
starfield chronicles ( prototype story )

this is experimental story for my upcoming story , starfield chronicles, if you have any suggestions to make main story better please let me know. the story follows the protagonist Ryujin in a distant world where magic, superpowers, demons and many fantasies are real. The story progresses as Ryujin is inspired by a man to follow his dreams of becoming the aether king. He joins the magical school in his state and makes many new friend, allies and even enemies. The struggles he faces, the relationships he develops to become the aether king are the main contents of this novel.

vyxel · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

chapter 2 - entrance exam begins

8 days have passed since Akuma and Ryujin had duelled and it is finally the time for the magical school's entrance exam to begin. Around 112,000 students gather at the grand arena situated in the middle of the school campus. soon after everyone is gathered, around 21 high ranking soldiers come up to the stage and announce the arrival of the state's administrator. A bold warrior with long Royal blue hairs and wielding dual swords come up to the stage and welcome everyone, he is one of the 12 warriors of lights from kingdom of theia the cardinal of east, Ryung takao. 

some start cheering for the cardinal, while some are happy to see their inspiration, some are wondering about what kind of powers do 12 warriors of light hold. Nonetheless everyone is very excited about the upcoming entrance exam. 

Ryung takao: "I welcome everyone who came here from all around the state to participate in the magical academy of Erzya. Everyone who has made it this far have proved their abilities in some way or other, and I wish everyone good luck for the upcoming series of entrance exams. The exam is divided into 4 parts, and in the end the average performance from all 4 exams are evaluated to get the final scores, those who make it to top 10,000 students will be admitted to the magical school of Erzya, and they will be taught by the very best of the mages and warriors of their fields that they choose. Even if you do not make it to the academy you can always apply for it next year. Now will explain about the 4 exams that you will be taking for next 16 days."

Ryung explained about the exams and left the stage. The 4 exams in order are written, magical attribute, wild-beast hunting and combat. written and magical attribute tests take 1 day each and wild-beast hunting and combat exams take 7 days each. Everyone is given a ranking after end of each exams which shows their current ranking amongst all of the students taking the exam. 

Instructors: "everyone walk towards your designated writing exam halls."

everyone walks towards the exam hall number that they were given when they arrived at magical school and prepares for the written exam. Ryujin and Akuma are in the hall number 108 and they wish each other good luck for the upcoming exam. 

supervisor for the hall number 108 comes to the hall with many mages who specialise in mana detection to restrain students from cheating during the exam. 

supervisor: "The test will begin after everyone is given the paper, it will last for 4 hours and those who are caught cheating by mages will be expelled immediately. Remember this exam test your knowledge of our history and understanding of magic and the weapons."

the test begins, even thought Ryujin and Akuma did not study a lot about the magic and weapons they were doing fine. Though some students were freaking out and even try to cheat off others, they were caught immediately and expelled from the magical school. The written exam ends after 4 hours, total of 4,521 students were already expelled from the magical school for getting caught cheating. Even though instructors had warned them about cheating, some were confident in their skills where others were desperate to pass due to their lack of knowledge. Regardless all of those students were expelled and remaining students were given a new badge that showed their ranks, students were also given an option to hide their ranks from other students. Most of the students who decided to hide their ranks were those who performed poorly in the written exam. Both Ryujin and Akuma had performed well and were ranked in top 10,000 students already, despite both being bad at written exams. Still both of them decided to hide their ranks. 

After that everyone returned to the dorms, some decided to rest while others started preparing for the magical attribute test that was going to commence the next day. 

At midnight the rankings of the written exam were officially published by magical school using transmission magic. Those who have hidden their rankings are not shown in public rankings, and only the person is able to know their rankings. The rankings that Ryujin has received are as follows

1) Kei Okinawa 2) Seno Aya 3) Araki Reiko 4) Hora Fumiko 5) Soda Keiji .... 7621) Ryujin.

Even though Ryujin was very smart, most of the students ranked above him were aspiring to be magical scholars, who had focused on knowledge more than combat trainings, where as Ryujin had focused mostly on practical combat and magical proficiency. That is why Ryujin got this low of a ranking in the written exam.

- the next morning

Ryujin is walking in the lobby corridor of the dorm rooms when suddenly he hears the scream of a girl. He rushes towards where the scream came from, it is a girl with bright silver hairs, carrying a bow as a weapon. ryujin looked at her right arm which seemed to be wounded by a sword , the wound was not serious enough to be permanent, but it was enough to make her unable to perform magic properly for a week. There seemed to be some sort of ambush by 3 people, but by the time Ryujin came to the scene those people had already fled. Ryujin then takes the girl to infirmary to get her healed using healing magic of healers of magical academy. 

Healer: "She should heal within two hours if we use the healing magic. Do you know how and by whom did she get injured when in dormitory?"

Ryujin: "No, when I arrived to the scene, those people had already fled."

Healer: "Alright, you can leave now, she should be fine for today's magical attribute test, since it is open till midnight"

Ryujin then walks towards the magical attribute test room. This test is different from others, Since it only takes 30 minutes and it is open throughout the day for people to take it on the time they desire. The test mainly focuses on student's proficiency in using various types of magics, the more type of magic you know the higher score you get. Same with proficiency if you perform a magical spell with good proficiency you do get higher score. Weapon techniques are not measured in this test, so in a way it is a pure magical power test.