
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Ch.2 ۞ 19 Years Ago ۞ Part II

HIS WIFE GOT BACK TO CRYING, AND AS Patricia gasped, he turned to her, scared of the worst. "She's totally dilated, your majesty. The babies hadn't even turned yesterday, but one of them is definitely ready to come out," her almond eyes turned to the King. "You should sit down near her and hold her hand. Share all the best feelings possible through the bond, because it'll be hard!"

Nodding, King Solis came over their bed and held his wife soft warm hand, still feeling drowned by all the despair she was sending through their bond. "June 20, my love. Come on, I'm here with you. Focus on me. Don't focus on the vision, let's think about that later. Keep your mind here with me, with our daughters," he kissed her hand as she squeezed his, almost breaking, but he didn't mind it. He was all hers to break if she wanted it. "It doesn't matter what happens later. We are strong. We'll get through it all together."


Asteria was born little after that, around 9 pm, still on June 20. However, Zephyra took way longer than that. Queen Celeste's chaotic emotional thanks to the vision, made it ten times harder for her to give birth to the second twin. The entire Starlight Palace was on the edge waiting for everything to work out and it be announced that the Queen was well and both girls were alive and born.

King Solis had to compliment the barrier with another layer of ice, because both him and the Queen were soaked in sweat. And as Lady Patricia used all of her power to the best of it to help the Queen staying alive, not lose so much blood, and keep the baby well inside her belly. More than a day had already passed and genuine desperation began to creep inside of Solis's heart, as he noticed how dangerous all of that was being for both his wife and their second twin daughter.

And when the clock marked 3 am of June 22, he couldn't handle it anymore. He did his best to share all his strength and magical reserves to his wife through the bond so she would make it. That wasn't a problem, since after some time his reserves would all be full again.

Baby Asteria was already bathed, sleeping, and being taking cared of by another physician, given the fact that's both babies were premature and needed some extra strength to stay strong. But he would only stop worrying when baby Zephyra joined her sister, and his wife was done and feeling well again.

It was only after he passed all his magic reserves to his wife that she was able to go through it all. He felt passing out as his magic disappeared from him and the pain she was feeling hit him in a heavy wave once again, but he held his ground, wanting to see his second baby's face first. And as the Queen pushed harder again, little Zephyra finally arrived, crying softly, not as loudly as her sister did.

Asteria was definitely slightly different from her because of their eyes and a part of their hair, but bedsides that, they were identical, with his hair and mostly his wife's eyes, as well as their tanned skin.

Relief invaded him through their bond, as Queen Celeste held her second baby daughter in her arms and turned to her husband with tears in her eyes. "She emanates a similar energy to you, my love."

The King held his second daughter and smiled widely, "Just as what Asteria emanates is similar to yours, my love. Our little girl will definitely have your hot temper."

"And Zephyra will have your melted-butter heart, Sol," she whispered.

Not even a minute after she said that, as Patricia held the second Princess, born under the Cancer constellation, in her arms, the new parents fainted, both exhausted after spending almost 3 days going through the birth of the twins. And a big proud smile took over the lips of the physician who has the age to be their mother.

She turned to the second physician that she brought with her, "Take our second Princess to where her sister is being taken care of. Give her a soft bath, and begin treating her, I think she might end up being slightly physically weaker because of the difficulty of the birth, but she'll be very magically gifted."

He nodded to her, "They will be our Queens one day!" As stated by the Queen and King, since they made an announcement to the Kingdom that their children would be ruling together in the future, to avoid political conflicts, and strengthen their bond, which made everyone beyond happy.

"They will. But it'll take a long time for that to happen. King Solis and Queen Celeste are healthy and the strongest fae who ever walked on earth. It would take all the other rulers together to take them down, and it's impossible, because those savage monsters would never get together for anything," she grinned. "We are blessed to have the best King and Queen in the entire Astra continent, Daniel. And the baby girls are immensely powerful, and they will have the best parents in the world. Everything will work out!" She winked at him.

Smiling gratefully, the young but strong physician walked out, holding the second Princess with all the care in the world, surrounding both of them with a protection barrier as he strode towards the chambers where the first Princess was already waiting.

With a smile on, Patricia focused on pouring all the healing magic she still had in her beloved rulers. And when her gaze went to the glass window at the side of the room, she gasped as she finally looked at the skies and found them bleeding. "Seems like our Princesses will possess the gift of like the Queen," and that made her heart flutter.


Sir Gavin Johnson, the right arm of the King, had told the rulers about the sky situation the second they woke up, a day later. He also brought them the picture of the stars from the instant each of the twin Princesses were born. After all, the stars, constellations, and the zodiac signs have a lot of influence on the fae people, in a way it doesn't happens to humans.

"The skies immediately turned crimson red the second your majesty's water broke, and it stayed like that until 12 hours had passed after Princess Zephyra was born. We all assume that both of them might have inherited your Seer powers, your Majesty," he voiced the King's fear.

Solis felt exasperated in the same second, imaging what his two beloved daughters will have to go through, all the danger, all the power, the pain. All his wife had gone through. It made his heart ache.

"What do their astral map says?" Queen Celeste asked. "Their sun is from different signs, aren't they? What about their rising and moon?"

Their trusted Knight and friend from their Academy years nodded, "Yes. All different. The stars shifter quite strongly when it came to each of them, it's quite surprising. Princess Asteria's sun is Gemini, her rising is in Aries, and her moon is in Scorpio. Whereas, Princess Zephyra's sun is Cancer, her rising is Libra, and her moon is in Taurus!"

That made them happy, after all the girls had their rising in their parents' sun. King Solis being a Libra and the Queen an Aries.

However, as sadness and despair flooded the Queen again, he flinched and turned to his right arm, "Bring our babies here, they must be hungry," Celeste exclaimed before he could say a word. As the Knight left, hot tears rolled down her cheeks again.

"What is it, my love?" Her husband plead.

She held his hands in hers, and she looked at him in the eyes, he broke, seeing how his wife was feeling. Feeling her pain. "I'm glad they came sooner than they should," she whispered. "Otherwise we would all die together."

Solis gasped when he heard her words, through their bond, "What do you mean? What did you saw in the vision, my love? You are making me anxious."

Sobbing, she hugged him, wetting his shoulders, which she never did, since he was usually the cry baby in their relationship, so he knew shit was serious, "Death."

"What?" He choked on air. "That can't be true. We'll fight it, Cece. We'll go through anything. We won't fall. No one can kill us!"

"I saw death, Sol. We have three days. It's… it's inevitable. We'll be overpowered, and destruction will spread through our lands like a wild fire. Everything… everything will be destroyed!" She cried.

Only then he understood he felt from his wife since she had the damned vision. At that moment, he wished with all his heart that she had the gift of only seeing the past, instead of both the past and the future. "That can't be, Cece. We…" He touched his forehead on hers, his tears rolling down, mirroring hers. "Our daughters… what are we going to do?"

"We have to hide them, Sol. Hide them away of any fae that could possibly find them. If they do, it'll be bad. They always hated us for being so strong. And their fear will be our doom," her arms hugged him tighter, and held her with the same intensity.

"Strong fae such as us unlock their powers at a young age, Cece. If we have to hide them, we'll have to lock their powers away for at least 19 years. The Academy only takes in 18-year-old fae, they never take someone who's supposed to be in the second year. So, they won't be able to link them to us."

In a second, Sir Gavin knocked and came in with the two baby girls, and handed them to their parents with all the care in the world, then he bowed 90° and left.

"Sun God above," Queen Celeste muttered as she took Asteria in her arms. "She looks angelic and different."

King Solis nodded, already loving the two babies with all his heart, "She has both our eyes. The left is silver like yours, the right is golden like mine. Her hair will grow to be mainly ebony as mine, but with this," he pointed at it softly, "small streak in the right frontal top being snowy white like your hair," then his eyes traveled to Zephyra, "while this little one has both silver-ish grey eyes and her entire hair will be ebony."

The Queen bit her bottom lip, trying not to cry, then took off her top, so the babies would be able to each drink from one of her breasts. "I… I wish none of that would happen, Sol," she did her best not to cry, but the King could feel how the pain was consuming her. He was feeling the same way.

"Me neither, my love. All I wanted was for us to be with them, watch them grown, and give them our all. It hurts to think about the future that awaits for us. But we can't be reckless, you are right. We may fall but we'll fall fighting, and we can't let anything happen to them," he caressed his daughters head softly, almost not touching because their skin was still too sensible.

"We'll do our best to protect them," she agreed, closing her eyes and letting her tears fall again. She wasn't someone who cried that much, but the pain was too much. The knowledge breaking her, reaping her heart to shreds. "I hope you will be able to understand all of this one day," she whispered to her babies, and turned to her husband. "My heart aches so much, my love."

He flinched, not holding his tears anymore, "I feel you, my love. My heart is breaking apart too. But we have to be strong. If not for us, for them. For Asteria and Zephyra." Solis whispered through their bond. "But where will we be able to hide them? Where will it be hard for them to find our girls?"

The Queen took a deep breath, "The Human world."