
Star Wars: Wrath of The Force

Mace Rook, Dark lord of the Sith, The Emperor’s Wrath, The outlander, The alliance commander, a Person with too many titles to count. On his way back from a mission to quell a group of insurgents the force rages and he and his current crew are flung 4000 Years into the future. What happens when a crew of powerful force sensitive Sith are flung into the blockade of Naboo? How will the Jedi react to this new force in the Galaxy? How will the Sith? How will Mace and his crew? Will they let the course of the galaxy continue unhindered or will they make changes that reverberate through the force forever. ************** This is an AU based on the game SWTOR, some things have changed, but if you haven't played the game there will be a few spoilers, with character names and affiliations. But as this is an AU they are different from the game characters in some ways. ************* This is a very slow release Novel as i have other stories i will be updating. This novel will be worked on when i can't be stuffed with the others. ************* (Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of their intellectual property. I also do not own Bio Ware or their IP) (I don’t own the picture displayed. If the original author would like me to take it down please message me and I will gladly do so.)

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Chapter 3.8: Return of The Sith

(Naboo, Theed City)

(3rd Person PoV)

Obi-Wan sat quietly as he waited for Yoda to speak. The ceremony was over, the night celebration had started just over an hour ago. Everyone in Naboo was celebrating their freedom and liberation, but the atmosphere in the room was quite somber.

Because of their injuries, both Master Vos and Master Jinn were held up in Bacta tanks, secured safely inside the palace's medical wing. Aayla Secura was at her master's side, refusing to leave until he woke up. Obi-wan would have been the same if Yoda hadn't arrived and requested his presence.

Qui-Gon had a small amount of time before he lost consciousness to organize the two distraught Padawan's, to help Vos and get him in contact with the council before he himself slipped into unconsciousness. Yoda had taken a personal trip to the planet after hearing the report.

"Returned, the Sith have." The sad tremble in Yoda's voice told Obi-Wan how terrible the master actually took the confirmation. "More than two there are. Trying times ahead, we face." Obi-Wan nodded his head in trepidation.

It had always been known for the Jedi that the sith could one day return, but there would always be two. It had been that way for millennia, but now there were more. The Sith they had faced, the one that had completely overwhelmed them, the sith he had killed, the one that had come for them on Tatooine, and finally the sith that Secura and Vos met, the supposed apprentice, with such terrible power.

That was already 3 Sith. 'What if there were more?' The thought was a terrifying prospect that the Jedi now had to consider. An idea suddenly appeared in Obi-Wan's mind, something that he almost forgotten about in the last few days.

He spoke with hesitation. "Master, could the disturbance felt 3 days ago be the force trying to warn us of such a change in the Sith?" Yoda looked at the young Obi-Wan for a few seconds, thoughts drifting back to that day.

"Possible it could be. Trust in the force we must. Adapt to the new threat, we will" Obi-Wan bowed slightly reaffirming his trust in the force. "Discuss with you, important matters, I must." "Master Yoda?" Yoda waved his hand as he started to pace around the room.

"Master Qui-Gon, offered a position on the high council, he has. Master Yaddle has chosen to step down." Obi-wan found it hard to keep his excitement for his master under control hearing the words. But he knew that his master might not want the position, actually the fact that they had offered the 'Maverick Jedi' such a position was abnormal in itself.

Before he could think on the subject further, Yoda interjected. "Accepted, he has." This confirmation blew Obi-Wan's mind! 'He had accepted it so fast? When did he accept it?' Yoda gave a small chuckle as he looked at the bewildered face of the Padawan.

"Many responsibilities come with his new position. Nominated you, he has, to take over training of young Skywalker." That was the Sand Person that broke the banthas back for Obi-Wan, his jaw lowered in shock, slack jawed at the news.

He could only stutter a weak protest. "B-but I'm a padawan." Yoda once again gave a small chuckle and shook his head. "Forget so easily young Kenobi. Ready you are, Qui-Gon believes." But Obi-Wan was almost in a state of denial as he tried to find something wrong with him suddenly becoming a master, taking on his own padawan.

"But we failed against the sith, the trials…" He spluttered the first thing that came to mind spilling out, but Yoda shut him down quickly. "More than most trials this Sith was. Ready you and Secura are. Tell Knight Secura later, I will." Obi-Wan's brain seemed to have stopped working as the full weight of what was about to happen set in. He starred dumbly into space thinking of what was to come.

Yoda gave him his time before mentioning the final piece of business he had. "One final thing, Young Obi-Wan. Take Credit you 4 will, for the dead Sith." Obi-Wan was snapped out of his thoughts as he turned to Yoda. "But why?" Yoda let out a tired sigh as he looked out the window of the room they found themselves in. "Got out it has, that a Sith was sighted. The younglings and Padawan's are disturbed from their training."

Obi-Wan frowned at the news. How did that happen? He could only imagine the fear that would spread in the Jedi order if their most feared enemy was to reappear and be on the loose. No one should have known except the council, plus everyone directly involved. "Do this you must, to relieve their fears." Yoda continued as he laid out their plan going forwards. "A select few only, will know the truth." Obi-Wan had nothing to say at the words, he realized the necessity of the secrecy, though he didn't find pleasure in taking undue credit for such an act.

The two continued to talk for a short while before Obi-Wan finally left the room, making his way back to his Masters side. He would have to question his master on his decision and ask for guidance if he were to truly take Anakin as his Padawan.

Yoda looked at the retreating back of the young man and smiled for a few seconds. Turning from him, he looked into the night sky, letting a small frown come to his lips. He was one of the most powerful Jedi alive, so it wasn't hard for him to feel the dark presence that still seemed to linger on the planet.

He felt it out, tried to reach out in the force, follow it to its source, but in the end his vision became obstructed and blurry, he could see nothing. It had been like this for too many months, years even that the force had started to be clouded, clouded by something sinister…

"Troubled times ahead, there are."


(Naboo, Theed City)

(Ayillh PoV)

I let out a content sigh as I starred up at the stars above me, one of the little pleasures in my line of work, the times when you got to quietly sip on a good glass of wine while starring at the stats above. Every new planet they would look different.

I had to admit that the Naboo truly were blessed, looking down at the glass in my hand. The name of the wine in the cup wasn't as important as how good it tasted. The taste of a luxury product truly showed a society's ways.

Naboo was a planet devoid from war, yes, should they be required to defend their planet of course they had contingencies and a standing army to protect them, but they were truly a peaceful people. The wine's taste, the design of the buildings, the party going on behind me; them showing of their best dresses and suits. All denoting a wealthy planet.

Naboo was a planet that hadn't seen a real war for a long time, one that pushed it to develop better weapons instead of delicious wines. Though some might call the Trade Federations attack and subsequent occupation a wake up call, I knew that within the week nothing much would change, not if they weren't pushed towards such change.

Padme would have to be the one to push for change; she was their queen, the one deciding the future of the planet for the next few years. She had the power, she had the passion and most importantly, if I could convince her, she had the determination.

I took another sip of my drink as I felt someone approach me from behind. Sitting on the terrace that lead to the ball room, not many noticed I was out here, if I had to hazard a guess with nothing but my intuition I would say that was Padme now.

I had done the required mingling, left the impression I had to, should I have to continue using my current allies which was most likely the case. Factoring in that no one else at the party would come in search of me at this time, it had to be her.

I looked at the small screen in the peripherals of my sight. It was closing in on the time that I had to leave; I couldn't keep him waiting anymore. I couldn't wait to get back to him, he that had started to brighten up my dreary life.

I felt the smile come to my lips as I took another sip. Yes I was still wearing my mask, but that was because the less people that knew my facial and racial features the better, I was still a very noticeable person, because of my outward appearance.

This was one of the reasons that I had specifically built my mask so that I could retract the mouth piece, to drink and eat while keeping it on, though I didn't use that function much.

I had just placed my glass on the table next to me as Padme arrived at my side. She said nothing as she took a seat to my left, also placing her drink down. Both of us sat starring at the sky not saying anything, just letting the comfortable silence persist.

It wouldn't last forever but it was nice.

I hadn't been able to talk to Padme much after helping her take back her throne, even throughout the celebratory ball; she had been taken to many of the ministers and officials that filled the halls. This would be the first time we could talk to each other alone since we landed on the planet.

Finally I decided it was time to break the peace. "It's been a long 3 days for you Your Majesty." My eyes shifted to her for a second as she pouted at my words; though she heard the joking tone in my voice she wasn't happy about the address.

"I've told you before Ayillh, you can call me Padme." I just gave a small laugh as I shifted back into a comfortable position. "My people and I owe you a debt of gratitude. I don't know how things would have turned out if you hadn't rescued us 3 days ago and especially if you hadn't helped me at the senate meeting…"

She trailed off for a moment as I caught the frown that appeared on her face at the mention of the senate; a good sign. "But know this if you ever need help, Naboo will come to your aid." We both turned to look at each other at the words. I could see the determination in her eyes, the sincerity that came with it.

I just shook my head and gave a small laugh. "I only did this because I was getting paid, I had to protect you, I did my job, I'll get paid a pretty penny very soon." I waited to see her reaction and it didn't disappoint. She continued to stare at me, the determination not wavering.

"I don't care what you say about your employer or mission. You have truly helped us, going I would say beyond whatever your employer tasked you with…" Well she technically wasn't wrong; I didn't need to do anything extra. "…I will help you because that's what… friends are for."

I stopped for a second as her words sunk in, looking at her one more time. I knew that she couldn't see my face, but there was something about the smirk she showed as she said those words, she held out her hand as I turned. I looked down at it for a second, then back at her eyes.

Sure I wanted to create another ally in the future, I truly did see something in the young woman that I would like to nurture, the question was, do I really want to go through with it. It would be a long term plan to gain a true ally, a friendship based off true feelings of mutual respect, ability and drive.

I'm sure Mace would be fine with it and even encourage this long term plan…If you could call making a friend, a true friend, a plan. Maybe it was…Maybe it wasn't

Finally I decided and slipped my hand forwards grabbing hers steadily. The small hesitation in her gaze as she looked at me disappeared in a split second as a wider smile came to her lips. *Beep* *Beep* Just as we were letting go a small beeping noise went off.

It was my holocomm, it was time to leave. Padme looked curious for a few seconds as I looked at the small message sent before draining the rest of my glass. "I guess we'll have to continue this another time. It's time I went and turned my mission into my employer."

Padme slightly deflated at the words. She was bummed I had to leave so soon, but I was sure I would be seeing her around. She stood up as I did, also draining the rest of her glass. We left them on the bench as we faced each other.

The mouth piece on my mask closed up as I placed both hands on her shoulders. "I'll be seeing you around Padme." She gave a small nod. I looked at her for a few more seconds before saying what the hell, why not, and pulled her into a hug. Padme made a small sound of surprise as I pulled her in, but she returned it soon after.

As we pulled apart I had one last thing to say. "One last thing before I go." My voice turned a bit serious. "You may have repelled the Trade Federation now, but don't get complacent, Naboo needs better protection, better contacts, Better weapons, better allies for if something like this happens again. You can't be caught flat footed again."

Padme the ever loving girl looked troubled after my words; she knew what I was implying, the message behind my words, but the hesitation passed soon after. She had changed over the 3 days since I met her, and personally I think she was making great progress.


(Padme PoV)

Ayillh's words sunk in as she quietly moved backwards. She was right, I knew she was right. I might not have liked the direction of where this might take Naboo, but just remembering the senate building, the corruption that I witnessed firsthand, I knew what I would have to do.

I would protect my people!

I nodded my head forcefully. "I understand." She said nothing for a few seconds as if studying me, she probably was, checking to see if my conviction was real, I starred right at her to tell her my answer. Finally she gave a nod as she backed off even more, moving into the shadows of the balcony.

I starred at her for as long as I could, but in seconds her body vanished into thin air. I didn't know when I would see her next, I didn't know what would have happened by then. But I knew it would happen someday, I knew that I would show her how much my conviction truly counted for. A small smile tugged at my lips, I couldn't wait for that day.

I looked one more time at the night sky we had both been looking at, the night sky I loved since I was a child. "I will protect this." I left those parting words as I moved back into the ball. The 'Queen' couldn't disappear for too long without a commotion happening.

It was time I got back.


(Coruscant, Private building )

(Palpatine PoV)

I looked down at the dead body of my master. I wanted so much to be exalted for my accomplishment, for the satisfaction that came with him finally being gone from the universe, finally I could let my grand plan move forwards. I would finally grab the power that is rightfully mine! The unlimited power of the Universe that came with being the master of the Sith!

My fists tightened as I slowly began to control my aura, though I wanted to proclaim my dominance it was not yet time, not till the Jedi were dealt with. But even with my Master dead I could not fully revel in satisfaction.

My plan had a hiccup, I know it was caused by that bounty hunter schutta, my informants couldn't find anything out about her employer and after the mess that was Naboo she had vanished. I didn't like having a piece on the board that I didn't know about and her and her employer were such pieces, they could be a thorn later in my plans.

I knew the frown on my face got worse as my thoughts drifted to the other surprises my master left for me. He had to have known, there is no way it could be a coincidence, he knew about the other 2 'Sith' that had appeared. I could hardly stop the disdain that flooded my body at the title they had appropriated.

They were not true Sith! I was!

Though from what I could tell one of them had even been able to fend off 4 Jedi, though2 were Padawan's the display of power showed that he was someone of notice. It was possible that he was even closer to my power level than I thought possible, if indeed he held anything back.

But though he may be powerful, I was certain that my own skill in planning and deception would bring him down just like my master. It should…*Bam*… I looked down as my clenched fists as I pulled it away from the wall next to me.

I still need to improve my control, it seems I let my anger spill out for a second there; I can no longer have such mishaps moving forwards. Well I had some time to spare…. I looked at the dead body of Plagueis once more and sent a shock of lightning or two into his immobile body.

"Even in death you teach me master." The disgust in my voice was palpable, but I had to admit not telling me about the other sith was a good ploy to keep my want for dominance at bay. Too bad he underestimated my thirst for strength.

Even in the end he wouldn't tell me the truth of who they were, but no matter. I would find out in the end. I gave my master one last shock before turning and making my way out, there were greater things to do now.

I had to rally support for the coming election and continue my smearing of Valorum. Though, I would not forget the Bounty Hunter that ruined my initial plans. I would have to send someone to deal with her for that transgression. A big enough bounty should encourage some to take on the task.

I let my mask down one more time before I left, the image of her impending doom etching a smile on my face, one a little too sinister for one such as myself, an upstanding representative from Naboo.


(Coruscant, Jedi temple)

(3rd Person PoV)

Anakin stood stoically as he tried to keep his composure before the council, he already knew what was coming and that was why he was finding it so hard to stop the smile from spreading on his lips. Mace Windu and the rest of the council could easily see the building excitement in the little boy but chose not to mention said fact out loud.

Moving slightly forwards, Mace kept his voice grave and respectful as should be expected of a Master on the council. He may have his doubts about the boy, but only time could tell. "Anakin Skywalker." Anakin nodded stiffly at his name at his name being mentioned at the end of the meeting.

"You have been accepted into the Jedi order." Anakin couldn't stop the small smile that appeared on his lips. Qui-Gon sitting in one of the council seats to the left, hid the smile that came to his lips as he watched the scene. "However you will start like all others as a youngling, working your way up to become a fully-fledged Jedi." The smile slightly dampened on the boy face before a fire of determination lit within his eyes.

Mace gave a small nod at the determination he saw. "Though, because of your age, you shall additionally be prematurely apprenticed to the newly promoted Jedi Knight, Obi-wan Kenobi." Obi-Wan, who was standing next to Anakin and already knew of his impending responsibility bowed respectfully. "As the council wishes."

The smile on Qui-Gon's lips got even wider as he felt proud watching his apprentice finally become a Knight with his own padawan. Obi-Wan just picked up the thoughts as he straightened himself. A small smile came as his eyes drifted to his proud master for a second.

Next to the two there stood one more. Aayla Secura stood quietly watching the scene, her old Master just waiting outside, the small proof of her new knight hood resting on her person; same as Obi-Wan to her side. The council looked at the two new Knights and one new youngling as Mace came to the close of their meeting, their thoughts contemplating what the future could hold, obscured by the force.

"May the force be with you in the times to come."


(Phantom, Conference Room)

(3rd Person PoV)

Mace starred at the Astrogation charts before them. Sitting around him were the rest. To his right and left sat, Ayillh and Ashara. After them, came Vette, Jaesa, Xalek, Nadia, Vaylin and Blizz. Though the positions changed to accommodate needs and deter favoritism, his earned trust could still be seen by those closest to him. Everyone was gathered to choose where to set course to next, but Mace already had an idea of where they had to go. "We could set up base on Ziost."

Mace's eyes turned to look at Vette as she laid out her suggestion. As if on cue it set the flood gates open, ideas flying left and right from all present. Ziost from Jaesa, Odessen from Ayillh, Zakuul from Vaylin, Korriban from Xalek, many places strongly connected to the force, even strong in the dark side.

Everyone voiced an opinion, saying the planet, the pros, the cons, the unpredictable, but with millennia of out of date information anything could be drastically changed. As the Sith were 'extinct', supposedly, Ziost and Korriban had likely fallen in ages long past.

A discussion started, trying to plan a way forwards, but it was after a full hour that they turned to their leader, the final decision maker. Mace closed his eyes as he caught the looks from those around, contemplated each option, taking advice from the voice inside his head, the one he trusted the most; finally he reaching the same conclusion as the start.

The silence was deafening as he reached forwards and moved the charts to a certain sector, where a vague memory prompted him it once sat, a place he had only been to once. Nadia and Ashara's eyes widened for a second as they knew the meaning in seconds.

They turned to look at Mace, the same question in their eyes. "There? Are you sure?" Mace looked at both before giving a nod. "Do you two still remember the coordinates?" The two contemplated for a few seconds before remembering them, something every Jedi knew and kept secret at all costs.

They gave affirmative nods to their master. "Go with Vette and Ayillh and account for orbital Drift to find the planet, once found set course immediately after finding the safe specific hyper lanes to get to the system." All four of the nodded and left the room.

Mace looked at those left as he clasped his hands together and leaned forwards on to them, a trait he had picked up from his late wife, she always looked her best when she entered such a pose and began to plan her numerous plots and traps. New plans for how they would move forwards started to be constructed themselves in his mind.

"Now moving forwards…"


(Weeks Later)

(Tatooine, Mos Eisley)

(Ashara PoV)

"Haa!" The warm air wasn't as pleasant as last time I came here. I looked up at the small sign that denoted my destination. I guess if Vette had come with me it would have been tolerable. But she was busy. Nearly all of them were. Setting up had taken longer than most of us considered, not to mention all the plans that Ayillh and Mace were working on. But it would be worth it in the end.

I shook my head and walked into the store. It was dimly lit and pretty dusty, droid parts were everywhere, dust piling up on the side. "This should be the place. Ayillh's directions led straight here." I mumbled to myself as I felt out in the force. It was hard to tell, but it was just there, a presence in the force that was familiar.

Delving a bit deeper I noticed the similarities to the boy. I didn't stop the smile that appeared on my face as I watched a weather old woman walk into the room. She was rugged in appearance and demeanor and had definitely seen better days.

"Hello how can I help you today Miss?" She spoke politely and had her eyes down, meek in stance and attitude, all clear signs of the slavery she had been indoctrinated into. I smiled at her as her eyes flickered upwards for a second.

The eyes I caught were slightly dead inside, not completely, but it was close. "I would like to speak to your boss." She didn't say another word as she bowed and walked out. It was a few minutes later when she returned with her owner, my smile grew even bigger.

The Toydarian didn't even get a word out as I spoke. "Watto." His wings stopped flapping for a second and his eyes narrowed as I addressed him. "Yes?" There was a bit of trepidation in his voice. I brushed my cloak to the side to show off the Lightsabers that sat on my hips.

I could see the fear that flashed through his eyes, before a bit of smugness reared its head. Did he think I was a Jedi? "What have you come for Jedi?" This would be fun. I pointed in 'her' direction. "I want her." Watto looked at my target for a split second before he shook his head.

"NO!NO! I only have one slave left, I ain't selling her! Gambling her! Nothing you say could make me give her to you Jedi!" I just continued to smile. He thought I could do nothing as a Jedi. I had to stop myself from giggling at his foolishness.

"Well actually, you are going to go find her slave collar controls, give them to me, let me walk out of here with your last slave and crawl into whatever hovel you came from." I waved my hand in disdain and waited for his choice.

He seemed to be amused at my words, a cocky smirk on his lips. "Jedi mind tricks don't work on Toydarians you Stupid Sith spit, now what you going to do?""Hahaha." I couldn't keep my laughter in this time a small bit of my power leaking outwards.

Watto stiffened, so did 'she', they felt it, even if only for a second. "Sith spit huh." I gave one last chuckle as I gripped my hand towards him and bent the force to my will. *Urgh* *Crick* Watto clawed at his neck as I slowly pulled him over.

"When did I ever use a Jedi mind trick? And did you just use my title in vain?~" Watto paled as he struggled for oxygen, I pulled him even closer, whispering to his terrified face. "I am no Jedi you animal. You are speaking with a sith…" I knew my grin was sinister. "…We have our ways to make animals follow our orders."

I dropped my hold and watched him flop to the ground gasping for air. He regained himself after a few seconds of spluttering before looking up in terror, I slowly unclipping the blade at my side. *Snap* *Hiss* He backed away in fear, body trembling.

Yes this would be fun~.


Speaking: "..."

Thoughts: '...'

Sounds/effects: *...*

Zevrencreators' thoughts