
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime et bandes dessinées
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110 Chs

Chapter 100

Obi-wan looked at his young Padawan who had a barely noticeable smile on her face.

"You can be proud, Aubrie. To receive such praise from the Jedi Council is an honor few receive. Even fewer when one is a Padawan," Obi-Wan told her.

Aubrie was perhaps the most outstanding Padawan that the Jedi had ever nurtured. Even at only 13, she was one of their best healers.

Aubrie was humble, calm, and selfless. But more than anything, she was wise beyond her years. She was able to see the bigger picture and see more than just herself.

Many predicted that she would eventually be on the Jedi Council, most likely within only 20 years.

"I am proud, Master," Aubrie assured Obi-Wan. "I just know that I can't become complacent. There is still much that I need to learn."

"Very true," Obi-Wan acknowledged. He was glad he got a Aubrie as a Padawan instead of someone like his younger self.

"We have another mission. The Senator from Naboo was nearly assassinated. They assigned us to her guard."

Aubrie hummed in agreement. As long as it was a mission, she would complete it faithfully.

"So are we going to her current residence?" Aubrie asked

"Yes. The order has yetbto inform her but we are doing this on their behalf as well as behalf of the Supreme Chancellor who is worried about a Senator nearly dying on the capital of the Republic," Obi-Wan informed her as they began to walk to the Senator's dwelling.

By the time that they had arrived, the dup were surprised that the guests they were supposed to greet later had arrived before them.

3 individuals stood with Padme and her handmaids who were clearly not from Naboo. The symbol on their armor showed their true allegiance.

"Yautja," Aubrie looked at them in surprise. She felt a little longing in her heart but she was unsure why

The trio that stood with the Nabooians were a young man with brown hair, a woman with red skin who was wearing a black robe, and a young man wearing a yellow jacket with a green symbol on the back of it.

It seemed as if they had just arrived as Padme was greeting them.

"Lady Caina. Ani. And..." Padme trailed off at the last individual. She had never met him before.

"David Martinez," he greeted politely even though he felt confused and frustrated.

David was the newest member of Jial's companions and had already proven his skills. He usually worked alongside HK-47 amd Sektor.

He was originally supposed to be joining the pair on a mission go sabotage a droid factory on a remote station but had been pulled off just as they were boarding the ship.

'I could be blowing shit up but now I'm stuck on guard duty.'

David hated his current job but would never question Jial's decision so he went with Caina and Anakin to ensure the former queen's safety.

Padme could tell that David didn't want to be there, no matter how well he tried to hide it.

"Glad to have you here, Mr. Martinez," Padme smiled at him before turning to the two that she was familiar with.

"Little Ani has grown up quite a bit. What has it been? A year?" Padme put a hand under Anakin's chin to force him to look down at her and into her eyes

"More like 10 months," Anakin pulled her hand off his chin and up to his lips. "Went through a bit of a growth spurt."

"It looks good on you," Padme looked him up and down, glad to see that he had finally outgrown her.

The pair were making lovey dovey eyes at one another when they heard a cough from the side.

That was when Padme finally noticed the arrival of two Jedi.

"Greetings, Obi-Wan. It has been a few years," Padme remembered Obi-Wan's face despite the new beard. "And it seems that you are no longer the Padawan but have gotten one yourself."

"Hello, Senator Amidala. This is my Padawan, Aubrie Wyn." Obi-Wan introduced her

Aubrie stepped forward and gave Padme a small bow.

"Hello, Senator. The Jedi Council and Supreme Chancellor have assigned us as your guards while you are on Coruscant." Aubrie gave a brief greeting before going into their mission

Padme looked confused and then apologetic.

"Apologies, Padawan, but I require no further guard. My friends who are part of Yautja have volunteered to protect me during their stay on Coruscant," Padme tried to reject their help politely

Ever since she found out that Palpatine was dirty, she had been very careful around him and every 'friendly' gesture.

Even if he used the Jedi as intermediaries, she still felt cautious about using them for her defense.

So when the bombing had occurred, she did not request for help from the Senate but instead sent word to the Yautja.

She hadn't expected that Palpatine would still send her guards when she didn't even request for it and the Jedi no less.

After she spoke up, it was Obi-Wan and Aubrie's turn to be confused. Most people would love for 2 Jedi to protect them but Padme had unexpectedly refused their help.

Obi-Wan was puzzled but he couldn't simply leave. This was an assignment from the Jedi Council.

"I understand that you may have a preference for the Yautja but we Jedi are more than capable and will not charge you-"

"We aren't working for cash, puppet. The lady is friends with the boss. That means we working for free," David interrupted, standing in front of the Jedi with his hand on a slugthrower


Padme placed her hand on David's shoulder from behind, not wanting the situation to escalate.

"Master Jedi, you can stand guard outside of my residence but you are not allowed entry into my suite. Are you able to handle that compromise?"

Obi-Wan was about to reject her and inform her that her safety was their main concern and they couldn't ensure her safety from outside of the premises.

Before he could refuse, Padme raised one of her hands to stop him.

"If you can't handle that, then I ask that you go back and ask the Jedi Order to think about my words.

And if you're unwilling to do that, then I shall have my current guards escort you away," Padme emphasized the last sentence while the trio each took a step forward and placed their hands on their weapons. "I cannot guarantee that they shall do it gently."

Obi-Wan saw that he was outmatched so he gave up trying to argue with them.

"Understood, Senator. Thank you for being so understanding."