
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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82 Chs

Chapter 58 – Revelations (2)

"I would have liked to tell you an extra short summary but I don't think you will let me off the hook this way."

He sighed while looking at her and her expectant eyes. The girl was waiting for too long. She would never let it go if he refused.

"I was born 2 years after the Great Jedi Purge and the end of the Clone Wars. To me, the Republic and democracy is a fleeting concept, past history. An ideal pursued by a small group I met at some occasions."

"My oldest memory is about my mother showing us her use of the force to distract us, I, my twin brother and my sister. My mother was named Vizia, she was a Vahla, and before the rise of the empire and the end of the Republic, she acted as a mercenary."

"My father was a human soldier and fought during the clone wars in the militia of the Jedi Rahm Kota. My parents met each other while protecting a politician. They weren't able to see each other often because of their respective jobs, thus they decided to leave one year before the end of the war."

His memories of his parents were hazy and remember few things but still he still remembers a few things about them. Sure, all his memories were from his child view and may miss few things, but he thought they were good parents.

"As my father wasn't able to leave the army in such a time of need, he deserted and thus chose to live far away from the conflicts and the Republic reach with my mother. After the war, my mother became pregnant with twins, I and my brother Maz. Two years later, my cute little sister Jessa was born."

"The three of us were really problem child's, or just the two of us, and our sister was imitating her big brothers. My father had to treat us with bacta more than once, we were a bit too unafraid as children and were often hurting ourselves."

"Maybe because of his years as a soldier, my father was pretty strict, but now I realize why, he was doubting everyone. When he was not occupied taking care of us or the Nysillin's fields, he was patrolling the surrounding area of the house and the security fences."

"I lived like this during 8 years, a peaceful life with my parents, playing with my siblings and taking care of the fields. Until this kriffing Empire came!!"

She could feel his despise and anger over the Empire. It may be one of the few times she saw him demonstrate what he was really feeling and not hiding it behind a fake smile.

"Siths and slavers are always together. It was the case through all galactic history, and it wasn't different in my time. After our world was taken under Imperial control, slavers came and reduced all the colonist on the planet into slavery. My father was killed protecting my mother, I was taken with my brother and was separated from my brother and sister. This is how I became a slave."

"We were bought by a psycho-pervert Anzati. We rebelled and hurt him pretty badly, I'll say it this way to not give you nightmares. After this we were tortured, I lost a limb and an eye. My brother wasn't able to bear with it and shown signs of mental unbalance. Finally, he killed himself with a spike in front of me and of our torturers."

As she lost her parent's at slaver's hand, she knew what it was to lose her liberty and watch as your family members die, but watching your own brother kill himself must have been a shock for him.

"The loss of my brother made my rage reach a peak and made me use the force instinctively. I took their blaster and pierced many holes into these meatbags. After a desperate escape, I was recruited by a group of fleeing slaves turned bandits and learn to steal, lie and kill."

"In the end, the Empire came again and destroyed my newfound peace, leading the stormtroopers was Darth Vader. After a miraculous escape, I worked on Tatooine in a cantina like I told you before. Then I became a bounty hunter but killed empire's soldiers during a mission as these assholes were getting in the way. A bounty was on my head after this murder and had to change job as all my previous contacts would now search to kill me."

"I became a thief and stole a few things for a rebellious organization searching to overthrow the empire. During a data theft mission, Vader damaged my ship during my escape and due to a hyperdrive failure, I crashed on Felucia, and made the encounter that will change my life."

While until now his tone was dark and she could feel his anger, his mood change when he talked about his encounter on Felucia. Lyn hoped he finally finds some peace and quiet in his life.

"On Felucia, I met my master, a previous master of the Jedi Council, Shaak Ti. She was extremely sick as she was poisoned by the Sarlacc after she had to let herself fall in its jaw to escape to Vader's assassin. We passed a few days together, her talking about the past and me repairing my ship."

"I finally found the resolution to ask her to train me as a Jedi, but she thought that a new way of thinking should be explored rather than the old way, plain bad against good, Siths against Jedis."

"I live during five years with her on a isolated corner of an isolated world. I still remember the beatings I took and her smile that would give chills to anyone when she fights. It may be the best five years of all my life. To me she was like the mother I lost, but in the end the poison of the Sarlacc killed her."

"We could have searched for a remedy but she was too famous and it would take years and apparently she wanted to become a force-ghost as my apprenticeship was over, I was ready to carve my own path."

"A force ghost?"

He never told her about it and the name seems a bit creepy. Force Ghost, the name make her thought to Exar Kun's spirit trapped in his temple even after thousands of years.

"Becoming one with the force after your death while maintaining your individuality."

"After this, my life of battles began I raided slaves' markets one after another to create a crew to fight by my side and inflict the most damages possible to the Empire and with some luck, bring it down."

"At the beginning, I thought that even if I wasn't a Jedi, I could still do my best to help peoples and help bettering the galaxy. But even after saving their lives, most chose to flee the empire and refused to fight. Even after liberating thousands, only a couple hundreds chose to join me. This may be why I became so disillusioned with peoples."

"They suffered hell because of the Empire, but all they do is flee. How could they put an end to their own torments in this way? I fought the empire, lost peoples I considered as my friend one after another while they were hiding like cowards!!"

Layan started to howl while thinking to those he saved but refused to follow him. He didn't have any problem with this, some had families they wanted to be reunited with, but remembering the loss of his friends, he couldn't help but howl as it may have happened differently with more soldiers.

"Our last mission and failure was surely due to a traitor, as what was waiting for us wasn't a defenseless base but several victory class cruisers. A kriffing trap."

"Most of our ships were destroyed in space and only mine succeeded to flee, but not unscathed as we found ourselves stuck in deep space and lacking food and water. Dissentions happened, and we killed each other's until a few remained."

"Surely one of the worst moments of my life. Starve an individual and his survival instinct will kick in, making him throw away their moral code. At this time, living it myself, I got a better understanding of Darth Nihilus."

Layan remembered the helplessness he felt at the time. All his crew and friends died in front of him and the few he had left chose to stop. Who could blame them after such a failure? They too had friends aboard the ships shot down by the Empire.

"We succeeded in taking over a pirate ship who detected our beacon, but once on ground, the few members left of my crew chose to disband and I can't blame them after such an utter failure."

"I found a pretty force-sensitive woman, I wanted to build a new crew, but everything was a ploy to kill me. After apparently saving her from stormtroopers, she came into my arm. And stabbed me."

"I was sure of it. I'm sure she was pretty, otherwise you wouldn't have let down your guard. Typical."

"No, I was hungry and tired after days of being trap into a ship with enemies."

With Lyn joking, the mood lightened, and Layan made a lame excuse which made Lyn smile. This little girl was really good for his mental health.

"While I was dying, I found a way to come back into the past, and here we are."

"So, why did you choose me? I am a big figure in the future? Maybe a heroine?"

"No, I just felt your force-sensitivity. If I wasn't here, then I think you know what would have happened."

Silence fall between the two as Lyn was thinking at what could have been her life. She would be lying if she said it wasn't vexing to hear it.

"What is the thing about you becoming more powerful than you could have ever imagined?"

"When I came back, before my mind was sent into the body of a dying Mirialan. My mind or soul or whatever it is was basked into a current of force. I could feel that my connection to the force improved tremendously. After a year of researching about my new condition, I discovered that I became naturally talented in every type of skills while normally everyone as some disciplines were, he isn't skilled like most of Jedis who are unable to use healing force skills. What took me years in the past now take me months to learn. My level of skills was amplified like my telepathy, able to travel most of the galaxy. I meditated once while focusing only on one thought and I realized I could restore Ossus, the whole planet using plants surge if I wished so and had the necessary seeds at hand."

Worry was showing in his voice, and she realized that he was shouldering far more things than she thought before.

"This is what makes me doubt. Why would the force allow me to come back in time? Siths and Jedis killing each other isn't a new thing. So, why did I come back in time? What caused the force to decide to create some sort of super force-user?"

"I got maybe one of the strongest if not the strongest potential in history. I'm still not sure of the possibilities available to me. Meetra Surik and Darth Nihilus existence was said to be a wound in the force and they were able to absorb the force of their victims to empower their own skills. They could also learn in a flash force and lightsaber skill."

"While they were aberrations in the force, I was sent back by the force. Our situations are opposed but our potentials may be equals, I still need to research it. Ever since I discovered it, at least partially, I started to worry why such a creation from the force was necessary. The reason for it should be dreadful, whatever it may be."

Sorry if the update were slower, I just took a one week break because even if I had all the idea in mind, I just couldn't go further. No, I'm good and should resume a normal rythm.

Faylancreators' thoughts