
Starbound Intimacies

Young student Joss has no libido, he never has had one. That all changes when he meets an out of this world girl called Xyrae whose erotic advances on him cause a sudden change in his reaction towards members of the opposite sex.

ProdDiscombobl · Romance
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5 Chs

Close encounters of the erotic kind

Joss never got horny. It just wasn't in his nature to look at a member of the opposite sex and consider screwing her brains out. It was much more like him to get exited by the prospect of astrophysics and speculative astrobiology. He was short, skinny and wore a pair of black plastic rimmed glasses. But this of course did not mean that Joss was not attractive, not by any stretch of the imagination. I suppose he was what you could call a 'cute nerd'. He had a birds nest of untamed dark brown hair and an innocent face with two deep brown doe eyes, that at the same time looked very academically serious. He was a man of science through and through, he didn't function the way that most teenage boys do by hiding boners, nervously hitting on girls, and lots of porn and jacking off to maintain focus on studies. Such focus came to him naturally he never got aroused and only got boners as morning wood. Of course all of that was about to change…

"Hey Joss" Lark snorted "why don't you ever perv on girls with us while we're hanging out on the field when the girls football team is practicing"

"Because it's gross, Lark, it's not normal to look at girls like that" replied Joss

"It's perfectly normal" Kip said "you have to admire their perfect athletic bodies, smooth skin, and the rack on that Elodie Thorne is killer" 

"Yeah I'd hit that whole team if I could" Lark replied.

Joss looked down at the book he was reading and considered again the fact that his friends were disgusting perverse idiots. But then again if he was to rule out every other teenage boy who was a disgusting perverse idiot, he wouldn't have any friends at all. Plus these two, despite their filthy minds were deep down good people and not as creepy as they came across. Kip and lark were as close to brothers as you could get without actually being brothers. They were all around nerds with fine grades, they could recite the periodic table from beginning to end in unison followed by every times table off by heart. Kip was an albino weasel, he was thin, pasty and boney, with white blonde hair and pale blue eyes sunken deep in his emaciated skull. Lark was the complete opposite in terms of looks to his friend. He was round of shape and ruddy in the face, with eyes that were always distorted behind a pair of extraordinarily thick glasses so no one actually knew what they really looked like. Their intellect was seen as squandered by Joss, as the greatest thing they'd used it for barring their academic achievements was discovering every hidden peephole in the local area. "Perhaps if you got your head out of the realms of space science and actually looked at a girl for a second you might actually enjoy what you're looking at" Kip said to his friend 

At that moment the classroom door swung open and their teacher walked in. Well walked would be an understatement, he kind of did swaggering ramble with his scrawny, hairy chest pushed outward through a very low cut top. He wore some rather bold fashion choices in the form of a long rainbow feather boa that hung over each arm and down his back, a bright pink, sequinned, low cut vest top and some disturbingly tight black leather trousers that left little for the imagination in the form of a large wobbly bulge on his front. "Hey class" his voice was terribly effeminate in an almost forced way "so today we've all got a new student joining us, and she is just so precious, with the most adorbs name ever". His voice was beginning to annoy Joss as usual despite him having said only one sentence since entering the room. "Anyway, sisters, this is our new student…" An exceptionally tall girl walked walked into the room she must've been at least two feet taller than Joss (him being short for a boy of 17, standing at 5.1ft at full height). She was exceptionally beautiful and had a bright orange bob of hair and big dark round eyes, darker than any Joss had ever seen, he would've sworn they were pitch black if he didn't know better. He also thought he saw something on her head for a moment but quickly chalked it up to the poor lighting in the room. He honestly couldn't see her all that well despite looking straight at her. It was strange, it was almost as though something was obscuring her from vision and yet he could see her clear as day right in front of him. "Her name is Xyrae" the teacher was getting more and more annoying by the moment "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class"

"Thank you… mentally unstable school Teacher…" the teacher (Mr Mathis was his name) gave a her a look of distain for that comment "this reception is… nice and interesting" her accent was thick and close to that of southeastern Europe, but not quite, and there were many gaps in her speech. "This day… will be… memorable… I will… hold it in my core muscle… for many cycles of our star" she proceeded to smile at the entire class with some very jerky head movements in the mix. "Holy shit she's hot" Kip whispered to Joss and Lark 

"shut up Kip, she's coming this way" Joss scowled at his friend "you'll embarrass us all, I'd rather like to not be seen as a creep like you two" 

"We aren't creeps Joss, we are gentleman with a fine taste for the fairer sex" Lark snorted again 

"What is… creep…?" Xyrae was sitting right behind the three boys, she'd somehow got past them and snuck into her seat without them noticing. This of course made all of them jump out of their skins. This was momentary of course, and once they'd regained their composure, 'the perverted duo' (let's call them) immediately started hitting on her. "Hey beautiful, did you fall from heaven, because you look like an angel" Joss winced, as Kip tried the oldest pick up line in the book. Panic crossed Xyraes face for a second "NO… why do you think this way… do I look not human"

"Oh leave her alone Kip, she obviously doesn't understand English very well." Joss was quickly interrupted by Lark 

"What about your dad, is he a terrorist because you are da bomb" Joss clamped his hands over his friends mouths to keep them quiet "forgive my friends, they're desperate perverts who will do anything for girls attention" 

"What is… pervert… is it like creep…"

"In a way yes" Joss replied 

"They seem… funny… you are funny…" she giggled "are you a pervert as well?" Joss' face turned bright red from embarrassment

"I-I should hope not" Joss stuttered and clamped his hands down harder over his friends mouths without realising he was causing them to struggle for air 

"Why not?" Xyrae asked "I thought pervert was… funny person" 

"No, no. It most certainly is not" 

"What is pervert then?" 

"U-um well" Joss cleared his throat nervously and loosened his grip on his friends, who struggled free and gasped for air " well a pervert is someone who's behaviour leads them to do strange things when aroused, these two…" he proceeded to point at his friends "are sadly always horny"

"What is… aroused and… horny?" Her face was filled with confusion "I see no horns on them" 

"Would you like to see my horn darlin? All men have one" Joss smacked Lark exceptionally hard for that comment 

"I would not like to see your… 'horn'… because you are ugly" this immediately made Joss and Kip snigger "and any part of your body… that is… hidden would surely… make my stomach empty…" she smiled at a now rather depressed looking Lark while Joss and Kip tried to hold back raucous laughter "well thank goodness for that" Joss said "perhaps it would be best if you ask your parents about this stuff" 

"I did not finish… what… I was saying" Xyrae smiled at Joss "you are very…small… and… pretty…" Joss blushed at this remark "and… I am curious… I wish to see this 'horn'… you will show me yours!" Joss was now bright red 

"X-xyrae! Y-you can't just ask a man to see his 'horn'!"


"Because it is private, and you don't even know my name yet!"

"My horn is always open for you to do whatever you want with beautiful" Kip said

"No… you are also ugly… you remind me of… there is no word for them in this language…" Kip was now as stunned as Lark was earlier "the best way to describe it would be… disgusting noisy slime string… you are funny though which is… good" she smiled at kip "you will now… give me your name… pretty male…" she addressed Joss 

"Um… well I'm Joss…" Joss replied 

"Your name… suits you… it is small and pretty… like you" she giggled again 

The bell rang to indicate the end of form time and the beginning of lessons. Xyrae followed Joss for most of the day. she chose to sit behind him in every class they were in together. She stayed quiet for the most of it and mostly just observed him, occasionally asking questions about his 'horn' and its location on his body to which joss would just tell her to "look it up" or "ask her parents" to which she would look at him with confusion as though she didn't understand what he had said. At lunch time and the guys were sitting outside pretending not to notice Xyrae watching Joss from behind a tree. "How long do you think she's gonna follow me" Joss asked 

"God knows. It wouldn't be so bad if it was us she was following, but you have no interest in her" Kip said 

"Yeah, I mean she's a little on the tall side but holy hell she's got an incredible bod" Lark replied "where are you going Joss?" 

"I need the loo, and maybe, hopefully some peace and quiet, I'm sure she won't follow me into the men's room"

"Yeah well don't take too long, the girls football club is practicing soon, and you don't want to miss that" Lark yelled after him

"Bloody hell" Joss thought to himself as he took a piss "todays been worse than normal, dealing with two perverted guys is alright because they don't try to stalk you and hit on you, but a 7ft European girl… it's fine she won't follow me in here…" 

"Is that your horn?" Xyraes voice echoed in his left ear 

He jumped back and pulled his pants up rapidly forgetting to do up his fly "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!?" 

"Well I asked another female who attends this school about what you said and she explained that a males horn is his reproductive part" she explained "so I am even more curious now…" the way she spoke was more fluent now for some reason

"it doesn't matter if you are curious you can't come in here!" 


"Because this room is for guys only Xyrae!" 

"A room specifically for males?" She replied. She was slowly backing Joss into a corner "well I see no other males here. And for what I am doing here, I wish to partake of your genetic material!" 

"OH GOD NO, you did not just ask me that!" Joss was exceptionally flustered due to the fact he was now pressed into a corner by this immense 7ft girl with no way out, who then proceeded to ask him if she could partake of his 'genetic material. Then it happened, just for a moment. Joss noticed her. He noticed her, not in any other way except that she was a girl, with a very beautiful body, and for the first time ever, he got aroused. Then he looked up at her face. But it was different. She was different. She wasn't human. Her skin was bright orange. From her head extended two long fleshy antennae. Her eyes were black, a deeper darker black than he'd ever seen and in the centre of each a small twinkling white light, like a star, alone in a nights sky. It was beautiful. "OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU?!" Joss cried 

"What do you mean?" She asked 


"You can see through my camouflage?!" She smiled "you can see through it! you are able to be attracted to my natural state!" Joss would not admit to this of course to begin with (due to his state of panic), despite it being true. 

"We shall reproduce right here!"

Joss was panicking, he was massively confused. He'd never been aroused, he'd never even found a girl attractive and yet this… "what even are you?" He asked her 

"I am a Thryxal, I come from a biosphere beyond your sky" 

"Oh great an alien… wait a mo… an alien…" he proceeded to grab her face and pull her down to get a closer look "an actual example of non terrestrial life…" 

Xyrae blushed bright blue "Is this reproduction?" 

"What is with you and wanting to have sex?" Joss questioned

"Well you see…" she began but was promptly cut off by her antennae pulling her down on top of Joss. They then promptly began to grope him and explore him. "F-forgive me this is highly unusual" Xyrae stuttered, she seemed to be flustered

"What are you do-Ooing…" Joss jumped as the antennae had found what they were looking for, his still undone fly. They quickly slipped inside and began to grope. His entire body shook "oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm gonna get violated by an alien" he thought to himself 

"I'm sorry I cannot control my antennae they seem to be acting on their own, although I believe they have found your reproductive parts" her face turned even bluer and her eyes went wide with a mixture of fear and embarrassment "I'm am sure that it will not fit inside of me as our specialist intellectual believes" 

"YOU CAN FEEL THAT!" Joss yelled 

"I may not be able to control my antennae at the moment but I can still feel what they touch"

"Yeah well I'm feeling quite a few things at the moment" Joss' entire body spasmed as jolts of pleasure unlike any that he'd felt before rippled across him in his entirety "WE MUST STOP THIS NOW!" He cried 

"I concur, but I do not know how, my antennae have never acted this way before". It was by complete coincidence that Kip and Lark came in at that moment looking for Joss. Now they could not see the antennae, or Xyraes true form, but they did see Joss' pinned under a very attractive girl both of whom where very red in the face, and one of which was 'pitching a tent' but a few inches away from the others 'campground'. Then everything stopped. Kip and Lark yelled and Joss passed out…