
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Ch.21 ۞ Verena ۞ Part I

Stardust Academy


THIS IS ALL TOO MUCH. BUT AS MUCH AS I don't like to admit, it does answer lots of questions, as well as it also proves that I wasn't crazy about three weird visions I had in the past, and the vision I had back in the non-gravity room. The later kind of freaks me out.

I'm surprise that Emma believed it so quickly, given that she was always the dreamy with a mind turned more to the fantasy side of life. Plus her visions.

Now, the magic is too much. But I can feel it in my bones that is true. Besides, Aryan, the hot arrogant guy I met in the pub, just proved to me. And I am skeptical until you show me proof of it, although I still am having some doubts, it does tells a lot.

I can tell he isn't lying. And I'm don't usually trust males like this… I mean… man. I'm already speaking weirdly like them, what the hell?!

"And what are you?"

He grinned, "What are you?"

Ugh. "Do you always answers a question with a question? Do you know how annoying that is?"

"Do you always answers a question that was answered with a question, with another question?" One thing is for sure, he's hot, but he's trouble. And although I always tend to orbit towards trouble, doing so here might actually kill me.

I clenched my jaw, "I didn't even know I wasn't a human minutes ago, do you really expect me to know what I am now?"

He tilted his head to the side, "You have visions of the future, don't you? You must have seen something that might tell what you are."

A shiver ran down my spine, "The only vision I had about the future, that hasn't happened yet, was anything but good. So, I don't feel like sharing," Emma elbowed me and I glared at her. "Ugh, I may have air and fire magic."

"Fire magic is obvious. We could tell that on the second we found you on the apartment. You were about to explode the entire floor and kill the human. That's why we stopped you." What?

I felt my cheeks hot. "Oh. So, I can't kill him because he's a human and I am not." The realization stroke me. "Is there a law that prohibits Faes from killing humans?"

"Of course," he scoffed. "It's one of the primordial rules. Otherwise, humans would be all slaves by now. As I said, Faes orbit towards power. They are moved because of power, and they don't usually bow for anything but their respective Royalty. Or leaders, when it comes to the Fae Free Lands. Besides that, Fae are prideful beings that won't think twice before destroying others if it makes them more powerful, or puts them in a high place in the food chain."

That doesn't sound good. "So, it's a race full of bullies, got it!" I exclaimed bitterly. "I didn't kill the human, so I'm not a criminal. And as the paintings problem is solved already, can you tell us why exactly we are still here?"

"You are powerful. Powerful Faes like you need to learn how to control themselves, or destruction will follow. Uncontrolled Faes are volatile, dangerous to themselves and to others, and they can easily lose their mind and go berserk," he pointed to me and felt uncomfortable. "Just you almost did back there."

Emma held my hand, "Almost!"

"Thanks to us. If we hasn't intercepted you two, she would have broken a primordial law and killed that human. Actually, if she had gone berserk and exploded the floor, all the building would fall and more than one human would have died. So, Verena, darling, you are a what we call a ticking bomb. And ticking bombs need control. You sister may be cool now, but as you are twins and possibly equally powerful, she also goes into that label. But she isn't chaotic as you are."

He has a point. "She isn't. So what? Are you going to keep me locked up like a beast?" I shook the handcuffs. "I can behave if I want to, I promise you. But if I sense danger, I'll do anything to protect my sister."

"And yourself, right?" She gave me a look.

I licked my tongue, "That too."

"Stop that!"

"What am I doing?"

"You are acting all self-sacrificial again."

I avoided her eyes, "No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are," she insisted.

A feral grin took over Aryan's full lips and I cursed when I realized we just talked out loud. "Celestial bond. I knew you had it. I got suspicious when Emmaline seemed to be feeling what you felt," he turned to me.

"Celestial what?" I arched my eyebrows.

"It's bond that you have with someone with whom you are deeply connected. You can talk telepathically with one another, you share your emotions, and everything you feel as long as you aren't so distant from each other. It's probably because you are twins, and it's if having children isn't easy for us, having twins is a one in a million occasion," is it?

Emma seemed happy with that, "That explains a lot."

"Are you always in a sour mood, darling?"

I glared at him, "Forgive me if I'm wary of you because you smell like trouble."

"You don't seem to be scared."

Scared? Why would I? "I'm not scared of you."

"Oh, but you should be, darling."

"I told you not to call me that!"

"And I told you I will keep doing it."

I felt Emmaline gaze go from me to him, and she faked a cough. "So… you want to train us?"

"Yes," he said without taking his eyes off me.

"Are you going to do that here?" I snapped.

"We don't to get affected by your hostility."

He must be joking. "Than you shouldn't have locked me up in here to begin with. Or kidnaped us. Are you stupid or do you think doing those things will make me less hostile? Because locking me up and handcuffing me like a criminal beast is definitely what makes me hostile to people. That and representing danger to my sister."

"And to yourself," she added.

"That too. So, if you don't want me to be a bitch, you shouldn't treat me like one. Because I don't know you. I don't know any of you. And as you got all of our situation wrong, I believe you also don't know us. As you don't have the face of someone with many friends, I don't know if you understand this, but what you and your people are doing… the way you are treating me, isn't the way to create a friendly relationship."