
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Ch.75 ۞ Verena ۞ Part I

Aurora Borealis Hotel


MY MOM WAS A BASILISK- SHE'S A FUCKING BASILISK! What in the actual hell? How am I the daughter of my biggest fear? Is this a bad joke or something? My mom's a snake. How's she a snake?

Hah, if it was just her. To think my father's a Sea Serpent… Damn it, I can't fucking believe this. I would be happy if I wasn't scared. And can you believe it gets worse?!

My paternal grandfather was a Hydra. Yes, a Hydra. While my paternal grandmother, my four paternal uncles, my maternal grandparents, and all of nine maternal aunts were Dragons. Mom's family was of Water Dragons, while dad's was of Earth Dragons.

You know what that means? That means reptiles. Not just that but it also increases the possibility of me and Emma being reptiles as well. Basilisk, Sea Serpent, Dragons. All kinds of reptiles. And you know what I hate the most? Yes. REPTILES.

Now I understand why they were all so fucking scared of our parents. Hah, how wouldn't they. Dad was the 2nd strongest order of all, and his dad was the 3rd, while mom was the 4th, and the rest of the two families were all part of the 5th strongest order. Hah, to make it a living hell, me and Emma will be Phoenixes just so we'll be the 1st strongest order of all, and together with our family well gave all of the 5 top spots, uh?

As cool as that sounds, I don't want to be a Phoenix. They are immortal, and I have no interest in watching my loved ones all die around me. I wouldn't want that for Emma either. Sounds just like a horrifying nightmare, doesn't it?

Okay, but jokes aside, what in the actual fuck? How did a Sea Serpent came out of a Hydra with a Earth Dragon? Worse. How did a Basilisk came out of two Water Dragons? How does any of this makes sense?

Are the others all this messed up?

"So, you mean to tell me that me and Emma are the daughters of two powerful and horrifying snakes?" I asked after around 10 minutes which I used to assimilate the information, while drinking another glass of the drink I like to call vodiskey.

Karol bit her bottom lip, "Are you both sacred of snakes?"

Did I made it so obvious? "Not really. Just me. Emma doesn't like them, but I'm simply terrified of it. And it's being kind of her to swallow the fact that I'm the daughter of the most scariest orders combined," I frowned at the thought. "And what's with this tortoise and phoenix as pets? Are those the divine beings you said that were guarding them?"

A nod, "They disappeared when Asphodel was submerged. It was the first time anyone had seen a Phoenix in millennials, since the last time it showed up, it was guarding the founder of Astra," oh, I remember that.

"Who was a Phoenix himself, no?" I recalled.

"Yes, he was, indeed. No one knows where he is, but we know that he's still alive. He's a Phoenix after all. It's both a blessing and a curse," as graceful as it looks, it's fully a curse in my eyes.

"I see no blessing on that," I scoffed and took another sip of my vodiskey. "Although Emma might have a love for Phoenixes, I can't feel the same. Yes, they are fucking crazy and powerful. But they don't die. And when you can't die, life becomes useless to you, no?"

She seemed stunned by my words, "No one would think that way. Faes live extremely long lives, Vee, they care about power. Being a Phoenix would be a dream come true for them. Maybe you have this interesting mindset because you were raised as a human, and humans have short lives. You gives more value to it than most Fae." That should be common sense.

I ate three of the red jellybeans she had bought for me, "I've been in near death situations more then once, Karol. That's why. I can't allow myself to die and leave Emma alone in this world."

Karol blinked softly and as she paused her hand over mine, I felt as some of my magic was being transferred to her. Unicorns also tend to feed on emotions and others' magic, but I'm not really minding it now. She's feeding me, I can give some of my magic to her, since I'll be able to recharge it later.

"Emma wasn't joking when she called you a self-sacrificing dumbass, was she?" I said nothing, leaving the conclusions for her to make. "What did you see in the vision, to make you so euphoric like this, Vee?" And the genuine worry I sensed from her made me feel almost happy.

It's good to have someone other than Emma worrying about me. "You can't tell anyone about this."

She nodded, leaning forward, "You can trust me in the same way your mom trusted my sister," Arianna, yes, mom mentioned her in her profile. Both her and dad did. "And you don't have to worry. I won't tell Emma or anyone, for a matter of fact."

Filling the glass again, I drank it all at once, happy with the burning sensation that flooded my insides as the alcohol settled in. Then I filled it again, taking advantage of the entire bar, and the fact that Karol allowed me to drink as much as I wanted. "Emma isn't the one in danger, Karol. She'll probably be traumatized, but I, unfortunately can't avoid that from happening since I saw it."

Karol frowned her eyebrows and she taste the fear in my veins, "However…?"

Sigh, "However, I'll pretty much be jumping for my own death when I save her. She won't be able to do shit to help me, because she'll be unconscious," I opened my Const, went through all of the security system and as I found one of the paintings I made of the monster, I turned it to her. "This will attack me and take be to the depths of the Sea. I was drowning and losing consciousness when the vision ended. So, I'm trying to find a way to deal with this."

Her gasp was loud, "It's a Siren!"

So, she does know what is it. "The creature mom mentioned in her profile, saying she didn't like it but my dad did?" A dumbfounded nod. "How dangerous is this monster, Karol?"

She inhaled sharply, "From 0 to 10?" A nod. "11."

"Shit," it's worse than I thought.

"It's deadly sea monster, Verena! Your father liked this bitch because as a Sea Serpent he had control over all the monsters of the Sea. Sirens were one of them. Bloodthirsty, aggressive, harmful monsters. The stronger you are, the more they will be attracted to you!"

I gulped, "So… I may have saved Emma from it?"

"Oh, you definitely did. But you now you will be in danger, you idiot," she looked exasperated as she passed her fingers through her long lose hair. "They tend to orbit towards fire wielders, and you are a catastrophe order in Fire. You are pretty much their favorite snack, kid."

Imagined if I had gone through that without knowing shit about it. Thankfully Karol knows what is it, "Can I kill it?"

"Physical attacks only. They have seven hearts, you have to pierce through all seven to kill one. It's not easy at all, and almost no one survived it. There's only record of around 10 Faes who did, and they all came out of the combat in a horrible state."

I pressed my lips together, "As long as I come out alive."