
Stargate: The Sov'ren

The Goau'ld had many names and titles in the galaxy. Some called them demons or destroyers. The knowing few called them parasites or symbiotes. Most saw them as slavers and evil conquerors. ...But the vast majority on the other hand, praised them as their Gods, worshipping and loving them with every fibre of their beings. They were 'Gods', who used their incomprehensible and everlasting magic to rule over countless planets and star systems, carving out large and expansive empires or domains in the galaxy. They fed and relished upon the blind and ignorant worship of millions upon millions of humans and other races in the Milky Way who saw them as their creators, protectors, and their means of salvation. In truth, they were simply a race of power hungry and egomaniac parasites who used their overwhelming and advanced technology and weapons to enslave the countless humans they'd seeded all across the galaxy, enforcing their rule through fear and terror. They were false gods in every sense of the word, shrouding themselves in a facade of lies, myths, legends and stories, manipulating the feeble masses to revere and idolise them. All to satisfy their massive egos. They toyed and abused their human slaves, exploiting and using them in ways that would make anyone with a shred of morality skin crawl in disgust and revulsion. Men, women, children, babies, so far as they were human, no one was safe from their hands and they were utterly powerless, with no one to save them. All they could do was silently accept and live under the tyranny of the false Gods, hoping to one day have a taste of the sweetness of freedom. ...That is, until now. A new variable had appeared. A new and powerful force that would wield the weapons of the Goau'ld against them, challenging their false divinity and utilizing their own knowledge to rid humanity of their chains of slavery and oppression. A revolutionary who'd lead humanity on a golden path to their rightful places as a dominent force in the galaxy and beyond. A leader who'd make humanity gain and deserve the title of the 'Fifth Race' as they were always destined to have...or die trying. *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the Stargate characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic and the characters of my creation. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators.

Reyes_II · TV
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17 Chs

Leaving Town

I placed the last item into the bag and zipped it closed. Grabbing the handle, I slung the black duffle bag onto my back and glanced around the clean room for anything I'd forgotten to pack.

Finding nothing, I nodded and moved to the door, pulling the key out of it. I opened the door, walked out of the room, and after giving the laid bed and clean room one last look, I cracked a small smile and closed the door, locking it with a faint click.

With the key in my left hand and the bag settled on my back, I strode slowly towards the lobby ahead. As I drew closer, Heather raised her head from the magazine she was reading and looked at me, beaming instantly when she saw me.

"Victor," she said, her glossed lips curled into a smile, as I paused in front of her. She was dressed in a black graphic t-shirt and a short white shirt that gave me a glimpse of a smooth white thighs.

"Heather," I nodded at her with a smile on my face, the name she called me drawing out some memories.

Victor was my middle name and the name of my dead father in my past life. It wasn't a name I liked using because it used to bring out some bad memories, memories of my dad and mom dying in a car crash. Something I didn't like remembering.

Eventually, as I grew older, I got over it, and even though I still didn't use it that much, I embraced the name as a part of me, a token of my father. So, when Heather asked me for my name during our dinner three days ago, I decided to tell her that name.

I initially wanted to give her a fake name, but she had been kind to me thus far, so I didn't see the need to do that. I could've given her my first or last name, but that would've created some problems.

With anti-commie energy running around the country this time of year, saying my name was Vladymir Voronov would've raised a couple of eyebrows.

I didn't want SWAT or secret service teams busting into my room out of nowhere because she thought I was a Soviet spy or something. I wasn't ready for that yet.

"So...you're leaving, huh?" She stretched her neck to the side and peered at my bag. "Thought you said you wouldn't leave until nighttime," she remarked, a smile on her face, but I caught the glimmer of sadness that flashed across her eyes.

"Yeah, that was the plan," I let out a helpless sigh. "But there were no Seattle buses scheduled to leave at night, so I had to compromise and buy the ticket for the afternoon bus," I said as I placed my room key on the counter.

"That's unfortunate," she commented as she took the key and stepped back to hang it on the keyholder. "Thought we could hang out for the last bit, but I guess that's not happening," she sighed as she turned back to face me, a hint of sadness in her soft voice.

"Yeah, sorry," I apologized with a wry smile as I thought back on our relationship. She was into me, very much, and she never hid it.

During the past few days, we hung out a couple of times, and she'd been throwing hints all those times, but I just pretended not to notice them.

I wasn't staying here long, not to talk of the fact that with all the things going on with me, I just wasn't ready for any kind of commitment right now.

A part of me, influenced by millennia of Goa'uld orgies and personal harems, whispered that I should just sleep with her or use her to satisfy my needs while I had the chance.

But I forced myself to resist it and made sure my relationship with her was purely platonic. She took the hint peacefully and didn't press.

She was sad I was leaving, her body language showed that despite her trying to hide it, but eventually she'd just have to get over it. It was just how things were meant to be.

"Don't apologize. It's normal," she chuckled dryly, waving it off nonchalantly. "I guess this is goodbye then. Remember to call me, okay?" she added with a forced bright smile.

"Of course, you can count on it," I smiled and nodded. "Goodbye Heather, until next time," I said, flashing her a simple wave, and turned to walk away.

Before I could take a step, she grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Wait a minute," she said as I turned to face her with an arched eyebrow, stepping out behind the counter to stand right in my face. Surprisingly, the next moment, she tiptoed and placed a warm gentle kiss on my left cheek.

"Just something to remember me by," she smirked at the look of surprise on my face as I rubbed my cheek, her fragrance all over me. "Bye handsome and don't forget me," she said softly, her smirk turning into a cute smile.

"...Bye and trust me I won't." Coming out of my reverie, I said and promised with a wide smile that from the looks of it, put her heart at ease.

She nodded and not wanting the situation to get more emotional, I flashed her one last smile and walked out of the lobby.

The glare of the afternoon sun, the cold wind, and the sound of cars driving and honking along the road, welcomed me as I came out of the motel.

"It's time to leave this town," I murmured as I glanced at the pedestrians walking around, adjusting the weight of my slightly heavy bag relaxing on my back, and walked to the road, a faint smile playing on my lips.

Hailing a passing yellow taxi, I waited for a few seconds for it to stop near the sidewalk and stepped into it after opening the door.

"Where to?" the driver asked casually as I relaxed in the backseat, placing the bag on my lap.

"The bus station," I replied, as the glasses rolled down.

"Alright," he nodded and the car started moving. It didn't take long, about ten minutes, before we reached the entrance of the bus station.

"How much?" I asked as the car stopped, slipping my right hand into the right pocket of my black jeans to take out my black leather wallet.

"Five," he answered, looking at me through the mirror. I took out a five dollar bill from my wallet and extended it to him. He took it and nodded.

"Thanks," he remarked as I opened the door and stepped out, holding the bag with my right hand.

"You're welcome," I closed the door with a thud and together with a couple of people, walked into the station as the cab drove away behind me.

The station was bustling with people and filled with rows of parked buses that had the logos or names of the companies they belonged to branded on them.

The main one-story building sat behind the cars, people moving in and out of it through its glass double door.

Ignoring the stares some of the people around sent my way, I took out my bus ticket from my left pocket and started moving around the place, searching for my designated bus.

It took me a couple of minutes but I found it. It was nearly filled and there was a line of people in front of its entrance, a female ticket collector in uniform standing next to it taking tickets.

Joining the line, standing behind an old man with a mop of gray hair, I waited for my turn. The line moved slowly but eventually, it reached my turn.

The woman smiled brightly as I gave the ticket to her, staring at my face intently. It was annoying.

I forced a smile in response despite my discomfort and stepped into the bus, taking a seat at the back near the window.

As more people trickled into the bus, a young dark-skinned guy with an athletic build and a tall afro plopped on the seat next to me, a Walkman headset around his neck.

"Sup man," he greeted as he placed his bag on the floor.

"Cool bro," I turned my head and replied casually in response, nodding with a polite smile. He nodded at me with a smile and removed the headset from his neck, placing it on his ears as the door of the bus closed after the last person entered.

The bus started moving, driving out of the station into the road in a few minutes. As the wind licked my face and hair, rap music sounding out of the headphones next to me, I closed my eyes and sank into my thoughts.

In nine to ten hours, I'd be in Seattle. There I'd have to take a taxi to Shoreline, North of Seattle, where Setesh's cult was based and initiate the raid. I'd planned the whole thing out.

According to the CIA's file, Setesh had fifteen to seventeen members in his cult. Ten young men and five to seven women, give or take. It wasn't a large number and from the file, the Cult just started there, about nine months ago.

Because of this and the fact that Setesh hadn't done anything illegal or wrong, not yet at least, his cult wasn't really on the CIA's radar. They weren't taking him or the cult seriously. It was harmless to them.

They didn't even know much about it. All they knew was that it was a cult centered around a man named Set who had a dubious historical record and background.

So as a result of this underestimation, there were no agents posted around his compound to keep an eye on him, making my job a whole lot easier.

Ten men, who'd be armed with, if not with guns then Zat'nik'tels, weren't a threat. They were at most a nuisance. I'd get in, kill him, take the things I needed, and get out before anyone was the wiser.

It'd be a piece of cake, as easy as killing a Horus guard with a pencil...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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