
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 2 How do you want me to spend these 500 years?


"The way of heaven has greatly prospered my Buddha!"

Not only the Tathagata is happy here, but all the Bodhisattvas and Arhats are also happy in their hearts.

The Lingming Stone Monkey was born, the road to the west began to move, and the rise of their Buddhism began from this moment.

This time, there is no telling whether it can surpass Taoism, surpass heaven, and become the best in the three realms.

Is there anything that can make Buddhist disciples happier than this?

Going west is the will of heaven, no matter who you are, you must abide by and cooperate with it.

Even the Jade Emperor and others were unhappy.

Therefore, everyone understands that Buddhism can definitely rise.

The way of heaven promotes Buddha!

"Buddha, how long will it take?" Guanyin, as the administrator of the Westward Journey activity, is more anxious than others.

The Tathagata waved his hand, and a mirror-like image appeared in the Lingshan Hall.

The content of the image is a big rock on the beach.

"Amitabha, tomorrow. Let's just wait." Although Tathagata was happy, he was not in a hurry.

After hearing this, all the Bodhisattvas replied with smiles on their faces:



The big stone everyone is seeing now is the Sky-Mending Stone in Huaguo Mountain. All Buddhist staff watched the birth of the stone monkey live and recorded this beautiful moment of the rise of Buddhism together.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne, looking helpless.

Traveling to the west, Buddhism should be promoted, which is the will of heaven. Although he is the master of the three realms, Hongjun boy, there is nothing he can do, and he must cooperate well.

It's no wonder that Buddhism is so popular. Heaven is a contradictory body, with people from both Jie and Chan sects in it, as well as some people before becoming gods.

Most of these people are convinced in appearance but not in heart, so Heaven is very ununited.

Now that heaven is promoting Buddha, all the gods in heaven are very unhappy.

"Ahem, when the time comes, I will shake the Lingxiao Palace and everyone will cooperate. Do you understand?" Although the Jade Emperor felt unhappy, he still had to do face-saving work.

When the Lingming Stone Monkey is born, there will be great movement in the three realms.

Be shocked!

The gods nodded to express their understanding.

The gods are also helpless, Ma Dan, if heaven promotes Buddha, they still have to let a group of Taoist gods in heaven cooperate?

But after knowing that this is the catastrophe of the gods, and the new catastrophe of heaven, everyone must try their best to cooperate.

The Jade Emperor still hoped in his heart that it would be best if his mother was born. Once she was born, not only would she travel westward to establish Buddhahood, but she would also have to act in conjunction with her.

As for how to act, the Jade Emperor is temporarily considering letting the stone monkey hit the Lingxiao Palace and hiding himself under the table...


The kings of hell from the ten palaces gathered together.

"Are you all told to go down?"

"After a while, the stone monkey will appear and let the evil spirits below scream more fiercely. Everyone will actively cooperate."

"Yes, we can use the stone monkey this time to clean up the mess we made before...hehe!" King Qin Guang looked at his brothers and started to laugh.

Everyone also smiled and nodded together.

They now very much hope that the Lingming Stone Monkey will be born as soon as possible, and they will quickly follow the arrangements - causing trouble in the underworld and heaven.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the old Dragon King sighed. This monkey was born, but he was going to be humiliated in the East China Sea. The key was that he had to be humiliated with a smiling face.

In Fangcun Mountain, Bodhi is also paying attention to the situation in Huaguo Mountain. As a clone of Zhunti, he plays an important role in the current Buddhism.

"Heaven wants to promote our Buddhism. From now on, our Buddhism will definitely surpass Taoism and Heaven, hahaha..."

"By then, my strength must have advanced to a great level. Ancestor Hongjun has already merged with me. No one in the three realms can be my opponent."

At this time, Bodhi felt really happy!


Under the attention of various forces, the Sky-Mending Stone in Huaguo Mountain, Sun Xiaokong, had already fallen into a deep sleep.


Early the next morning, purple air came from the east.

This is the day the monkey is born that the immortals and Buddhas of the three realms are paying attention to.


The Sky-Building Stone, which was full of energy, began to absorb the essence of purple energy.

Western sky.

In the Lingshan Hall, all the gods and Buddhas stared at the projection.

Everyone is very excited. It is coming, the rise of Buddhism is finally coming.

At the same time, they were also curious in their hearts, what did the innate Holy Spirit that popped out of the stone look like as the main figure in the journey to the west?

However, after seeing the Butian Stone absorbing the purple energy, he fell into calmness again.

There was actually no movement at all.

What the hell?

What the hell?

what's the situation?

The whole mentality of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in the Western Heaven exploded.

Isn't this coming out?

Why the hell don't you come out?

over slept?

Is the birth date of Lingming Stone Monkey confirmed by the sage so wrong?

"Why is there no movement?"

Guanyin, as the administrator of the scripture collection, frowned and couldn't help but ask.

The other Bodhisattvas and Arhats all looked at Tathagata in astonishment.

"Yes, Buddha, why didn't you come out?"

"This is God's way to promote Buddha, how could something happen?"

"Yes, I am...what is going on here?"

Others on the scene felt uncomfortable, and Tathagata was even more confused, thinking: "I also hope that Buddhism will rise, but this situation... how the hell do I know?"

After thinking about it, Tathagata comforted him: "Maybe there is a slight change in the secret of heaven, let's take a look."

After replying, Tathagata was making crazy calculations in secret.

Tathagata was dumbfounded on the spot by this calculation.

Depend on!

"The secret of heaven was actually concealed and modified, and the date of birth actually... changed to five hundred years later???"

"Who the hell is so bold, dares to go against the will of heaven, dares to stop the prosperity of Buddhism?"

For a moment, Tathagata was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. Who did it? actually changed the birth date of Stone Monkey by 500 years.

Now the whole Buddhism is all ready, all it needs is the east wind, and the damn east wind actually takes five hundred years to come, do it!

Tathagata was prepared at the beginning, but the stone monkey was disobedient and sealed him for hundreds of years to sharpen his skills. Now that he looks at it like this, it's really weird!

Now the whole of Buddhism has to wait five hundred years?

Mom sells batches!

Tathagata felt that he had been tricked.

In the current situation, all the preparations for Buddhism, including the actors hired, will be discussed five hundred years later.

After thinking about it, Tathagata couldn't figure out who had done it.

After all, anyone who has experienced the catastrophe of becoming a god knows that the catastrophe of heaven is unstoppable.


For a moment, Tathagata felt that Nuwa was the most likely.

Nuwa outside the world of Journey to the West said: I will not bear the blame.

"Five hundred years later today... he was born!"

Tathagata was furious, looking at the confused expressions of everyone on the field, he gritted his teeth and said.

How on earth do you want me to live these five hundred years?

The Bodhisattvas and Arhats were stunned when they heard Tathagata's words. When they looked at Tathagata's face, which looked like he was about to kill someone, they became even more confused.

Mom sells batches!

God's way promotes Buddha, but some people dare to do anything?

Although they didn't want to believe it, the big rock in front of them had been passing for a long time, and it was getting calmer and calmer, without the slightest appearance of being born out of the world.

For a time, some of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in the entire Lingshan Hall had bitter expressions, and some had gloomy expressions.

More like a half-deflated balloon, a little weak.

Just for a moment, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas couldn't help but think in their hearts: "Golden Chanzi, you left early."

(Jin Chanzi: "???")


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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