquiescence?"

"Trouble, if this stone monkey doesn't come out, no one will take the blame for our mistakes, right?"

"If you wait a little longer, the Stone Monkey will definitely come out. Let's find someone to ask."

Once this was mentioned, all the ten kings of hell showed bitterness on their faces.

Although they are living happily in the underworld, if the Jade Emperor really finds out something, they will be in the wrong and it will be difficult to deal with it.

East China Sea Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea, who was paying close attention to the situation in Huaguo Mountain, suddenly became confused and said, "The monkey didn't come out?"

The Dragon King of the Three Seas sitting next to the Dragon King of the East China Sea also had a strange look on his face.

In the Three-Star Cave under the slanting moon of Fangcun Mountain, Bodhi closed his eyes and meditated, his mentality exploded, and his face became terrifyingly gloomy.

Why doesn't this stone monkey come out?

How could this stone monkey not come out?

What the hell...why doesn't this stone monkey come out? ?

God wants to promote Buddhism in me, Who the hell is behind this?

For a moment, Bodhi was so angry that he wished he could fly to Huaguo Mountain, smash the Sky-Mending Stone, and then pull out the Stone Monkey.

Taking a deep breath, Bodhi calmed down his mind and began to calculate carefully.

This wave of calculations means that the Lingming Stone Monkey will appear five hundred years later, which is completely different from the previous calculations.

Five hundred years.

Even Bodhi doesn't know if anything will happen in the past five hundred years.

Five hundred years, in the eyes of the Buddhas in Lingshan Mountain, or in the eyes of the immortals in Heaven, is actually not that long. People usually achieve enlightenment and retreat for at least hundreds of years at a time.

Or it may take hundreds of years for the Tathagata to preach once.


Five hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

On Huaguo Mountain, Sun Xiaokong felt as if he had taken a nap.

As soon as he woke up this time, Sun Xiaokong could feel that although he had not yet jumped out of the stone and taken shape, he already had consciousness and body.

But, for the time being, it's still in the stone.


[The anti-routine task of being born five hundred years later is completed, and the reward is: the ancient supreme body.]

Hearing what the system said, Sun Xiaokong was overjoyed. He felt like he had taken a nap in the past five hundred years, which was quite fast.

It was quite fast. The group of people in Lingshan lost all their hair that they had worried about for five hundred years...

In an instant, Sun Xiaokong felt that not only his body had become stronger, but his mind and consciousness had also become extremely clear.

"System, when will I be born?"

[Tomorrow, there will be the first ray of purple energy in the east.]

After Sun Xiaokong heard this, he felt a little excited. He could finally see the outside world.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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