
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 21 The rolling Yangtze River is full of water

Such a large area, such thick ice, the entire Huaguo Mountain.

What a ruthless character!

How did Sun Xiaokong know that the Inspiration King could freeze even the Tianhe River?

Looking at the big hole in the ice that was smashed under his feet, Sun Xiaokong stretched out his hand to touch it and said with a smile: "Not to mention, the water down there is not cold, it is warm."


"I'll try too..."

"I'll try too..."

After all the monkeys felt the water temperature, they felt quite comfortable, so a few monkeys took the lead and jumped in with a "plop".

"Wow...it feels so comfortable. It's much warmer in the water than outside. You guys should jump down and play together!"

"Yes, everyone is diving into the water to play..."

After hearing this, all the monkeys jumped into the water one by one.

However, just after dozens of people jumped in, this small ice cave was already crowded.

Sun Xiaokong looked at the monkeys, struggling to smash the ice holes with stones.

One meter thick ice would be very difficult for even a group of evil monkeys to smash.

"Move to the side and watch me make a big hole for you."

After listening to Sun Xiaokong's words, the monkeys hurriedly started to take a dozen steps back, cheering and shouting: "Come on! Stone Monkey!"

"Come on, make a big hole, let's jump in and keep warm..."

"Let's keep warm together..."

Sun Xiaokong nodded, raised his right hand and exerted force.



I saw Sun Xiaokong punch his foot, and the ice blocks within several kilometers sank directly.


Then, the ice on the sea began to break apart.


After a sound, the entire sea ice block, which was originally several kilometers in length, was shaken and cracked into large and small pieces everywhere.

Without the support of a completely large body of ice, the monkeys also fell into the water one by one.

The monkeys were originally shocked by Sun Xiaokong's punch.


I fell into the sea and sobered up.

"The stone monkey is invincible!"

"The stone monkey is so powerful!"

"The stone monkey is mighty...the stone monkey is domineering...the stone monkey is awesome..."

Suddenly, the monkeys began to shout excitedly.

Seeing this in the sky, Guanyin fell silent.

He thought to himself: "What a stone monkey with natural divine power."

However, Guanyin didn't take it to heart, although the stone monkey had always shown great power.

But the stone monkey doesn't know magic!

If you don't know magic, you can't break this frozen flower and fruit mountain!

Then you have to obediently go and become a disciple.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

The old Dragon King looked at his daughter and asked, "I heard them say that you went to Huaguo Mountain with a stone monkey today?"

Ao Xiaomeng nodded and said, "Yes, that Stone Monkey is very smart, and the ideas he came up with are very interesting."

The old Dragon King nodded and said, "Don't go to Huaguo Mountain during this time."

"Huaguo Mountain is not safe recently. A goldfish spirit ran away from somewhere. That monster is very powerful. You will know it just by looking at Huaguo Mountain being directly frozen."

Ao Xiaomeng was stunned when she heard this.

Then he thought about it and asked: "Then why don't you stop him, father? Can't you beat him?"

The old dragon king shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't want to stop him, but this goldfish spirit has powerful magical powers. If you want to break his spell, you have to learn advanced magical powers."

"The advanced magical powers are - the thirty-six transformations of Tiangang and the seventy-two transformations of Earthly Evil."

"The Thirty-Six Methods of Tiangang include: mediating creation, reversing yin and yang, moving stars to change buckets, returning to heaven and returning to the moon..."

"The seventy-two techniques of earth evil include: opening the secluded area, driving away spirits, carrying mountains, forbidding water, borrowing wind, spreading fog, praying for sunshine, praying for rain, and sitting on fire..."

Ao Xiaomeng was stunned for a moment while listening, and then asked: "Father, who can understand the Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang and the Seventy-two Transformations of Earthly Evil that you mentioned?"

"Where? If we find the person who will come over, can we make Huaguoshan the same as before?"

Although Ao Xiaomeng is already a thousand years old, the lifespan of dragons is very long. Ao Xiaomeng is still a child. His temperament is not high and he is relatively simple.

The old Dragon King smiled and said: "Xiniu Hezhou, Xianyue Sanxing Cave in Fangcun Mountain, is an expert comparable to the Jade Emperor Tathagata. This expert knows these two magical powers."

"It's just that, even if you go to find and invite people, that's what the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain have to do, and it's not our turn to intervene."

Ao Xiaomeng silently remembered these words in her heart, and then... there would be no accidents, she would definitely pass these words to Sun Xiaokong.

If it weren't for the fact that Sun Xiaokong is a time traveler and is proficient in routines and counter-routines, then this wave of routines will definitely fall into his trap.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, the old Dragon King smiled and walked away.

The old Dragon King said: Stone monkey, hurry up, my Dinghai Shenzhen has been waiting for you for a long time.

Water Curtain Cave.

At this time, the water curtain cave was filled with thick smoke...

It should be said that these monkeys have become spirits. It is easy to make a fire. After all, they can easily make traps that are more difficult than making a fire.


Huaguo Mountain was blocked by heavy snow, and all the firewood was wet, making it very difficult to burn it.

Sun Xiaokong also scratched his head helplessly. There was a powerful force in this time and space, but Sun Xiaokong really couldn't use this spell to make fire.

After all, as a modern person who traveled through time just a few days ago, has no skills and cannot figure out the principles of using spells.

But luckily…

Bai Jingjing is back.

"Ahem...what are you doing? Are you setting fire...or is it on fire?" Bai Jingjing choked on the thick smoke as soon as she came in.

"It's grilled fish. I can't light the fire. The firewood is too wet." Sun Xiaokong replied with some pain in his balls.

Bai Jingjing was happy when she heard this and said with a smile: "You have so many monkeys, but none of you can do magic?"

When the monkeys heard this, they scratched their heads and looked confused.

How could they know magic if they had never been exposed to this?

"No one has taught us how to do it!"

"That's right, you say that as if you would..."

"Hey, can't you fly? You must be able to do magic, right?"

"Help us light the fire!"

The monkeys also felt like seeing a savior.

Sun Xiaokong's eyes also lit up, yes, although I don't know if this girl is now apprenticed to Zixia, but she definitely knows magic.

At least lighting a fire is no problem.

Bai Jingjing looked at the monkeys, waved her hands and said: "Come on, come on, you all stand aside, I will blow away the smoke here first."

While talking, Bai Jingjing muttered something, and the wind blew seamlessly in the water curtain cave.

As the wind gradually increased, the thick smoke was almost blown away.

Then Bai Jingjing waved her hand, and a few balls of flame hit more than a dozen piles of firewood.


Piles of firewood began to light up.

To be honest, Sun Xiaokong and a group of monkeys are extraordinary. Otherwise, Juebi would have been choked to death by the thick smoke in the Water Curtain Cave.

The thick smoke just now was so dense that humans and animals were indistinguishable from five meters away.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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