
Hybrid Solo Style

While Poe and Finn were being taken to the prison, the Gran manager had sent his team to retrieve the prototype on the coordinates given. Immediately a veteran and absolutely loyal team boarded a hover vehicle and went to the sintrik district.

- "Location secured"- said a team member who had arrived before them due to being closer to the area- "Deactivating security protocols."

The team arrived just as they had breached the security and opened the hangar. They had already made sure the area was cleared but they still maintained their alert high. The leader approached the container which had been tagged as "Fragile" and oredered his men to open it.


The explosion came suddenly and did not give any opportunity to the team which was wiped out completely. The members outside were sent flying and did not understand the situation.

- "Special forces here... we have been ambushed... send reinforcements..."- one of the few survivors tried to contact headquarters but for some reason the call did not go through- "what..."


He felt the searing and painful hit of a blaster which burned all his inner organs and knew he only had a few seconds of life and while his consciousness abandoned him he could hear some faint voices around him.

- "Phoenix 5 Here, trap successful"- said the voice with a cold tone- "Commencing second phase"

- "There are some survivors, Sir"- said another voice.

- "None survived"- said Pheonix 5 which seemed to be in charge of the operation.

- "Roger that"- said the voice and then Grand Canton operative felt no more.


Meanwhile, in a farther zone in a secret installation where the Gran manager stored his most valuable assets, an old Arconan, called Trihhgne had been nominated as security chief of the building. He was a typical Arconan, who was scaleless reptiles with a humanoid body with large eyes and a small organ between his eyes, which helped him seen. While the original species came from the tropical desert planet of Cona in the Teke Ro system, and lived in a family-based community which this species shared with the Gran species, Trihhgne had lost everything very young due to the Empire and had been taken under the wing of Lord Helix and he considered his benefactor and the employees of Grand Canton his own family which made him have an almost psychopathic loyalty to Gran manager. His devotion was of course also further fed by the huge sums of credits and salt which was his longlife addiction which Helix accepted and funded so far it did not affect his job.

- "Alpha team has returned"- said his assistant who was a female Twil'ek who had been working for him for many years.

- "That was fast"- said the Trihhgne opening his big golden eyes in surprise- "it seemed our boss plan worked. Still we must follow the protocols."

The facility was impenetrable and would be able to resist even a star destroyer siege for weeks due to the heavy defense and reinforce with last technology which made it resistance to piercing and explosion. The security chief saw this place as his castle where he was the absolute ruler and his will was unquestionable.

- "Yes, Sir"- said the assistant and changed channels- "Alpha 2398, please start docking procedures..."

The team along with a security convoy approached the Vault and sent their access request. His registry showed a very important package which should be stored in the most secured vault.

- "All protocols and permissions clear."- said the assistant.

- "Good, let them in"- said the Arconan who sat in his central chair which allowed him to see all the ships and vehicles that entered on the hangar.

- "Alpha 2398, you docking request has been granted"- said the assistant initiating the docking process- "please head to hangar 45. We will take the command of the ship there and facilitate the docking process."

In that moment many red alerts started to resound all around the base.

- "What's happening?"

- "We are receiving multiple requests for reinforcements from many facilities all over the city"- explained another assistant- "it seemed to be an all-out scale attack".

- "Lock the Vault and declare emergency state"- ordered the Arconan with calm but great authority- "Nobody is allowed to enter or leaving until the situation is cleared. We want to know what the situation is now!"

- "Yes, Sir"- said the team which started to contact headquarters and gather information

- "They inform that Luxurious forces have infiltrated multiple hangars, secret bases and buildings all around the city and even off-road camps"- informed one of the assistants- "it's definitely a coordinated attack!"

- "So those ingrates finally snapped"-said Trihhgne spatting at the thought of their bitter enemies- "increase our level of security to level... what's happening?"

The sound of battle started to sound around the base. Trihhgne could see many blasters flying all over the place and explosions all over his base.

- "We have multiple attackers inside the perimeter, sir"- said the Twil'ek taking a laser gun to defend the place.

- "Impossible, they couldn't have entered... wait..."- said the Arconan trying to understand the situation until he saw the information of the convoy that had entered the last and immediately started to sweat.

- "But then... that means..."- he said as he looked at his Twil'ek assistant who pointed her gun at him with cold eyes.

- "I'm sorry, Sir"

- "You...!"- he said but his craneum was blasted open by the energy discharge before he could say anything else.

She then opened the doors and multiple gunmen entered pointing at the personnel who had gotten paralyzed by the shock of seeing their boss being taken down by his second in command.

- "All forces surrender and put your weapons down!"- said the Twil'ek with an indiferent tone - "The base has already been conquered. We will offer new positions to all people who surrender now. If you decide to fight, we will show no mercy."

This scene repeated many times in many points of the city. Others simply were blown to pieces into the air.


Back in the Grand Canton prison area, Finn and Poe were watching Master Codebreaker doing his job by infiltrating the system of the Grand Canton with such ease as if he were doing nothing harder than opening a door without lock.

- "I have taken control of the casino" - Master Codebreaker said after just some minutes and Finn swore never to piss off a hacker in his life. He then passed a digital tablet to them- "your objectives are here in the wing FG- 841. I'll create a route and take you there. After that, I'll make my escape."

- "Luxurious people are waiting on the West wing near the exit 500"- said Poe as he passed a Credit chip- "I hope we can do bussiness again in the future."

- "As Iong as I don't have to let myself be captured again!- said Master Codebreaker taking the chip- "Your weapons are around the corner in this room. Good luck to you."


Meanwhile, in the VIP area of the Grand Canton, The First Order Major was walking with Helix as they went to the direction of a private room. The Major's bodyguard had watched how Finn and Poe had been apprehended and she could not believe it had been so easy. All was going according to plan and she expected the next part to also go their way.

- "Please take a seat"- said Helix as he ordered his men to put the schematics,which had already been secured from the vaults and placed in a security briefcase, on the table- "Please make sure the goods are exactly what you wanted and sign the document accepting it."

- "I must say I am really impressed by the way you conducted our affairs, Lord Helix"- said the Major after checking the contents of the briefcase and smiled- "I will make sure to mention your great services to Leader Snoke."

- "I only did my part of the agreement we had"- said Helix with a smile- "please send my regards to Leader Snoke and assure him we are always ready to make bussiness with the First Order... eh?"

As Helix was talking he started to heard footsteps but they were not coming from outside. Suddenly, the vent rack was pushed and flew in the air as two smoke grenades bounced on the floor and filled the room with smoke.

- "Guards! cough cough... guards"- the bodyguard heard Helix's voice calling for help, but almost immediately she saw blasters flying on their direction.

She immediately took the Major and pushed him to the floor. The visibility was zero and the smoke was making everyone cough. She saw other two bodyguards being shot down and she managed to see the enemies' silohuetes and she thought she had seen thermal vision glasses. She returned the fire as she started to look for the Gran.

- "Where's the secret passage you mentioned?"

- "You are right!"- the Gran said and introduced a code in his wristband.

A sliding sound was heard and a hole appeared in the wall

- "Major, the emergency passage!- she said and managed to drag the Major through the hole, but she saw the Gran fall down after receiving a shot on his leg. She ignored the pleas for help and pushed the Major as she shot over her shoulder to stop the persuers.

- "Finn, you are faster go!"- she heard a voice which she recognized as one of the people they had captured earlier.

The young human called Finn shot on both of them, but the bodyguard managed to also shoot back. She held down as they managed to get out the tunnel to a parking space where a hover vehicle was waiting for them. She felt a burning pain on her thing and had to kneel on the floor. She immediately threw the briefcase to the Major.

- "Go major! I'll delay him"- said the bodyguard as she turned around and started to shoot the enemy inside the tunnel.

The Major hopped on the vehicle without a hint of empathy for the loyalty of his bodyguard and the vehicle started to fly. He did not even flinch as he saw the bodyguard being shot down mortally since he only cared about being able to reach the safepoint where he could abandoned the planet.

- "She did her duty!"- he only said as he closed the hover door and went his way.


Finn saw the hover vehicle dissapear on the distance, but he immediately grabbed a individual speederbike and started to persue. The speeder rapidly got near the hover vehicle and started to shoot. He was shot back by the hover vehicle defense system so Finn had to evade.

- "What's your situation, Finn"- asked Poe through the intercom.

- "Persuing the objective!"- he replied as he kept shooting- "I think I will manage to... wait..."

- "What's wrong?"

- "Someone is persuing me!"- said Finn feeling someone with a strong connection with the Force- "I'll talk later!"

Finn had to maneuver but it seemed his attacker was a better pilot and easily shot down the turbines and and repulsor lift which started to burn in flames as he descended due to the power collapsing.

- "Tch!"

Having his hoover in flames, Finn quickly chose a close and wide rooftop and managed to veer his vehicle to it and jumped just before the speeder exploded midair. However, he felt a huge danger behind him, so he let his instincts kick in midair and made a pirouette as he turned on his lightsaber just in time to deflect a blaster shot by the persuing vehicle. He still managed to land safely but needed to roll and made some saumersaults in order to disperse the energy from the fall. He ended up in a cat landing almost kneeling with extended lightsaber as he waited for his enemy to appear. However, he had to roll and jump to evade the hover vehicle which crashed in the place he had been and exploded making Finn hit a wall due to the energy of the explosion. As the vehicle had gone to him, a knight of ren had jumped and landed on the roof and activated two lightsabers one on each hand.

- "Poe, I have lost the vehicle and I can't continue to persue"- informed Finn through the communicator

- "Leave it to me"- said Poe and Finn just turned off the comunication as he readied for battle.

Without saying a single word, the Sith lord dashed to him with two lightsabers on his hands at a breaking speed. He covered the distance in less than a second and jumped in the air as he turned to give himself strength and swung both lightsabers down to Finn. He managed to parry the blow but had to spin around to disperse the power behind it. The knight of Ren continued by swinging both lightsabers alterning the swing rapidly as a drummer but focusing on different elevations and target on Finn's body. Then he spinned in the opposite direction with a wide swing which was followed by a quick stab which Finn managed to avoid and deflect by a narrow gap. The Knight of Ren followed with a back attack and another with the other side. The guy was like a furious tornado which simply did not stop attacking.

- "Vaapad style - Mirror defense"- Finn started to put his mind on becoming a mirror in order to find and create openings on the enemy.

However, Finn found himself on the defensive and even though he tried to use his techniques, this Knight of ren was just not showing any openings to take advantage of. The extra lightsaber was simply too much of an advantage. Finn needed to change his approach so he started to use objects and throw them at the Knight of Ren to create distractions. This was also countered by the knight of Ren who also started to throw objects which made the fight even more complicated

- "So no story for me?"- asked Finn trying to make the knight of Ren get distracted like he had done in other ocassions- "how are you going to defeat me?"

The answer was a flurry of light followed by a kick which made Finn almost get knocked out. He forced himself to get distance by jumping on the roof of the entrance. Finn had to shake his head in order to recover from the hit. However, the knight of Ren was already there and Finn had to defend once again.

- "This one is different!"- said Finn with apprehension as he did his best to parry and evade the unending chain of attacks from his opponent.

Until now, he had met very talkative knights of Ren who had a thing in common: a very inflated ego. They loved to talk and look down on his opponents making them overconfident which gave them an opportunity to find weaknesses. This one however, was silent but he had an aura that cut like a knife and he seemed to only care about eliminating his preys without the need to chat. Finn had also not experienced a dual wielding enemy which made the experience extremely confusing and difficult. Finn managed to push back the knight of Ren using the Force, but it was a very small distance which he recovered in no time. The knight of Ren was not letting Finn have any break.

- "Thank goodness for the brutal training of Luke and Mara!"- Finn thought recognizing that without those brutal and exhausting lessons, he would have been eliminated in the first three minutes. It was true that his opponent was strong, but he was nothing in comparison with Luke and Mara.

In that moment, as if reading his mind, the Knight of Ren boosted his speed and imbued his attacks with the Force increasing his power exponentially. He was even faster than before and Finn also immersed himself in the Force and parried the blows the best as he could trying to not lose focus and not having negative emotions like fear, knowing that if he were to allow those things, he would be doomed. His opponent used his extra lightsaber to nullify Finn's lightsaber and create opening to take advantage of. Finn started to increase his rythmn in order to cope with the speed and constant barrage of attacks he receive from different angles and blind spots with an absolute concentration. If a normal person could see their fight, they would see just blurry fiigures surrounded by blue and red lights as they moved all over the roof.

- "Let the Force guide you... allow your body to be a recipient of the Force"- Finn remembered the words of Luke- "you will find the chance."

After a long time, Finn found an opening which he quickly attacked, but the knight of Ren simply jumped back avoiding any injury. Finn observed his opponent in awe. If he had gotten distracted for a mere second, Finn would have simply been cut into pieces almost instantly. His opponent was the perfect balance between speed and power. He was also extremely cunning and unpredictable in his attacks. Finn changed his stance to use "Medium Style" and strenghten it with Vaapad.

- "Vaapad Style - Vornskr's Ferocity,"- Finn dashed against his opponent with a clear mind and started his attacks which seemed to have taken his opponent by surprise.

His movements seemed to be erratic and unrefined, as if he were an amateur practicioner wielding a lightsaber for the first time. However, this was just an attempt to make his opponent lower his guard and attack him under a false pretense of superiority. The knight of Ren did not fall for this trap but even so he started to be on the defense due to the unpredictability of his opponent's techniques which seemed to be coming from impossible angles. Also, the Sith had the illusion that his opponent was now wielding two lightsabers. He was confused since he knew Finn was just using a single lightsaber, was it an illusion?

- "Vaapad Style - Swift flank"- Finn used the Force to move at an impossible speed which caught his opponent by surprised.

He managed to position himself on the side of the Knight of Ren and made a quick strike with a powerful swing. His opponent managed to avoid the attack but it still broke his armor and forced him to take distance. Finn jumped at him in order to not giving him any chance, but the knight of Ren also jumped against him.

- "Faster... faster"- said Finn taking his body to the limits. He was so focused that he did not notice that now his opponent could see three afterimages which seemed to be attacking him at the same time.

The heat of the moment made him oblivious to his breakthrough since he was just trying to keep up with the fight. The battle started to be more balanced but also it became more brutal and now both fighters had multiple cuts and burns all over their clothes and skin. Finn started to feel his rage and competitive spirit take over which was very dangerous, but also extremely effective.

- "You must master Vaapad... not Vaapad master you..."- Master Windu had always repeated that reminder and it sounded like a mantra in Finn's head.

Finn could feel the incandescent pain in his skin even though his clothes which had certain degree of defense and had managed to avoid a considerable injury. Still, his left shoulder was in pain and that would definitely affect his performance. The Knight of Ren also injured and started to walk in circles as if trying to asses the damage he had caused and surely deciding how to approach the next part of his offensive. Finn was already exhausted and he knew he could not maintain another round of Vornskr's Ferocity, since his body was in his limit.

- "No choice..."- Finn said and took his laser pistol on his left hand while assuming a stance on this. The Knight of Ren seemed confused by this action.

Finn breathed and used this pause to recover as much stamina as he could. The knight of Ren observed this and dashed on him. A diagonal swing was evaded by Finn as he shot a blaster directly to the knight of Ren exposed side. He noticed this and made a quick movement that allowed him to repel the blaster with his other lightsaber. This however, let him open and Finn used his lightsaber to stab his exposed chest. The knight of Ren managed to evade by rolling on the floor in a very unnatural way. He looked at Finn and for the first time in the fight, Finn could sense an emotion of anger from his opponent.

- "What? Angry?"- asked Finn who guessed his opponent was angry for bringing energy pistols to a lightsaber fight- "I will not apologize"

The knight of Ren attacked furiously as if trying to avenge the insult Finn had given him with renewed strength. Finn, however, responded with a calm and patient approach. He had been working on this new style, which he had named as "Solo Style" for almost a year but this was the first time he was using it in a real fight. The idea had originated from the time he saw Han Solo dispatch a knight of Ren using his shooting skills. The idea was simple, using the blaster in zero distance from blind spots in combination with his lightsaber. Even though a Force user could deflect blasters easily from distance, it was another story if they had to react from centimeters. Also, even if he managed to somehow deflect or evade the blaster, his stance and footing would definitely be affected which could then be used with his lightsaber. Finally, he would only use this style when the enemy was tired and his concentration had been depleted.

- "Now!"- said Finn noticing his opponent's movements started to be slower.

Finn ran directly at his opponent and pointed his pistol at him. The knight of Ren rose his lightsaber preparing to deflect and if possible return the blaster to Finn. The distance was just right and he had plenty of confidence in doing so. Finn shot, but the knight of Ren did not see the green colored blaster flying to him, however, he still blocked whatever thing was coming his way by instinct. However, for some reason his lightsaber did not stopped the bullet and also was forcefully deactivated. Also, the bullet went directly to his face and cracked his helmet, injuring him in the eye.

- "Vaapad Style - Shatterpoint!"- Finn focused and let the Force show him the best route and weak points of his enemy now that he was at his mercy.

The knight of Ren tried to use the other lightsaber in a desperate attempt to gain time, but it was easily put aside by Finn who spinned and stab the Knight of Ren with his lightsaber directly at his chest. The armor was pierced easily and mortally wounded the dark user of the Force who was still confused by how fast the things had changed against him.

- "How..."- he asked using his voice for the first time.

- "Cortosis bullets"- said Finn who deemed his opponent worthy of knowing how he had been defeated- "I learned the trick from Han Solo long time ago and it worked."

The knight of Ren fell dead to the floor and Finn also laid down knowing this had been too close. If he hadnt used the "Solo trick" as he called it, he would have been overpowered and killed.

- "I'm still too green..."- he said while making the decision of asking Luke and Mara for harsher training when he came back.

He had forgotten how powerful the Knights of Ren were since he had faced many in the past three years. This one was extremely powerful and completely superior to him in both Force control and swordsmanship. While it was true that he had grown more powerful, this was a reminder to never be complacent and remember constantly that he was still far from the level of being able to defeat a true Sith Lord by skill alone without tricks. The explosions and sounds of battle had turned the before economical monster city into a complete state of chaos.

- "Finn here..."- he said still trying to catch his breath- "enemy eliminated... how is the persue of the target."

- "Glad to hear you are fine, Finn"- said Poe throught the intercom- "the target has been neutralized, return to the meeting point."

- "Received..."- said Finn while standing up and looking at the Knight of Ren for a last time before taking the exit in order to go to the rendez-vouz point.

Thank you for supporting this fanfic and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Dual wielding is cool. I still rememeber seeing lightsaber duels by fans in YT who look great like "Ryan v Dorkman" and many others which are still cool to watch today. I don't know if some of you will consider Finn's style dirty or unfair but man I think pistol/lightsaber style cool and also a nice way to keep Han's spirit alive. I'm sure Han would praise Finn for the idea!

Anyway, thank you again for reading this fanfic and I hope I made the detested Casino part of the movies a little more interesting. May the Force be with you and I pray for you and your families!

Finn is a soldier and guns are his thing so trying to mix lightsaber with guns

DarthYunshecreators' thoughts