A mutant clone whose experiment has gone awry, was given the ability to use the force and also became the 1st clone to have the position of General! Given that he is a reincarnate, he possesses information of the future... What will he do!? __________________ Plot directly starts at the beginning of the Clone Wars! Also, I don’t know all the Star War’s lore, so if I miss some crucial details or something, I don’t mind constructive criticism! This is a rewrite of my previous Star Wars fanfic that I wrote before taking a break. Well enjoy!, Luxuriant~
Anakin didn't hesitate to chase after the trashed Acclamator after quickly defeating the enemies on the northern battlefront.
Which was why he was currently watching as the Acclamator exploded one last time all across it's gray hull.
Anakin narrowed his eyes while sprinting, wondering if the General didn't make it, even though they just met, they quickly became friends and comrade in arms, so he hoped he was alive, nevertheless, he sped up even faster as he almost reached Silas's supposed position.
And after a few minutes of running, he finally reached the large crash site as he dealt with some left over droids before actively searching the destroyed debris of the Acclamator.
But it was so wide-ranged he knew it would take him time to find Silas or any survivors.
He then felt an approaching presence from behind as he noticed it was Plo-Koon.
"I shall help you."
Anakin nodded in appreciation before continuing to look, attempting to sense Silas's presence with the force.
"Over here!" Plo-Koon called out not even a few minutes later.
Anakin jogged toward him as he could sense multiple presences under the large slab of a metal shrapnel.
They nodded at each other as they were about to force push it away, but their eyes widened as the large slab of shrapnel was suddenly launched away into the distance, forcing them to take a step back.
Anakin and Plo-Koon raised a brow as Silas's golden armored figure stepped out through the dark smoke, and right behind him were clones in green military outfits.
"General! Are you alright?" Anakin asked as he approached there figures with Plo-Koon beside him.
"Couldn't be better, but it seems I couldn't protect my fellow brothers good enough." Silas replied with a weary laugh as his gaze landed on the battered up clones leaning on each other.
Before Anakin could say anything, one of the saved clones spoke up from behind Silas, "Nonsense sir, you took the brunt of the damage in order to protect us, we came out with but a few bruises unlike you."
Silas was about to retort but the metallic ground under them abruptly shook unstably.
"We should probably hop off the roof of the ship and get back on the ground." Anakin remarked as he and Plo-Koon helped only the clones drop down with them using the force, since Silas himself seemed fine.
Once they were back on the ground grouped together, they watched as small random explosions would occur all across the massive Acclamator, showcasing it's instability.
Anakin chuckled as he said, "Well you saved the day General! The Northern Battlefront has been completely defeated, so have the other two except the one we're currently on, which is bound to be cleared soon enough."
"Of course I did." Silas replied plainly as if it was obvious.
Anakin had a small smile at Silas's attitude before gaining a serious expression, "Well anyways, while we have won the battle, it seems the enemies are still escaping currently. Our aerial forces are occupied with their air forces, so unless we get some more ships..."
Anakin stopped talking as his gaze landed upon the destroyed Acclamator beside him, "Or we can simply use the Acclamators we have landed as a final offense to destroy as many ships before they all leave."
Silas nodded in agreement, "I had similar thoughts."
Plo-Koon then calmly interjected, "If that is the case, leave the rest to us General, your injuries must be immense after such a crash."
Silas shook his head as he walked past them, "I've got plenty of energy-"
He stopped talking as his figure halted and he suddenly grabbed the side of his golden helmet, in an attempt to grasp his forehead.
Flashes of visions entered his head as they would constantly shift from one to another.
Immense pain..
A flurry of emotions went through his head, as a splitting headache hit him, something felt off, he pondered.
His figure staggered as he fell on one knee, but the once splitting headache instantly disappeared as if never there.
"General!" Anakin crouched down beside him with a worried look, before sighing.
"Just leave the rest to us, because with all due respect, you won't be any useful with such injuries."
Silas seemed to be in a daze as he was confused at the sudden visions, but nonetheless he firmly shook his head, "I'll be fine... What type of General would I be if I can't even be a leading example for all my troops."
Anakin could only sigh as he reluctantly nodded and stood up while extending his hand toward the crouched Silas, who accepted it as he stood back up.
And just a few seconds later one Gunship landed in front of them, which seemed to have been called by Plo-Koon earlier.
"Me and Skywalker will make sure their aren't any droids sneaking around from our flank, we'll leave the frontal attack to you General." Plo-Koon commented.
"Yup, we'll see you later." Anakin wasn't happy at clean up duty, but nonetheless complied with the Jedi Master as he watched Silas enter a empty Gunship.
Silas entered the Gunship and just nodded his head as he flew away, and as soon as he was away from prying eyes, he instantly fell on the shuddering metallic ground while slowly closing his eyes under his helmet, seemingly tired.
'What the hell were those visions?... At first I assumed they were of the future, but the ships I saw in whatever that war was seemed like much older versions and even the emotions felt so real, as if they were mi-'
Silas's thoughts were cut off as he already felt the Gunship's altitude decreasing, so he swiftly stood up and hopped down.
Streaks of red zoomed past his figure as the Gunship quickly increased it's altitude and retreated.
He looked ahead and watched as hundreds of droids were still active, but were quickly shot down by the thousands of clones and vehicles advancing toward them.
Silas didn't hesitate as he ran forward and jumped, his expression flinched in pain, nevertheless he landed at the direct front of the countless clone troopers who were fighting the left over droids.
Beams of blue flew past his body, as the clones spirits seemed even more invigorated as their general appeared on the battlefield.
"FOR THE REPUBLIC!" Silas roared out as he dove directly into army of droids with the clones right behind him.
"FOR THE REPUBLICCC!" The clones shouted back.
Not even a few more hours of fighting the remaining droids, the so-called Separatists were officially defeated, unfortunately, many had already escaped, nonetheless many lives were preserved in their victory, which was Silas's main goal.
But after surveying the planet for anymore enemies, they were in the clear.
And now more than 150,000 clones could be seen in square formations, as they were all gathered across the plane of sandy ground.
Currently the entirety of the clones who were present in the battle was standing in front of Silas's figure with Anakin behind him.
His gaze traced across them as they were so far you could barely see them with the blind eye even though they were in square formations.
Because of this, Silas placed large hologram devices in front of all the formations that showed a live feed of him enlarged.
"Listen up brothers! We won! Not just because of the Jedi! Not just because of me! But because of you! Do not forget that! Because from now on, a war will begin, and in order to win, we must depend on each other! Yet also be strong individually!" He continued yelling as he said,
"Hear my words soldiers! From here on out, the object of this war is not to die for the Republic but to decimate all of it's opponents! No mercy shall be shown!" Silas's metallic voice reverberated in the silent environment.
Until it broke out into a roar of cheers from the clones.
Shaking the ground itself.
And in the distance, a small group of Jedi consisting of Yoda, Obi-Wan, Windu and Plo-Koon could be seen observing.
Windu frowned as he said, "His words align with the Sith ideologies. He's practically saying we shouldn't give the enemy mercy and should kill them all, such actions could lead to more dark ideas."
Plo-Koon shook his head, "I believe he simply wishes to protect his soldiers, and this is the most efficient way of doing so."
Yoda nodded his head, "Agree with Master Plo-Koon I do, but observe Young Raven, we will."
The Jedi then dispersed as they all headed into Gunships that would lead them into there Venators which were hovering a few thousand feet above them.
Silas himself started walking away as the clones started entering the dozens of Gunships and Acclamtors behind him.
As he was walking toward his Gunship, a yellow striped clone approached him from behind him.
"Sir! I have the casualty count as you ordered." Commander Cody said as he stopped beside the General.
Silas glanced toward Cody and remembered that originally he wasn't supposed to be here and that he personally told the Kaminoans to release a few more Commander Level clones and even many commandos.
But eventually he broke out of his thoughts as he nodded, indicating that Cody could continue.
"Approximately 13,564 clones died and 11 Jedi also perished, that's the current count but there could be more."
Silas expression was unreadable under his mask, but Commander Cody could tell it wasn't good.
Nevertheless he nodded, "I see, let's share some drinks later Cody." He started walking away as he entered a Gunship filled with other clones.
[Ahsoka POV]
Ahsoka ran earnestly across the sandy ground, looking for her supposed master.
She saw Commander Cody in the distance as she jogged toward him, "Commander, do you know where Master Raven went?"
"You just missed him, he should be heading to the Venator with designated number, V-5678."
Ahsoka nodded at his words. "Thanks Commander!", before running toward a near Gunship.
Cody chuckled at her energy as he saw her Gunship depart in the distance.
She quickly arrived at the nearby Venator and calmly stepped out of her Gunship into the hangar as she traversed the gray metallic hallways with a curious look.
Ahsoka stopped walking as she tried to use the force, to sense the connection between Silas and her.
But after seconds of silence, she knew they barely even had a connection as she sighed wistfully.
"Where could he be..."
Her eyes suddenly widened as she sensed a flicker of his presence in a certain direction.
She slowly walked forward and took a few turns through the hallway, before finally ending up in front of a metallic door that seemed to head into a storage room.
Pressing a red button on the side, the door promptly slid open as she walked in.
The medium sized room was filled with large metal crates, messily stacked up everywhere.
It was then her eyes caught sight of a long blonde haired man in golden/black armor that was sitting down on a crate.
She instantly recognized his presence within the force as Silas.
But she stayed silent as her eyes couldn't help but linger on his face, entranced by his unique features.
'Woah... Master is kinda handsome, or pretty?' She questioningly thought, 'well it's to be expected for someone meant to train me.' A tinge of red appeared on her cheeks as she smirked proudly.
Her smirk soon fell into a frown as she finally took notice of his facial expression.
Silas was sitting on a crate, hunched over as he stared at the metallic ground. But his face didn't show the joy of victory but rather a more conflicted expression, his blonde brows were creased and his green eyes showed intense emotion, seemingly not even taking notice of Ahsoka.
Ahsoka herself finally stepped out the darkness as she spoke worriedly, "Uhm Master, is everything alright?"
Silas's expression changed to a neutral face as he calmly glanced upward toward Ahsoka.
"If it isn't my so-called new apprentice, Ahsoka. What can I do for you?"
Seemingly trying to lighten the mood she smiled, "No offense but aren't you supposed to be a clone?" Her face then quickly turned mischievous as she asked, "So why do you look so pretty?"
Silas's brow twitched at her snide comment but nonetheless answered, "It's quite simple, I'm just a mutant, my DNA was created differently as compared to normal clones."
Ahsoka nodded as a awkward silence ensued, she noticed Silas was back to staring at the ground but with a calm expression that seemed to be hiding all his emotions.
"Master." She whispered out as sat down beside him on the crate.
Silas curiously glanced toward her, "Hmm?"
"I know we just became Master and Apprentice, well I don't know if we are... But do you mind telling me what's going on with you?" Ahsoka hopefully looked at Silas.
He simply smiled, "Your right, if we're to be Master and Student, I might as well express my thoughts..."
Silas then continued with a nostalgic smile, "My goal when I'm on the battlefield is to minimize the casualty rate of our troops, of my brothers to the minimum. But the minimum today was over 11,000 clone deaths, with many more injured, I hate that I can't keep the death count to 0."
Ahsoka sighed as even though she was young, she understood where he was coming from, "Somethings are inevitable."
Silas chuckled, but it was rather devoid of emotion, "That's the thing, it's only inevitable because I'm weak, yet if I was more powerful, regardless of how I get that power, I could prevent such outcomes as long as I stay true to myself and my values."
Ahsoka's eyes widen as she couldn't help but agree, "Your weak?..." She couldn't help but furrow her brows, "How would you even get that strong?"
"There are many ways to become stronger, and depending on your aptitude to learn, I'll teach you those ways in the future. But I have a feeling you won't like it very much." Silas lightly laughed once again, as he knew Ahsoka's strong belief in the Jedi ways, even when she left, she was a true Jedi at heart, never straying her path toward a Grey Jedi or Sith.
Ahsoka raised a brow, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Silas simply stayed silent with a smile as he stood up, before heading toward the door.
Ahsoka frowned as she attempted to grab his arm, but as soon as she made contact, it suddenly went limp as his figure unconsciously staggered.
Silas ignored it and didn't flinch as his gaze landed on his limp left arm.
"What happened to your arm!?" She asked alarmingly.
He had an unconcerned expression as he answered, "Well I broke my left arm, shattered my ribs and have a fractured femur from my right leg. I was holding them together using the force, but it seems your little touch, broke my focus."
Ahsoka couldn't help but gape, before concerningly hurrying him, "Come on! Let's go to the Med bay, they should be able to fix those!"
"Where do you think I'm going?" Silas retorted as if it was obvious.
Ahsoka rolled her eyes as she carefully led him outside the room and toward the Med bay.
"It seems like your going to be a handful Master..."
And that day was set in the legends, as General Silas Raven, led the Grand Army of The Republic to an immense victory in only a few hours, causing his fame to spread across the galaxy itself.
My bad guys! I was at the hospital, so my schedule got messed up! But hopefully it should get back to normal soon!
Enjoy and Let me know yall feedback!