
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Chapter 13 I guess I can’t keep a low profile anymore

After thinking about it, Guanyin felt that the three wolf demons he was looking for might not be able to cause suffering to the monkeys, and he would have to look for them again.

Suddenly, Guanyin remembered that there was no need to look for it.

The Feng Shui fish you raise in your own lotus pond should be fine.

Bring a fish over and beat the stone monkey, no problem at all.

Don't want to become a disciple?

Not the Monkey King?

My feng shui fish will teach you how to be a monkey in minutes!

Thinking of this, Guanyin flew back to the South China Sea.

Guanyin's goldfish is indeed awesome, that is, the inspiration king. The flying snow in June froze the Tongtian River.

On Lingshan Mountain, Tathagata frowned when he saw this scene.

This wolf demon was about to enter the realm of demon fairy. In front of the stone monkey, all his skills and magic were useless, and he was actually hit in the head by a stone.

How the hell is Stone Monkey so strong before he even started practicing?


Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er also hurriedly reported.

"Reporting to the Jade Emperor, just now Stone Monkey used a stone to kill a wolf demon that was about to enter the realm of demon immortal."

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor also fell into deep thought.

However, after thinking about it for a while, I felt relieved.

"The Stone Monkey is an innate creature. He is an Earth Immortal as soon as he is born. Even if he has never practiced, it is not surprising to defeat an Earth Immortal or a Heavenly Immortal."

"You continue to observe."

The Jade Emperor and Tathagata have different ideas. Regarding the stone monkey, the Jade Emperor's attitude does not matter, while Tathagata wants to use Buddhism for his own use.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor felt that it didn't matter whether he was strong or not. Even if he was strong, he would not be a threat to him.

Xingyue Sanxing Cave.

Bodhi was a little puzzled. He felt that Tathagata was bragging to himself that day.

This stone monkey is an innate creature with a lifespan of at least hundreds of years. How could it be possible that he would come to me to become his disciple in three years?

But now, just a stone can instantly kill someone in the same realm. I'm afraid he won't come to become a disciple for a while, right?

Thinking about it, Bodhi was still going to discuss it with Tathagata.

On the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

A group of monkeys tied the four little minions into the water curtain hole with tree vines.

"Tell me, who are you and why do you want to rob our cave?"

"Yes, why did you rob our cave?"

"Are there any powerful monsters left in your place?"

Facing the interrogation of a group of monkeys, the four minions were scared to death and replied very frankly.

"We are from the Three Wolves Gang."

"Our king got the news that your monkey group found a blessed place, and then he sent three kings to take us to check it out."

"It's none of our business. We were forced to join the Three Wolf Gang by the three kings."

"Yeah, if we don't join, they will kill us."

"We also have a big king and a second king. They are much more powerful than the three kings. It is said that they can also perform magic..."

After listening to this, all the monkeys became a little impatient.

Because they haven't found out who threw the stone that killed the wolf demon just now, this is embarrassing.

After asking around, no one admitted it, which was very frustrating.

According to what a few gangsters said, they were definitely no match for the remaining two wolf monsters, so they had no way of dealing with them unless they found the hidden master who threw the stone among the monkeys.

Sun Xiaokong felt even more uncomfortable now. He had already seen that this was a conspiracy.

Even if you don't become the Monkey King, the other party will still plot against the monkeys and force you to stand out. Then when you feel that you are not strong enough to protect the monkeys, you will naturally want to learn skills from a disciple.

Although Sun Xiaokong is now very powerful without having to become a disciple, he is like a leek that can't stand up to his opponent, one wave after another comes to cleanse him before it subsides.

Unless you just bite the bullet and watch the monkeys being bullied and killed.

Obviously, neither the stone monkey in the original work nor Sun Xiaokong now can bear to watch the monkeys being killed and bullied.

This is conspiracy, forcing yourself to carry the banner...

"How about we give them the Water Curtain Cave?" Da Mahou suggested.

"No, their three kings are dead. Even if we give up the blessed land, they will not let us go."

"That's right, if it doesn't work, just fight with them."

"Yes, let's fight!"


For a moment, the monkeys cheered themselves up and planned to die together.

Tongbei Monkey looked at the other monkeys, thought for a while and said, "Then let's start preparations now. This water curtain cave is a good place, easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"We can ambush the agency in advance."

"Yes, yes, I agree!"

"We also agree, tell us what should we do?"

For a while, Tongbei Monkey began to discuss plans with everyone.

Sun Xiaokong listened with surprise on his face, these monkeys are so smart.

Sun Xiaokong knew the principles of digging holes, tying big sticks and rocks, and all kinds of traps, but if he really asked Sun Xiaokong to do it, he would be a little confused.

But this Tongbei Monkey can explain all these mechanisms completely.

After listening to this, more than 90% of the monkeys understood it.

This is a bit scary.

No wonder in the original work, the stone monkey can lead a group of monkeys to defeat the heavenly soldiers and generals. It seems that these monkeys in Huaguo Mountain are not simple masters.

In particular, the two monkeys and the two red-armed monkeys, as the four great monkeys, even in the original work, gave the stone monkeys a lot of tricks.

Sun Xiaokong listened without interrupting, feeling that he could no longer keep a low profile.

Although Tongbei Monkey's plan was very good, Sun Xiaokong knew that these falling rocks, bows and arrows, fire attacks, etc. could not do anything to the two leading wolf demons.

The two wolf demons had to force themselves to take action in the end.

If Sun Xiaokong knew that Guanyin returned to the South China Sea to catch fish, he would definitely scold him. Is it really necessary?

In one afternoon and one night, a group of monkeys set up traps all around the Shuilian Cave, waiting for the two wolf demons to lead their troops.

Early the next morning, Sun Xiaokong didn't hear the monkeys shouting, "The king... died again."

After walking out, Tongbei Monkey had already begun to arrange groups for everyone.

Thousands of monkeys, each performing his own duties.

Sun Xiaokong was no exception and joined a stone throwing group.

In the woods outside Shuilian Cave, there are several monkeys on every big tree.

And there are many stored stones on each big tree.

There were even a lot of big holes dug on the ground, and there were a lot of huge trees and boulders tied up with ropes. As long as the mechanism was triggered, they would be smashed out from all directions.

Sun Xiaokong found these things difficult to complete at first, but the monkeys in this mythical world were all beyond expectations.

To put it simply, these monkeys have become spirits. Although each of them has no abilities, their strength, speed, and physique are all at the level of monsters.

Half a day passed.

A group of monsters walked into the woods.

The leader was a werewolf, followed by dozens of little monsters.

"Second King, the blessed land is not far ahead."

"After leaving this forest, just walk a little further."

After listening to the words of the little demons, the werewolf nodded and asked: "Do you think the third child had it all to himself, or was there an accident?"


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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