
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 14 The Wolf King is coming

The little demons listened to the werewolf's words, thought for a moment and replied, "It's probably because the three kings have seen their blessed land and don't want to come back."

"Yes, there are a lot of monkeys around here, but none of them are powerful and they won't be a match for the three kings."

"At once…"


Before a little demon finished speaking, he stepped through the grass and fell into a deep pit with four or five little demons.

Even the leading werewolf fell into it.

"His, who dug such a deep hole here?"

The werewolf fell into the hole and just cursed when he saw the overwhelming rocks above his head falling down.

There are also several large rocks weighing hundreds of kilograms.

"There's an ambush!"

"Run quickly, this stone hurts so much..."

"Oh my God! Why are there so many traps?"

At this time, the little demons who had not fallen into the pit were also panicking. They were faced with various rocks thrown at them and giant trees collided with them. They shouted and ran away one by one.

Some ran, fell into traps, or were hung from trees.

Dozens of little demons were defeated in less than two minutes, a few died, many were injured, and they all ran away.

Sun Xiaokong looked at the group of little monsters under the tree, and felt extremely sad!

If you monsters are so stupid, the journey to the west is as easy as drinking cold water.

But if you think about it carefully, there are no powerful monsters near Huaguo Mountain.


When the monkeys were about to cheer, the werewolf jumped out of the pit.

I saw that the werewolf was a little embarrassed after being smashed, but it was not injured at all.

"You monkeys actually dare to plot against Master Lang. Today I will skin you and make a monkey fur coat."

The werewolf was really angry. He held a spear in his hand and flew towards the monkey on the tree next to him.

When the monkey saw the opponent approaching, he jumped up, grabbed a vine, and hid in the nearby tree like a swing.

The werewolf threw the spear directly at the monkey.


There was a flash of silver light, and as soon as the monkey stood firm on the tree, it was penetrated by a spear from behind and fell to its death.

The werewolf didn't even look at it and directly transformed back into its original form. A giant wolf four to five meters tall appeared in front of the monkeys.

Ouch ouch…

After a roar, the giant wolf's figure was like lightning and rushed directly towards another tree.

Seeing this, the two monkeys on the tree jumped up a few meters and ran away.

The giant wolf swung its sharp claws, and three white lights flashed through, directly breaking all the trees.

A monkey was swept by the opponent's claws, and its body was cut in half.

Sun Xiaokong felt that his guess was correct. These traps were okay against some little monsters, but they were not enough to deal with wolf monsters.

Whoosh whoosh!

Four or five stones were shot towards the wolf demon.

The giant wolf, which had just killed two monkeys, became so ferocious that it did not take these stones seriously.

Even though these stones were extremely fast, the giant wolf didn't think there was any danger.

Puff puff!

There were several piercing sounds in succession.

When the giant wolf felt something was wrong, his body had already been penetrated by several stones.

Seeing the wolf demon dying, Sun Xiaokong felt that he was walking further and further down the road of hidden weapons...

Maybe all he needs is a Xuantian Baolu and a Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle.

The strength of this second king is slightly stronger than the three kings yesterday, but Sun Xiaokong has now cultivated 12,000 star cells.

Even though he didn't practice any skills and didn't know how to use any magical powers, his body's power was so abnormal that it was beyond description.

When it comes to the world of Journey to the West, realm and magic power only account for a part.

In the end, the competition is still about skills, magical powers, and magic weapons.

Those who can destroy heaven and earth in battle are those who have mastered great supernatural powers and heaven-defying magic weapons.

Just like Sun Xiaokong and the two wolf monsters, they are probably at the level of earthly immortals, but they have no magical powers and are just iron fools who can only use brute force.

I have magic power in my body, but I don't know how to use it...

At this time, the giant wolf was completely dead.

All the little monsters were almost gone.

The monkeys were confused again. They looked at each other and wanted to know who the boss of Feishi was.

"It's so... so powerful. Even ordinary swords can't hurt the wolf demon's body. It was shot through the body by several stones." The old ape looked at the wolf demon on the ground with a look of shock on his face.

"We threw so many rocks before that didn't hurt him, and this... was shot through by a few rocks."

Another old monkey said in shock.

"Yeah, when those rocks hit the hole before, the other party wasn't even hurt."

The young monkeys would not think about this, but the old monkeys knew that it was extremely powerful to shoot the wolf monster through the body with a stone.

On Lingshan Mountain, Tathagata's heart was full of doubts.

He could naturally tell that Sun Xiaokong was not practicing yet. At least when he used the stone just now, he didn't have any magic power at all, it was purely manual power.

However, Tathagata couldn't figure out why this stone monkey had so much power?

It seems that few people can shoot through the body of a monster of the same realm with an ordinary stone.

In other words, Erlang Shen and Nezha, who have become saints in the flesh, can do it, right?

No, even if Erlangshen and others didn't practice, their physical strength was just a little stronger than ordinary people, so they couldn't do it at all.

The Tathagata couldn't figure it out, and the Jade Emperor naturally couldn't figure it out either.

Last time I heard Clairvoyant and Shunfeng Er talk about the Stone Monkey. The Jade Emperor kept paying attention to the Stone Monkey when he had nothing to do.

Now I see the stone monkey shooting the monster's body with a stone, was a little confused for a while.

"Is it possible that this stone monkey jumped out of the stone and was born with some magical power related to stones that makes it so powerful?"

The Jade Emperor thought that maybe this statement could make sense.

Apart from the Jade Emperor and Tathagata, the one who will always pay attention to the Stone Monkey is Bodhi.

Although Bodhi was a little surprised by this, he was more pleased.

No matter what this monkey says, the more powerful the better, and it will be really powerful by then. If he goes out to show off, he will be worthy of being his master.

Sun Xiaokong: Even if I jump from here, I will never become a disciple.

The battle between the monkeys and the wolf demon has come to a temporary end.

Those little monsters who escaped must be the first to notify their big king.

It is estimated that the boss wolf king will bring people to kill him soon.

These traps made by the monkeys are probably of no use.


Sun Xiaokong was thinking that this big king would definitely take action himself, but by what means should he kill him?

Throwing rocks would definitely not work. If he was throwing rocks, he might as well change his name to Tang San.

Oh no.

Add another Zang, Tang San Zang.

You can set off to the west directly.

In the Wolf Demon Cave.

A group of little monsters who escaped back chirped and reported to their big king.

The Wolf King immediately became angry after hearing this.

"Damn it, I want to kill all these monkeys and avenge the second and third brothers."

"Young men, all go get your weapons and follow me to kill them."

Obviously, this big king is a ruthless character. He didn't care at all about the stones and traps that the little demon said.

A man of great skill is bold.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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