
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 15 It hurts so much when you hit me

Outside the Water Curtain Cave.

The monkeys also guessed that the final battle was about to begin.

The old ape stood on a big stone, looked at the monkeys around him and said, "I wonder if the man who threw the stone is here with us now?"

"If you are here, can you tell us whether you are sure to deal with that wolf king?"

The monkeys listened to the old ape's words and looked around scratching their heads.

They are also looking forward to the emergence of a master among their monkey group.

Sun Xiaokong was also standing among the monkeys below, but he did not stand out or speak.

In fact, Sun Xiaokong doesn't want to stand out. Once he does, he may be crowned the Monkey King by the monkeys.

Whether or not to be the Monkey King is a trivial matter. After all, the previous anti-routine task has been completed.

The reason why Sun Xiaokong doesn't want to stand out or become the Monkey King is because he is afraid that if he becomes the Monkey Queen, the shameless people above will use the monkey group to threaten him.

To put it simply, Sun Xiaokong is single now. No matter what he does, he can do it if he wants to do it. If he doesn't want to do it, he can pull him down.

But as the Monkey King, I am completely tied to the monkeys.

Even if you want to run away, you can't.

It is still developing silently at the moment, and it will take three years for the magical power to be obtained.

After obtaining the magical power, he taught it to all the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain.

Are the seventy-two transformations of Disha very powerful?

Somersault cloud very fast?

Sun Xiaokong:? Without showing off our wealth, we in Huaguo Mountain are like a monkey city.

The old ape waited for a long time and saw no one coming out. He sighed and said, "In that case, let's do what I said before."

"Younger clan members and female monkeys, please take some fruits to satisfy your hunger and move on."

Hearing this, everyone in the monkey group looked sad and felt very complicated.

"No, I won't leave, I want to be with everyone."

"Yes, fight them."

"We're not leaving either..."

All the little monkeys expressed their stance firmly.

The big horse monkey and the little horse monkey stood beside Sun Xiaokong and said firmly: "We all stay and fight with him together."

"Don't make trouble. The Wolf King is a real immortal with magical powers. You can't help much by staying here."

"Come on, let's live as long as we can. There's no need to stay here and die together."

The two old monkeys urged him again.


"We are not afraid of death..."

"Everyone wants to die together..."

The scene in front of him made Sun Xiaokong feel a little toothache.

I really don't like this emotional drama, I'm easily moved!

At this time, Sun Xiaokong was already extremely moved.

I screamed in my heart: Don't leave…I won't leave…


It is not:

You leave quickly, I won't leave…

Give birth to a monkey, raise a dog...

To be honest, Sun Xiaokong personally felt that he was quite unlucky to encounter these monkeys in Huaguo Mountain.

"Actually, I think that since the two wolf monsters in front have been killed, the one in the back won't be that powerful, right?"

Sun Xiaokong still couldn't help but speak.

When the monkeys heard Sun Xiaokong's words, they all focused on Sun Xiaokong.

The old ape hesitated and said: "The two wolf demons before were wild and incompetent. This wolf king is more powerful."

"You are all young and don't know. We have heard of Wolf King's reputation since we were young. He seems to be related to the gods in heaven. He is definitely very capable."

As the old ape finished speaking, several older monkeys also nodded together.

It's okay not to mention that it has a relationship with Heavenly Court. As soon as he mentioned this, Sun Xiaokong became angry and said, "Mom!"

Thinking that these wolf monsters, sent by the shameless group above, are actually people from heaven.

For a moment, Sun Xiaokong couldn't help it. He wanted to confess to the monkeys and shouted: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Jade Emperor: Am I taking the blame?



After a loud noise, trees fell from time to time in the forest outside the Water Curtain Cave.

Seeing this, the old ape hurriedly shouted: "Run quickly. If you don't run, you won't be in a hurry."

As the old ape finished speaking, a figure flew over from the woods.

"If you want to run away, I will cut off the heads of you monkeys today to avenge my second and third brothers."

The person coming is none other than the Wolf King.

This wolf king is half human-like, with some wolf features on his face, and he also looks like a werewolf.

When the monkeys saw the Wolf King flying over, they scattered in all directions, each looking for a tree and starting to climb.

There are still some that haven't escaped.

A few old monkeys and a group of young and strong monkeys not only did not run away, but also surrounded the Wolf King.

Although there were many people, they were all bare-handed and had no momentum at all.

On the other hand, the Wolf King is extremely domineering with a long sword in his hand.


The Wolf King kicked his left foot, causing the ground around him to shake.

Immediately afterwards, the big long knife in the Wolf King's hand slashed at the old ape.

The old ape is one of the spiritual monkeys, the simian.

Although he has never practiced, he is extremely agile.

Under the Wolf King, he actually dodged a move.

The speed of this wolf king is already very fast. Like a group of ordinary monkeys, all he sees are afterimages.

Sun Xiaokong was surprised that the old ape could avoid it.

"Still hiding?"

The Wolf King seemed a little surprised by the old ape's speed. He muttered and swung the long sword in his hand.

The crescent moon sword's magic power flew across the sky, and the stone and wood along the way were cut directly.

The old ape feels that he will die early and be born early.


A figure blocked it.

The powerful, heaven-destroying slash was easily blocked by Sun Xiaokong with his body.

To be honest, Sun Xiaokong had no choice. If he didn't take action, the old ape would definitely die, and the monkeys would also die.

However, since taking action...

Sun Xiaokong couldn't follow the routine on TV. would only take action every time when someone was seriously injured or dead.

At this point, Sun Xiaokong stood up directly.

The old ape thought he was going to die, but after waiting for a long time with his eyes closed, he didn't feel anything. When he opened his eyes, he saw Sun Xiaokong standing in front of him.

"Stone Monkey...you..."

The old ape was shocked. The Wolf King's sword just now was struck with magical power, and the stone monkey was able to block it. Could it be...

The monkeys who were dodging around were stunned when they saw this, and they all looked at Sun Xiaokong intently.

"So...so awesome!"

"How can Stone Monkey be so powerful?"

"Is it because he turned from stone and is physically strong?"

The big horse monkey and the little horse monkey looked at Sun Xiaokong, their eyes shining with naked greed.

After all, the animal skin on Sun Xiaokong's body was shattered by this blow.


The Wolf King frowned, feeling a little weird.

This monkey had no weapons in his hands and no magic power, so he easily blocked it with his body?

How the hell is this possible?

By the way, Sun Xiaokong feels that the special effects of this move are still good, and it has a fairy-tale style.

It's just that the strength is a little weaker, and it feels like being tapped lightly by someone.

"You hit me...it hurts so much!"

Sun Xiaokong suddenly said something out of nowhere.

The Wolf King was angry, are you insulting me?

I gave you such a powerful blow, but you just said, "It hurts!"

"you wanna die!"

With an angry shout, the Wolf King held a long sword in his hand. The afterimage flashed directly in front of Sun Xiaokong and slashed with the sword.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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