
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Ch.66 ۞ Kian ۞ Part V

"WHAT AM I TO LIKE TO BE BITTEN. THAT'S NOT MY CUP OF TEA. I don't have that kind of kink!" Fuck, I hate that she's actually funny. I don't want to laugh at what she says, Moon Goddess above.

"You. Are. Lying! Veevyyyy. Our promise. Don't lie to me."

Her sister growled, "I didn't break out promise. We promise that we would do our all to stay away from them. That's what we promised. What am I supposed to do when that devil coerced me to let him inside my dorm, pinned me down and bit me? I slapped him. I tried to fight. It didn't work. He still sank his fangs in my neck. It's not my fault! Why can't you understand that?" Oh, she's offended.


"Emma. What's wrong with you? Where did you get that from? The professor didn't teach us that. Why are you acting all weird and messing with me?" She snapped annoyed.

"We have internet, Vee. I simply searched about it after all that happened when Gibson bit you," she's a quick liar, isn't she? "And you should do that too. You should search more about stuff here, instead of locking yourself in your dorm and keep your Const in offline mode all the time."

"First of all, I've been doing important stuff locked up offline in my dorm, okay?" Now she's bitter, I guess she has a temper even with her beloved sister. "I've been trying to find ways to resolve the big problems that are to come. Not that you seem to care about that. Have you forgot that that's the reason why I asked you to stay away from Kian in the first place?"

"Is this about the vision again? Why don't you tell me what he actually does in it so I can have a better grip on why you think he's terrible and I should stay away," okay. I don't think I should be listening to all this.

"No!" Verena snapped, surprising me. She didn't tell Silver about her vision? "I can't. That's not how visions of the future work. Not how my visions work. I can't tell you until I know exactly how to deal with the consequences, and that's precisely what I'm trying to do now. And I thought we were over the Kian subject. Weren't you flirting with the cute boy?" Cute boy? What cute boy?

I clenched my fists at the thought of Silver flirting with anyone that isn't me. Hell, I don't like that at all.

"Maven?" Wait, what? "I'm not flirting with Maven, Veevy. I just find him cute. It's not like that!" She finds Maven cute?

"And it's like that with fucking Kian? Oh, and I'm pretty sure you were flirting with Maven. More than once. I held my own because you were into him," what? Verena also has a crush on him?

What the hell is happening? What's up with Maven?

"I wasn't!"

"You were. You even told me how hot and cute he was. Made me all happy to think you were into him, since he isn't blonde," there she goes. Blonde-shaming me again. "And he definitely is a good boy. He's almost our age, so I see no problem."

"Veevy!" Silver yelled.

"What? He's better than Kian Pravin. And he isn't our enemy, Emmaline. You can't forget that. Aryan Nova, Kian Pravin, and their little girly group are our enemies. Their parents have to pay for what they did to ours!" What? That means they really have no idea of who Maven actually is. "And they will pay too. They are trying to destroy and break us. Why? Because we are Asteria and Zephyra Asphodel." That's their actual names? Did she see it in a vision? "Because we are our parents daughters. We can't fall for their little acts, Emma. We can't!"

No. I won't stay here and listen this cock-blocker saying all of that bullshit. Fucking hell, I don't even know why I'm hiding in the damn closet when I have Spatial magic.

"You are getting consumed by a war that isn't suppose to be ours, Veevy. Yes, they may be playing with us, but we should be able to enjoy it a bit, no? Why don't you leave that aside for a moment?"

Verena seemed deeply concerned, "I can't. I can't do that. I don't have that luxury. But don't worry, Emmaline. If you don't want to bother with it, I won't bother you anymore. I'll keep it for myself. It's not like you are the one in the dangerous end of this anyways. Live your life, but don't say you I didn't warn you when they show you their true colors!"

I'm out of here!


As I popped up in Aryan's dorm almost naked after using my magic to take me out of there, he jumped from his seat startled. "What the hell, K? Why didn't you give me a warning first?"

I growled, "Couldn't you have held that cock-blocker in here for longer? Fuck. I was almost getting there with her sister when she fucking popped out of nowhere in Full Moon. Thankfully enough, Silver felt her near and I hid inside the closet. I hate Verena so damn much. Now I'm with blue balls."

"What the- You claimed her?" He gasped.

"Hell yeah. And I was almost claiming her in another way, when the cock-blocker came inside. You bit her, didn't you?"


"She was furious. Seems like Silver is light-years more used to our world than her sister is, in just a week. As I told her that I would use coercion on her if she denied it, she accepted it right away. And I knew she was attracted to me. Her lips taste amazing," I purred.

"That aside, can you believe Verena had the audacity to slap my beautiful face?" Ary scoffed.

"Oh, yes. She told Silver about that. But don't worry, she liked the bite," I chuckled. "She tried to deny it, but her sister pressed down until she had no way of denying it."

A feral grin took over his lips, "I knew it."

"But… we have some problems!"

Ary blinked, turning his center to me, "How so?"

"First of all, they actually fought with each other, and Verena surprisingly got really mad at her. And we have to have a talk with your sweet little brother," he arched his eyebrows. "Because that little dragon has been flirting with them both. Verena clearly thought Silver was into him since she told her something about him being hot and cute, and Verena said she only held herself because she thought her sister was into him. Make your own conclusions."

His dark pink eyes turned into reddish reptilian slits, "Maven has been doing what?"

"Flirting with them. But that's not the worse!"

He clenched his jaw, "Then what is it?"

"Verena thought you were a Vampire. Now she thinks you are a wolf!" His eyes widened in disgust. "Yeah."

"What- I thought she knew what I was!" She doesn't.

"And I heard some… things, about Verena's vision while she didn't knew I was there and talked to Silver about it," that seemed to get his attention. "I learned their actual names, and that she's been trying to find a way to deal with the consequences of what will happen. Silver, surprisingly, also doesn't know what will happen in it because Verena kept it from her!"

"Wait. What? Why would she keep it from her?" Exactly.

"Probably because some really fucked up shit will happen. But what got under my skin wasn't even that, but what she mumble about Solver not being the one in the bad end of the vision. Which can only mean that it's Verena whose going to get fucked over somehow and she seemed genuinely terrified by that. I could smell it from her."

He tensed up, "Verena?"

"Yes. We should find a way to take a look at her drawings, Ary. Silver draws everything she remembers in her visions," I took my Const and my pen, and summoned the paintings I sent to myself, to show him. "See? Those are things she saw. And Verena must do the same, but she must keep it hidden. We have to find a way to get our hands on that."

"Why do I think like you aren't done yet?" Ary gulped.

Sigh, "I think they believe our parents killed theirs!"

It took him sometime to absorb that, "What? That's absurd. As vile as our parents can be, they wouldn't be able to destroy theirs, and sink Asphodel into the sea."

"Yeah, but they don't know that, do they?"