
Chapter 10: Battle for Survival

Chapter 10: Battle for Survival

As soon as the fleet entered the Pegasus galaxy, they were ambushed by a massive Wraith armada. The sky lit up with explosions, and the sounds of weapons firing filled the air. The ships of the fleet were scattered and outnumbered, and it seemed like the end was near.

The bridge of the Daedalus was a flurry of activity, with technicians running to and fro, trying to keep the ship functioning. Colonel Caldwell barked orders, trying to coordinate the defense of the fleet. "All ships, form up on me! We need to regroup and fight back!"

As the Daedalus moved to the center of the fleet, a Wraith cruiser loomed into view. It was massive, easily twice the size of the Daedalus, and bristling with weapons. The ship fired a volley of energy blasts at the Daedalus, causing the ship to shake violently.

"We're taking heavy fire, sir!" shouted Lieutenant Colonel Marks, the ship's XO. "Shields are down to 50%!"

Caldwell gritted his teeth. They were outgunned and outmatched, but he wasn't about to give up without a fight. "All hands, brace for impact! We're going in hot!"

The Daedalus charged forward, firing its weapons at the Wraith cruiser. The ship rocked with explosions as the two vessels traded blows. But despite their best efforts, the Daedalus was no match for the Wraith ship. It was only a matter of time before they were destroyed.

Just when all hope seemed lost, a group of ships appeared on the horizon. They were small and fast, darting through the Wraith formations with ease. The ships were darting through the Wraith formations with ease, firing their weapons at the Wraith ships.

Caldwell breathed a sigh of relief. "It's the Travelers! They've come to help us!"

The Travelers had a reputation for being smugglers and scoundrels, but they were also skilled pilots and fighters. And now, they were throwing their lot in with the humans.

The Traveler ships weaved through the Wraith armada, drawing their fire away from the human ships. It was a risky move, but it bought the humans enough time to regroup and launch a counter-attack.

With renewed hope, the humans fought back with everything they had. The Wraith ships were outnumbered and outmaneuvered, and they started to fall back.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, but finally, the last of the Wraith ships were destroyed or driven away. The humans had won.

As the ships of the fleet regrouped and began to tend to their wounded, Colonel Caldwell breathed a sigh of relief. They had made it through alive, thanks to the unexpected help of the Travelers.

"Looks like we owe the Travelers a debt of gratitude," he said to his crew. "Let's make sure we thank them properly."

The crew of the Daedalus cheered, their spirits lifted by the victory. They had faced incredible odds and come out on top, but they knew that this was only the beginning. The Wraith were a relentless enemy, and there were more battles to come.

But for now, they celebrated their victory, knowing that they had survived against all odds.