
Starlight Age (Hollywood)

"The whole world knows about my flirtatiousness, but only you know about my purity!" DISCLAIMER THIS IS A TRANSLATION The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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332 Chs

Chapter 195: Eating Hot Pot

Seeing that the development of the plot story was about to reach its climax, Lin Mingyang, who was in the middle of talking about sex, suddenly heard a gurgling sound, and his expression instantly froze.

"That sound can't be mine, right?"

Alba blushed in shame and hurriedly lowered her head, "Sorry, it's me!"

Lin Mingyang paid attention to his watch and realized that it was already the point of dinner, he was so focused on telling stories that he forgot about the time.

"I should be the one to say sorry, why don't we stop here with the plot and go eat something?"

Interrupting someone's conversation was already a very rude thing to do, and in such a way, now Alba didn't even dare to raise her head to look at Lin Ming Yang, she just nodded her head, as for where to go to eat and what to eat, it was naturally Lin Ming Yang's call at this time.

Lin Mingyang's ordinary looking SUV did save them a lot of trouble, few people would have thought that two of Hollywood's biggest stars were sitting in it. With Alba this professional "guide", Lin Mingyang drove the car in a short while to Los Angeles Chinatown.

"What are we going to eat?" Standing on the bustling streets, Alba asked with some curiosity.

Lin Ming Yang raised his eyes and looked out, "I'll take you to savor some Chinese hot pot...I seem to remember there was a hot pot restaurant here the last time I was here."

Of course Alba didn't understand what a hot pot was, so Lin Ming Yang had to describe the shape of a hot pot to her, and then she had a look of realization, "I've been to a restaurant like that, and they had that 'hot pot' shaped signboard you're talking about hanging in front of their store!"

Lin Ming Yang froze, if he remembered correctly, the one with the 'hot pot' sign was a Japanese restaurant. This problem was still difficult to explain, but fortunately, he had already discovered the hot pot restaurant in Chinatown that he had been to before.

He led Alba to stop in front of a quaint restaurant. When he walked in, there were quite a few people eating hot pot, and it was so lively that it was a bit like a bathhouse. Lin Mingyang had a long-lost affinity for this noisy environment, but Alba looked uncomfortable at first. She had never encountered such a noisy dining environment before, and she frowned before she even sat down.

Chinese hot pots are divided into yuanyang hot pots according to the Bagua diagram, which symbolizes the unity of heaven and earth and the fusion of reunion. The United States, however, is not as culturally deep, and they like to keep it straight, dividing the rectangular hot pot evenly into many small slots with an iron plate.

If a customer wants to share the hot pot, then each person will have one hot pot slot and each person will eat his or her own food. If the customer wants to share the meal, the waiter will pour various flavors of hot pot base into each slot. While hot pots usually have only two flavors, spicy and non-spicy, the hot pots here offer seven or eight flavors at the same time.

Alba's attention was quickly attracted by the waiter actually brought up a variety of dishes, meat dishes she could basically distinguish, some vegetarian dishes she had never seen, simply could not name. Later, the waiter actually brought a large plate of fruit, Alba thought it was fruit salad, but looked for half a day but did not see the shadow of the salad dressing.

Seeing her puzzled expression, Lin Ming Yang smiled and introduced, "This fruit is used for shabu-shabu, plus a variety of stamens, you eat it, the flavor is very special." Saying this, he also gave Alba a demonstration, and made a delicious look as he chewed it in his mouth

Alba hesitantly tasted a small mouthful and found that the flavor was really good, the taste was refreshing and light. With Lin Ming Yang's drive and her stomach rumbling in protest, she quickly adapted to this shabu-shabu method of eating.

The meat dishes on the table were basically eaten by Lin Ming Yang alone, while Alba kept putting different ingredients into her hot pot hopper. When she came across vegetables she didn't recognize, Lin Mingyang had to explain them to her.

In the meantime, Alba became interested in the plate of chubby, naive and cute looking little round Mexican peppers, Lin Ming Yang reminded her that it was known as the spiciest thing in the world, but Alba couldn't help but want to try it.

"Felix, your expression looks strange, is this thing really as scary as you described?" Alba looked at the way a few white people with blonde hair and blue eyes like her were eating it next to her, but Lin Ming Yang was as scared as a snake and scorpion of this plate of small round peppers.

Lin Ming Yang looked at Alba very seriously, "I advise you not to try it so easily, because once you bite it open, it will be too late to regret it!"

Alba shook her head in disbelief, but after just one bite she regretted it, but at this time it was too late to back out, that numb and spicy feeling soon rose up in her mouth. Alba, whose face was reddened, couldn't care less about her image, she covered her mouth and waved at the waiter.

"Quick...bring me a glass of ice water...my lips are about to catch fire!"

She was still covering her mouth when she spoke, spitting out words that were a bit slurred, and after half a day of gesticulating, the other party hardy didn't understand. Lin Ming Yang knew that drinking water didn't work when it was spicy, so he asked the waiter to bring over a jar of yogurt.

By the time the other party sent over what Lin Ming Yang wanted, Alba's lips were already so spicy that she lost consciousness. But she slowly realized that when the spiciness subsided, a sweet and tangy taste took over her entire tongue. It was then that she realized why the few Americans over there were still desperately eating even though it was so spicy, it turned out to be this taste sensation that was infinitely luring every diner.

Thinking of that sad taste when she first tasted it, Alba finally gave up on the idea of continuing to taste it. The conversation between the two at the table went from the food back to the story of the New Spider-Man sequel that was still unfinished.

"I always felt that as a sequel to Spider-Man, there was something missing from this story!" This doubt Alba had been holding in her heart for a long time, and that's when she finally had the chance to say it.

Lin Ming Yang casually asked, "Does it feel like the image of Spider-Man's superhero isn't prominent enough?"

Alba thought about it for a moment, and it seemed like that was really the case, "But why is that?"

"Because the super villain in the story hasn't appeared yet, whether it's in the comics or the movies, behind every superhero's rise to fame stands a group of silently crying villains." Lin Mingyang explained with a smile.

Alba guessed, "Could it be that the villains in this movie came out of nowhere at the end?"

"Of course not, this person has already appeared in the previous stories, but you would never expect it to be him!" Lin Ming Yang intentionally sold the story and then began to talk about the ensuing plot.

"Wenger's departure made Peter begin to seriously reflect on his past practices, but just as he was about to find his wife for a serious talk, Wenger and Mary came to his door at the same time. Peter's son Mark was robbed by a group of black-clothed men, and Windsor also inexplicably disappeared, these two things happened almost at the same time, on the one hand, his own son, and on the other hand is the son of a good friend, his wife's pleading eyes and Mary's helpless expression makes Peter once again in a dilemma of choice."

"At this time Peter received a strange phone call, it turned out that both children fell into the hands of the same gang, the other party on the phone to Peter left an address, if he arrived within half an hour, both children will be lifeless."

"Invincible Spider-Man on the scene?" By this point in the story, Alba is basically able to guess how the rest of the plot will play out, but she remains curious because the biggest cliffhanger has yet to be revealed.

"Kidnapping Mark and Windsor is actually..." the answer was already crying out, but Lin Mingyang didn't follow.

Alba made her first hypothesis: "That villainous Big Boss is actually Mary, she resented Peter for killing Harry, so she first destroyed his family and then kidnapped Mark, she wanted Peter to suffer the double pain of losing his lover and son."

"If it's Mary, how can Windsor's disappearance be explained?" Lin Mingyang shook his head, dismissing the answer.

"Harry isn't dead yet, but has turned into an ugly monster who saw Peter approaching Mary and has earned his daughter's dependence. He put all his resentment on Peter and then launched a crazy revenge on Peter." Alba offered another hypothesis.

"Harry already died in the last episode, this isn't a magical movie, the character definitely won't come back from the dead!" Lin Ming Yang still shook his head, and seeing that Alba was a bit anxious, he prompted, "This guess of yours is already a bit close to the correct answer!"

"Other than that, I really can't think of anyone else already!"

Alba helplessly declared that she had given up, and finally Lin Ming Yang spoke the name of that person.

"How is this possible?" Alba's eyes widened in surprise, "Harry's father died many years ago in the last episode, how could he be the final villain? You said that characters don't come back from the dead."

Lin Ming Yang explained, "Harry's father, Norman, just disappeared in that experiment explosion, everyone just thought he was dead, but the truth is that the explosion was a deliberate cover-up that he made, he hid in a hidden place and continued his experiments."

"So he succeeded?"

"Successful!" Lin Mingyang's words changed, "But it was with Peter's help."

A doubt had just been solved, one suspense appeared, Alba admired Lin Mingyang's level of storytelling, he could always change his mind to make you listen to the story.

"And what does this have to do with Peter?"

"Because Norman is the boss behind the company that hired Peter, they used the excuse of developing a new drug to overcome a lot of technical difficulties with the help of Peter's hands."

"And Peter knew about it in the end?"

"All the mysteries were revealed in the final battle, Norman had been researching how to transfer the characteristics of the lizard's regenerative tail, to humans. In an experiment of fusing with a lizard, he did succeed in obtaining this ability to regenerate severed limbs, but at the same time, he himself also alienated into a lizard human demon. He knew that Peter had killed his son Harry, and recruiting Peter into the company was part of his revenge plan. When Norman gained the ability to fight Spider-Man, he began to implement his revenge plan. He wanted Peter to know the pain of losing his son as well, so he kidnapped Mark to wait until he had defeated Spider-Man himself and killed Mark in front of him."

"What about Windsor, why did Norman kidnap her too?"

"Because she's Harry's only flesh and blood and Norman wants to keep her for himself."