
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Ch.56 ۞ Verena ۞ Part II

"OH, YEAH. BECAUSE YOU TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THE POWER of a Seer, hm? As if you and your little Heir friends didn't lock me on a non-gravity room to test it out how a Seer's powers work, because had never met one before me and my sister!" He didn't show anything in his face, but I know in my bones that I guessed that right. "Thank for that, by the way. It gave me quite the heads up!"

I felt Kian coming closer to me from behind and I felt the beast inside of me waking up, "Your tricks won't work on us, it doesn't matter how smart you think you are, Verena!"

"We know for a fact that you don't know what is the actual problem with you and your sweet sister's presence in Stardust," Aryan spoke near my neck, spreading goosebumps down my spine.

Making me get even more alert of the danger they both present me. "I told you that we could just go to another Academy. You are the ones who insisted in us staying here. Now you are afraid of our presence in here?" I let out a bitter sound, "Don't make me laugh. You don't want us away from your reach. You don't want us out of here. You just want us under your claws. Under your parents' claws. That won't fucking happen," I hissed.

But when I tried to kick Aryan's crotch, he held my leg. "I'm not falling for this again."

"This won't end when we graduate," I mumbled. "We are enemies. We were born to be enemies. Our parents were enemies. Nothing will change that. And I won't. Fucking. Bow. To. Any. Of. You!"

"What?" They gasped.

Hah, see? Caught them. "Oh, you thought we didn't knew?" I chuckled. "Yes. You did tried to keep it from us, didn't you? One point for the effort," I turned around on Aryan's arms and on my toes, I held his chin and stared at him right in the eyes. "Asphodel. That's not just where I'm from, is it, your highness? No. It's my family last name. I knew even before I talked to you in the white room, your highness. But I lied!"

His dark pink eyes shone is a shade near crimson red, "Who told you?"

"Your group of little friends did. On my vision. And you are right. I may not be able to see everything, but I know what I need to. The important points are all here," I touched my forehead with my middle finger, "in my mind."

"She's bluffing!" Kian exclaimed.

I smiled amused, "Yes. I am bluffing. The more you believe that, the better it'll be for me. So, keep fooling yourselves. Now, is that all you two wanted from me, because I'm already late for my class. And staying here on your arms is more like a nightmare than a dream, your highness."

That seemed to make him show away something on his dangerously handsome face. Some thing that was more akin to amusement than anything else. "Nightmare?" He purred with his raspy deep voice that ranged in my bones. "I kind of like that better."

"We'll deal with you and your sister later, ticking bomb," ugh, I really hate this blonde walking annoyance, "Let's go, Ary."

It took him about a minute, but he finally released me and left with his jerk of a friend. After cursing all of his generations, I went to my class, following the map again in my Const again.

Vee: Just crossed paths with the devil and with the hellhound. We kind of fought and I may have told them that we know who we are, and that I learned it in the vision I had on the non-gravity prison.

Vee: I know. I know. I lost my cool again and talked too much. Sorry. Sorry.

Vee: What do we do now?

Emma: Aryan and Kian?

Vee: Yeah *skull emoji*

Emma: I would probably have done the same. We can make a plan later. Talk to you after class.

Emma: Go to yours. You're already late.

Vee: Not my fault this time.

Great. I'm 20 minutes late. How amazing. Ugh. They will pay for this. I didn't want to get late on this class because it's a teacher that isn't on our side, but on theirs, and probably hate me and Emma just as much. Really annoying.

I ran to class as fast as I could and when I arrived on it, I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. The teacher made a sign for me to come inside and told me to sit on the chair at the corner of the first roll, and I did it, because I didn't want to give him many reasons to complain. After all, I lost crossed the line on my last period because I knew the teacher wasn't going to get mad at me.

"You are 22 minutes late, Verena!" He exclaimed.

"I know, Mr. Gibson."

"Can you give me a reason?" Yes?

"Nova and Pravin," it was all I gave him, as I put my Const on my table, and he seemed to get the meaning behind my words. Of course, he did.

"The two Captains?"

"Who else?" I blinked. "Yes. The two Captains."

"What did they want?" Is he for real?

"Sorry, I don't remember," I lied. "It wasn't important to me. I tend to only keep memories of things that mark me in some way. That isn't the case for any of them," I rolled my shoulders.

"Quick question. What are the orders that drink blood? In order of power," he asked but by how he was glaring at me, it was for me and no one else.

"In order of power?" A nod. "There's four. Basilisk, Dragon, Werewolf, and Vampire."

He arched his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Sir. You asked for orders that simply drink blood, not that drink people's blood, or that need to drink people's blood. So, I believe this is the answer."

His obsidian eyes glared at me for what seemed like an eternity, but I didn't budge. I stood my ground. He's anything but intimidating to me. Even Aryan and Kian can be more menacing than this male. "Correct. 10 points to New Moon." Then he turned to his desk and touched his Const, making it's screen show up on the blank wall, in the same way as Rowland did. "Now that everyone is present," he side glared me, "we can start our 1st class, freshman!"


• Soul magic.

• Blood magic.

• Time magic.

• Shadow magic.

• Light magic.

• Mind magic.


• Soul: Give the Fae astral vision.

• Blood: Drug like blood, causes hallucinations.

• Time: Steals other's times. Short rewind.

• Shadow: Stealthy abilities. Perfect for those who want to be part of FSSB.

• Light: Pretty self explanatory.

• Mind: Brainwashing, manipulation, memories manipulation.

I took a screenshot of it and sent it to Emma, in a way that the professor would notice. So, I highlighted the three red stars I have, with red, using the digital pen. "What are you doing, Verena?" I looked up at him.

"Highlighting my red stars?!" Isn't it obvious?

"Oh, yes," he turned to the others. "For the first time, we have two students with 3 red stars. Refresh us, Verena!"

My eyebrows went up, "Refresh you of what exactly, professor Gibson?" I put my pen down. "Do everyone here possess a short memory?"

He glared at me in a very unfriendly manner, "I told you to refresh us, Seraph. Do it!" Wow, look at his ego.