
Star Trek: Nexus

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry. Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Nexus. Its seven-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before. 30 years following the events of Star Trek Nemesis, the Milky Way Galaxy witnesses a remarkable union known as the Khitomer Alliance. Comprising the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, New Romulan Republic, the Dominion, and various other entities, this alliance seeks to bring together diverse races and nations. The USS Nexus, a symbol of this unity, embarks on a seven-year exploration mission, echoing the principles of the Star Trek legacy. Under the command of Captain Anzyl Praxas, the USS Nexus represents a unique venture, transcending individual banners to unite a diverse crew. Hailing from different factions, the crew members bring with them a rich tapestry of beliefs, views, goals, values, and aspirations. As they navigate the uncharted territories of the galaxy, Captain Praxas faces the formidable challenge of fostering unity amidst dissension, overcoming bigotry, dispelling distrust, and bridging differences across the vast cosmic distances. Will the captain and his diverse crew successfully navigate the complexities of the final frontier, where every light year brings a new set of challenges? The journey of the USS Nexus unfolds as it boldly goes where no one has gone before.

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Chaos on Deck

On the opposite side of the ship, the doors to Main Engineering burst open, and Fek'ihri warriors flooded in, launching attacks and assaulting anyone in their path. Stitch swiftly maneuvered into a small Jeffery's tube, armed with a pistol that discharged beams at the feet and toes of passing warriors. However, Tey'un, hailing from a world familiar with the perils of many teeth, succumbed to a panic attack.

Haunted by memories of savage beasts from his homeworld, Tey'un's fight-or-flight response surged with intensity. He navigated through engineering with lemur-like agility, deftly evading the snapping fangs of the Fek'ihri with each leap. His blood pumped, heart raced, and the only mantra echoing in his mind was "tsaheylu tsmukan" - Bond Brother. Reaching the teleport pad atop the warp core, he huddled into a ball, shouting, "Cetacean Pool!" Just as a Fek'ihri leapt towards him, he flashed white and vanished.


Farther away, the doors to Sick Bay banged open wide, unleashing a horde of Fek'ihri warriors into the room where wounded and injured personnel were already gathering. They surged forward, blitzing unsuspecting nurses, tackling the wounded on beds, and ruthlessly biting, ripping, and tearing with their fangs. There was no mercy, no pity—just pure, raw savagery.

The usually pleasant and kind Chief of Medical, Two of Three, shifted his demeanor. No one caused a ruckus in his Sick Bay. Calm and collected, he commanded, "Computer, erect level 5 force fields around the lobby, lock these creatures in." A flash of energy created walls, blocking the Fek'ihri's advance into Sick Bay. He knew the victims in the lobby were already dead and lost.

He moved through the energy walls effortlessly, declaring in a single tone, "I Am Borg." The medical devices on his hand transformed into saw blades and scalpels, "Resistance is Futile." Gripping one Fek'ihri by the neck, he sliced its head clean off. "Computer, activate Emergency Security Holograms and position them around sick bay," he commanded, crushing another Fek'ihri's windpipe with a single hand. Identical holographic starfleet security officers in red uniforms materialized around Sick Bay in defensive postures.

"Proceed with activating emergency hospitals in holodecks 1-5, along with corresponding medical holograms. Activate Emergency Morgue in holodeck 6 with corresponding holographic staff," he continued, sawing a Fek'ihri in half with his medical blades.

"Warning, insufficient power to perform full activation," the computer responded.

Slamming a Fek'ihri into the wall and crushing its head flat, he reiterated, "Reroute power from non-essential science stations and laboratories, as well as non-essential civilian stations and recreational facilities." He ordered, ripping another Fek'ihri in half, "Continue to reroute power in a descending order of non-essential systems until all holodecks are fully active and staffed, authorization, Three-Alpha-1." He finished.

"Authorization accepted, power reroute complete."

Two of Three was standing amidst a pile and pool of Fek'ihri corpses and carcasses. In the same monotone manner, he strides out of the lobby through the forcefield. "Computer, reconstitute all organic matter in the Sickbay lobby into base elements, and replicate them into medical supplies for carbon-based organic lifeforms." He leisurely strolls into the depths of Sickbay. The mass of carcasses and massacred flesh flashes white and disappears, leaving no trace or evidence behind.


In the Nexus hallways, Jem'Hadar, Hirogen, Klingon, and warriors of every other race fought side by side, demonstrating valor and honor. The ceaseless onslaught of Fek'ihri warriors poured through the massive sword impaling the ship.

Bolts of light from disruptors and phasers lit up the darkened hallways. Flashes of steel, including Kar'takin and Batleths, swung and clashed in close-quarter combat. However, for every Fek'ihri that fell, two more seemed to swarm in and take its place. The battle raged on, spreading like a rampant plague throughout the entire ship.


The glistening and radiant pools of the Cetacean crew remained oddly calm. Either the chaos hadn't reached that part of the ship, or the hellish Fek'ihri had an aversion to water. In a flash of white light, Tey'un appeared and ran along the water's edge.

"Tsaheylu tsmukan!" (Bond Brother) he screamed repeatedly, tears and panic etched across his face. Desperately searching for his brother, the reason for the Fek'ihri's absence became apparent. The door to the gargantuan pool opened, and warriors poured in, pausing to survey their unfamiliar surroundings.

Emerging from the water in a tumultuous wave, Kayuli leapt onto the pool deck with his giant whale body, instantly crushing all intruders. Once he ensured none were still moving under his massive multi-ton weight, he twisted and fell back into the water.

"Tsaheylu tsmukan!" Teyun screamed as he dove into the water, attempting to swim but succumbing to a panic attack. Sinking instead of swimming, he faced the large shadow of the massive cetacean approaching at high speed. Its gaping whale maw opened wide and engulfed Tey'un in a single gulp.

This is a Star Trek fanfiction, based off of Star Trek Online universe. with a slight crossover to Avatar the way of Water.

Based on Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry, and Avatar: The Way of Water created by James Cameron.

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