
Chp 1. A New Beginning


I just woke up with a groan, in an unknown area.

"Where am I, didn't I shoot myself?" I spoke just to hear a deep voice coming out of my mouth.

'What the fuck?'

As I opened my eyes I felt that I have become bigger, I looked down to see that my hands had turned into claws.


I tried to stand up as I looked around, the only thing in sight was a cave and rubbles.

My inner monologue was broken when the cave was crushed or the whole mountain where my cave was disappeared just like that.

I instinctively covered my head with my wings to protect myself from the rubbles which were falling.

When I peeked outside I saw three dragons hovering in the air flapping their wings and creating huge gusts of wind.

On the left, a dragon with a jagged body in a shade of blue, with ethereal wings of ice and a spiked frozen tail opened its mouth and a feminine voice came "Welcome to the world little brother." said the ice dragon.

On the right, there was a red dragon who also had a jagged body and ethereal wings that seem to be set on fire and a long tail with the tip on fire opened its mouth and said "Yes, welcome, doesn't he look cool." with enthusiasm said the fire dragon.

And lastly in the middle was a dragon twice the size of the other two dragons. It had a white body that shined under the sun with galaxy-like eyes.

With a gentle fatherly look in his eyes he opened his maws and said "Indeed, welcome little brother." with a gentle tone.

Then suddenly the middle one shined so brightly I had to cover my eyes. Suddenly in front of me stood a handsome man with a teenage-like body, blue hairs that reached till his back and galaxy-like eyes staring at me and then he said "From now on your name will be VELOCITY."

Then suddenly I started to feel almost limitless power pouring into me but before I could even take a step I collapsed down.

After an unknown amount of time, an emotionless robotic voice woke me up from my slumber

[ DING! Host 20000003568 found a system

Booting up]

I, still in my dragon form, opened my big eyes to look for the source of the voice before a blue screen suddenly appeared in front of me.

[Ding! hello there! Nice to meet you ,I'm the system. I'm your helper and guide in this world]

'Huh? what system? and where am I, I never heard of this kind of world.'

[Ding! Host is in the anime world known as Tensura or also known as That time I got reincarnated as a slime, well I doubt the host would know what anime means because you were too focused on revenge]

'Anime huh? I don't have a clue what that is, but system can you give me a description of the world.'

[DING! the world of Tensura contains dragons, demons, humans, giants, demi-humans, dwarfs, elves etc. And it's a world where the rule survival of the fittest is at its center. A person becomes powerful by obtaining skills or by evolving. The host is from the most powerful race that is true dragons, they are one of a kind and there are only four right now including the host. There is more information available but the host has not yet reached the required level]

'I am reincarnated in to a fucked up world, at least I have a head start.'

[DING! HOST WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW THE FUNCTIONS OF SYSTEM ?] 'Yes show me your functions.' I said a bit excited


-Status: Shows a list of all numerical values that make up the Host's physical/mental/spiritual attributes.

-Infinite Inventory: Displays a grid that allows the Host to store items within the void. The Host can store/extract items using mental commands.

The Host can also 'Equip' items to pre-designated slots to immediately change equipment.

-Eye of the system: Can display other people's stats which are equal to host or lower than the host's power level


'That's pretty neat. Having an infinite storage and being capable of seeing other people's stats can be pretty useful.'

'Now how should I see my stats?'

[DING! The host can think status in his mind and the window will pop up] 'Thanks, and system enough with the DINGS don't Ding anymore.'


Then a blue holographic screen popped up


HP:- ♾

STR:-200k (town level)



STAMINA:- Near ♾

AGILITY:- Close to the speed of light


Intelligence:- above dragons

Wisdom:- low


Dragon claw

Dragon tail

Areal spin

Dragon aura

Enhanced Senses




Soul Manipulation

Magic negation


All of creation

Elemental immunity

Physical immunity

Pain nullification


Reality warping (locked)

Chrono kinesis (locked)

Vector manipulation (locked)

Denial of nothingness (locked)]