
Movie Offer From Eva


Alan said in a slightly annoyed and loud voice.

President Rea was startled by Alan's reaction. From his expression, it didn't seem like he had any good opinion of Eva.

( What did you do? )

President Rea thought of Eva. Previously, Eva said that she didn't do anything to Alan but looking at his reaction, she knew that something was up.

( Is this why she told me to say it with Irina and Cecilia? )

Usually, a proposal such as this can be just said to the manager and they could ask their idols whether they accept or if given power, decide themselves whether the offer is good for their idols.

Alan is considered a great manager, and Eva's offer about the movie, she was going to give it to Alan to check.

But Eva said that she should call Irina and Cecilia and talk about the proposal with them.