
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Ch.31 ۞ Verena ۞ Part III

SHE ARCHED AND EYEBROW AMUSED, "19 YEARS OLD. Found in the human world. They never noticed your powerful magic until now. I think I have an idea of the reason they don't like you two," and as her eyes analyzed my face, I gulped. "Did they tell you who your parents were? Or where you are from?"

"Asphodel. That's all we know," Emma told her.

A almost invisible barrier was put around the entire suite and she leaned forward to you, her elbows resting on her knees, "Were you born around the end of June?" We nodded and she seemed even more amused. "Hah, they will try to make your life a living hell, girls. The 6 families are a pain in the ass. They always were. My family has been dealing with them for years now," she smirked. "For 19 years to be precisely."

"What family are you from, Karolina?"

"Call me Karol," she said, and leaned back, feeling comfortable. "The Mayas are the leaders of the Fae Free Lands, kids. I'm the manager of the hotel, since it's easy to maintain relationship with the powerful families like this."

"She's from the family who lead the Fae Free Lands? We can't mess up on this then, Veevy!"

"And to make it better, she doesn't seem to be so glad with the Royal houses of Astra. We can try to have her as our ally. If we get some type of protection from the Maya family, maybe we'll be able to have a better hand on all our surviving-the-next-three-years plan." I played with my hair and gulped. "What are you from the Leaders?"

"The Leader of the Fae Free Lands is a female. She's my older sister. 50 years older, but she looks as young as I do. She was of your parents generation," what?

"Our parents were 63 when they had us?" I gasped.

"You father was 63 and your mother was 62, to be more precise," she seemed amused with our shock. "Which is actually considered to be a young age to have children. All the other Kings and Queens all were of their generation and they all had children on the same span of 1 to 2 years. That's why many believe yours is the next Holy Generation since the most powerful young Faes are here now."

"All the Heirs," Emma muttered. "Including us!"

"IF we are the Princesses." I passed my two hands through my hair, feeling anxious again. "What do you think of the destruction of Asphodel, Karol?"

"That's a dangerous question. And if someone were to hear what I honestly think about that, I would get in a lot of trouble," oh, that's interesting. "But I'll tell you since the silencing barrier won't let anyone to hear this." Oh, so that's what this was. "I don't think it was a punishment from God. To me it was an organized mass assassination."

"I knew something was weird about how the King and Queen of Ceres were reaction back there," Emma gasped. "So, they weren't monsters, right?" There was desperation in her voice, something I also was craving to know.

Karol scoffed, "Monsters? Ain't no way. They were the best and most selfless people in Astra. The Asphodel Royal family was close friends with mine. We knew them. And we know they wanted peace!" She didn't even try to hide her animosity. "The real monsters are the ones behind this fucking lie."

"The other Kings and Queens."

"Probably. But why?" I leaned forward, "Karol, why would the other Kingdoms attack Asphodel?"

"Jealousy," she hissed. "They were dead jealous of King Solis and Queen Celeste Asphodel, girls."

"Celeste and Solis," Emma tasted their names on her tongue. "Could they be our real parents, Veevy?"

"I don't know, but it's looking like that might be the case, Em," I bit my bottom lip. "Jealous of what, Karol? Power? Beauty? Wealth?"

She sighed, "Everything. Especially Alyssa and Dion Nova, Sienna and Lewis Pravin," oh shit.

"Kian's parents," she muttered.

I almost rolled my eyes, "And Aryan's!"

"Their rivalry dated back from Stardust. Solis and Celeste were the best at everything. They were the most powerful Faes to ever walk on the earth, girl. No one could fight them alone, even less when they were together. And they were always together. They had both the Celestial and the Mating bond, they were meant to be even before they were born. Their love was written in the stars," the what? "Their beauty, powers, order, wealth, intelligence, and even their heart, it was all unparalleled. They topped all the tests and scores of Stardust Academy since the day they put their foot in here."

"You sound like a fan," I said before I could hold it.

She smiled, "Because I was. I still am. You either loved them and wanted to be near them, or you hated them because you could never be 10% of what they were. Me and my family are in the first one, all the Kings and Queens are in the later. My sister was Queen Celeste's best friend when they were in the Academy, and was very close to King Solis too. They were a type of Fae that doesn't exist anymore, they had kindness in their heart. They were the best of all of us, and they had hope of a better future for our race."

Emma seemed beyond sad, "How were they?"

"Solis was the cool, calm, down to earth one, balanced. He was from the constellation of Libra, and wield Air, Earth, Water, Spatial, and Mind magic. Celeste on the other hand, was amazing but had a short and hot temper, kind of expected coming from an Aries. She was the biggest and most powerful Seer in a million years, only second to the first Seer who disappeared from this world way before our lands were divided as they are now, and she wield Fire, Sound, Shadow, and Blood magic."

"Four and five types of magic. Isn't that like… absurdly rare?" Emma seemed enchanted by that. "They were fucking powerful, Veevy. That must be why they are startled by our powers."

"We don't know if they are out parents for sure, Em. Let's not get our hopes so high." I said that, but I'm also starting to put the pieces together.

"But if they are our parents, we already know who took the temper of who, hm?" I almost chuckled to that.

"Are you insinuating I have a short and hot temper, Emmaline?"

"Yes!" I could feel her grinning in my mind.

"It is!" She grinned excitedly. "That's why the others were jealous of them. Especially of Celeste, since she wasn't a Royal. She was the daughter of the right hand of Solis's father. While Solis was Crown Prince of Asphodel. They grew up together, studied together, and went to the Academy together. They were best friends, then became lovers, and when the late King decided to retire, Solis took the throne and made Celeste his Queen. I was a little kid when that happened, but I remember!"

"The people was happy with her as their new Queen?" I had to ask, especially when Faes are so… weird

"They were overjoyed. In fact, everyone looked forward for having her as their Queen. Since they were kids people saw their bond and already imagined that they would be together and rule the Kingdom together. They were a force to be reckoned with."

Then how? "How did they die then?"

She pressed her lips and gave me an apologetic look, "I believe the 12 of them got together. All the other Kings and Queens. They got together and attacked Asphodel. The only way they could defeat Solis and Celeste and the Kingdom, was if they got together. And they weren't the best of friends, believe me. My sister told me they all rivalled against one another."

"What happened then?" Emma hissed.

Karol looked at her and I felt the kindness in her eyes, "The alliance was formed after Asphodel's destruction. They used the dumb reason that they were afraid of the Gods punishment, and they should. Solis and Celeste were both blessed by the Gods, in a way no one else was. They had the divine beasts with them to prove that, but they disappeared 19 years ago when the Kingdom fell. All of them wanted the couple dead because only then they would become the strongest, even if they shared the 1st place with one another."

"So, they got together with because it was better to go and defeat King Solis and Queen Celeste together, then try their luck alone," I snapped my fingers as I was able to see the big picture. "And as they realized that together they would have such a war power, they decided to stick together in this alliance afterwards, even if they deep down hated one another."

"I got it," Emma gasped. "And to make their alliance stay together even after they aren't around, they took advantage of the fact that their Heirs are all the same age, and allowed them to grow up together."

Karol smiled widely, "Exactly! However," she got up and walked in circles, excited. "That was not the reason why they raised their children together. I'm sure it wasn't!"


"What?" Emma didn't seem to get it.

"It was us, Emma. We are the reason." I cursed and Karol turned her shining eyes to me, "The children will pay for their parents sins," I recalled what the Queen told us.

"You two are Seers," she realized. "You saw it, didn't you? I don't need to tell you. You know!"