
Chapter 8:

I am currently packing my things in a hurry while Wade is sitting like how he used to. Sitting backward, facing me, and watching me pack.

I wasn't bothered by it and decided to just focus on packing my stuff since I only have 15 minutes before my first class starts and I haven't even left home yet. Books, a notebook, ah my case! Where is it?

"Looking for this?" He interrupted my panic and lifted the pencil case that I was looking for, it's full of pens and pencils. Once I saw him holding it I felt my heart at peace.

"Yes thank you," I approached him as he stretched his hand to give me the case. I got the case and opened it. It was not unusual for me to pick a pen to hung on my inner pocket or my top shirt. 

I was debating myself on what to chose. I have no time for this, I'm late!

"Pick the blue glittery one, I think it's gonna match with your shoes," he suggested. I looked at my shoes and back to the pen, it really is matching.

"Okay!" I enthusiastically responded as he smiled back. I hung it in my pocket with his assistance and great fashion sense.

I also inserted the case into my blue kitten-themed bag. I really like this bag, not only does this look expensive, it looks cute and is waterproofed too.

"I'm all done. Wade, are you going to stay here?" I asked while wearing the bag and was about to go to the door when he stood up.

"Let's go. I'll transport you to the school," he stated while opening his arms.

"Huh? Oh, are you going to walk me to school?"

Why is he opening his arms, is he asking for a goodbye hug?

"No, come here."

I gave him a questioning look as he sighs.

"I'm going to use magic, you only have ten minutes anyway, you won't make it in time. To travel together, we have to be in physical contact. Also, I want to hug you..." He mumbled something at the end of his statement.

I stared at him and slowly walked towards him.

"Hurry, It's your first time experiencing magic right? When we're traveling it's just like your riding a roller coaster." 

My ears twitched up hearing the words magic and roller coaster. I saw him smirk as if he planned to tempt me with those words, like ha, I'm not stupid...

I'm not stupid enough to refuse that! I haven't ride a roller coaster since college start, the exciting feeling when you're riding it and the wind dangerously slapping you, and I'm indeed curious about how magic works. Rollercoaster rides are extremely thrilling, suspenseful, and exhilarating.

A wide smile appeared on my face as I ran excitedly to hug him. I had to jump in order to hug his neck.

"Ha," he sigh-laugh and his breath tickle my ears. I clung to his shoulder since I'm slipping down. He wrapped his arm around my waist and supported me up, I could feel his strength, he's lifting me like it was nothing, I'm floating! I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Let's go!" I excitedly shouted.

"Alright," he responded as he tightened his grip on me. He smelled like vanilla.

"Don't be surprised when you feel like your body's floating or suddenly getting super light." I nodded aggressively as if I'm telling him I'm ready.

He snapped his finger and light surrounded us, to be specific specks of black particles are surrounding us.

"Ah!" I felt a sudden sensation on my feet, I looked down and saw my feet turning into particles. I moved it and the black particles followed my motion.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

I looked towards him as he gazed at me intensely in the eyes, he smiled reassuring me and my heart become at peace. I noticed both of us fading and becoming particles.

I felt half of my body weight lifted, I closed my eyes as the particles reached my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt the winds surrounding my body, it's like I'm driving fast. I could feel my hair fluttering roughly in the wind.

I opened my eyes and...


We are now outside. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze.

We're riding the wind! We were flying upwards we were near the clouds when we stopped for a bit. I could see the whole city. The now-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing it a flurry of early-morning activity.

One thing to describe this is it's euphoric. I looked around and everything is beautiful and clear. I was admiring the scenery in front of me when I saw a big smirk form in the handsome face, that shone as bright as the sun, beside me.

He tightened his arms around me and whispered in my ears, "Let's go."

As he finished whispering, like a rollercoaster, we suddenly fall and fly throughout the city. The speed we're going at makes me feel like Flash. 

"WOOOH! HAHAHA!" I fully am enjoying the moment, he smiled at me and we both screamed in excitement.


My thoughts disappear and my mind goes silent, the only thing on my mind is that I'm having fun with Wade and that I'm experiencing the best ride of my life. I'm living through my emotion totally. I'm getting butterflies in my belly and as we rush and travel faster in the wind.

Our surroundings were moving slowly but in reality, we were the ones moving too fast. It's like we both are in another realm because of how in the moment we really are.

It's like my only reality is the city beneath us and the adrenaline in my heart. 

It's fun as hell! My adventurous side is taking over me too much! 

In just a second we could now see the school. In a flash, we were now inside the building and is now landing gently at the tiles beneath our feet. We are currently next to the stairs, and at least six meters away from the door of my classroom.

My heart is pounding loudly from excitement and joy. It's been a long time since I felt this thrilled. 

I felt a hand on top of my head, I looked at him with a bright smile as he concentrated on my messy hair. I was in awe because his now messy hair is too attractive to stare at, unlike mine who looks like a dying witch.

"Your hair's a mess," he chuckled, he then snapped his finger once again and I felt my hair floating in the air as his hand motioned a circle.

"That's better," he said nodding. I pulled out my phone and use it as a reflection. My hair is now tied into a messy bun and a strand of my hair is left in the front. 

I looked back at him again and excitedly poured my heart out.

"Oh my gosh! That was so awesome!" I exclaimed as I touched both of his shoulders.

"You're welcome."

"It's like a roller coaster ride, the wind was so strong, my heart is pounding so much, and the view was superb..." I continued ranting non-stop as he just nods agreeing to what I'm saying.

I ranted for about a whole minute, describing that experience. I have never felt this excited before! 

I took a deep breath after saying everything.

"Great! We traveled for approximately 20 seconds so you're still early. There are still about 12 minutes left before your class starts." He informed. 

Holy heck! 20 seconds? He laughs at my expression.

"If you could see yourself, it's like a kid who was given a lot of big presents. I could even see the stars in your eyes as if you have done something unbelievably great."

I puffed at him in disbelief.

"I did do something unbelievably great! I rode through the wind!" I said with too much excitement I could scream.

"Alright alright, I get it. You should go to class now. I'm going back to Star Skyland to gain strength."

"Oh," I observe him for a second and realize that his body was leaning on the wall as his face looks like he is sleepy.

"I'm sorry, yes yes you should get a lot of rest. Don't worry about me," I said with a sorry face. He must have used a lot of magic in order to transport me here. 

He silently looked at me.

He grabbed my right hand and kissed it. He closed his eyes before looking back at me, his eyes looked tired and lazy as he smiled at me.

"I'll see you later, don't cause much trouble when I'm gone."

What am I a kid? I pushed that thought aside and smiled back at him, after all, he did all of that for me.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I smiled with all of my heart.

"Thank you so much, Wade." My eyes would almost close for smiling so brightly. 

Black particles started to form around him. I appreciate it, I enjoyed it so thank you. 

I smiled at him as he leaves.


Little did Navi know that her smile was stuck in Wade's mind until he reached his homeland. He bit his lips to stop his smile but no strength was shown as his body does not have that much power left.

He was thankful that his body held on until he was not in Navi's sight anymore.

"Wade! You're here!" The cute Arien welcomed him. He shifted his tired face at her trying to hide his fatigue but couldn't. He could see her sitting in a yellow bean bag.

"Hmm," Wade nodded as he felt his eyelid getting heavy. His body was giving out as well.

"Wade?" A boy with silver hair called out next to Arien as he observes his friend. Aniel who just came out of the kitchen also had a questioning face.

His breathing has become heavy as his body staggered. He touched his head, a sudden headache appearing.



The warm sunshine that was streaming through the classroom window was doing nothing to help my concentration as I sat in class trying to pay attention. 

The teacher's monotone voice was slowly putting me to sleep. I was taking notes as best as I could when suddenly I would realize that my eyes were closed. I tried to focus on what the teacher was currently saying only to realize that he had moved on to another topic. Maybe this topic would keep me awake. 

A few minutes later, I was dozing off, a smile would suddenly appear on my face when what happened earlier flashed to mind.

My morning classes ended in a breeze. It was now lunchtime, I was organizing my textbooks in my bag when a low quiet voice from in front called out for me.


"Hmm?" I asked him. Sanz was a usually lively person, it's unusual for him to be this quiet.

"Say... Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. You can ask anything," I assured. His back was facing me so I couldn't really see his face.

The surrounding was quiet, I looked around the classroom and noticed that we were the only ones left here.

"What would you do... If this someone you love suddenly... you know... went away, went far away you couldn't even see, feel, and touch them anymore?"

"What?" I felt my heart suddenly being cut to half, his voice was trembling, his voice was so sad as if he was broken.

"Would you go after them or would you keep living without them... Even if I keep telling myself that I should live... It hurts... I feel empty... I feel like my heart and soul wouldn't be the same anymore, I'm slowly turning into someone who I'm not anymore."

I wanted to speak but couldn't. His gazing trembling voice was filling the room with such atmosphere.

"I wanted to follow her... But I'm scared because I don't know what's after death."

The atmosphere turned cold and in grief. Silence filled the whole room.

I didn't know he was suffering this much. He was fine yesterday... I sighed in my mind.

 But a day could also tear one person's life down, that easily.

"I love her so much, I wanted to be with her forever but now I couldn't. It hurts... It hurts so much that I don't even know what I have to do anymore. My future was shattered that easily." He tried to make his voice strong but his voice gave out.

"I said I don't care, I said that I was not afraid to lose anything anymore, I said that I don't fear someone leaving me anymore, I said I don't have anything to lose any more since I have nothing left for me but... she suddenly showed up." His sniffing can now be heard.

"I suddenly had a reason now, to live, to love, to be afraid of someone leaving me and that's the scariest part, that was the thing I'm scared about, having someone beside me. I'm scared to lose them."

"I tried my best to keep her safe, I thought it's gonna be fine now but... she left me!" He shouted in grief, his head was now lowered as his body was trembling.

"It hurts too much, I never imagined this to be that hard." He was having a hard time talking.

"Do I follow her or do I move on... Navier, if you're in my position, what would you do?" 

He finally looked at me. It was as if a tsunami hit me. The large wave that keeps suppressing me in my mind is causing chaos.

The rims of his eyes were red as if he has been crying for a while. His complexion was also pale and it looks like he was done with everything. There was no ounce of strength in his tired face.

He looked at me straight in the eyes, "Do I move on?"

I felt my throat going dry. My heart feels like it's going to explode from the sadness and tension I'm feeling. I was silent, I couldn't utter a word, I bit my lip as I stared at him with worry. I wanted to comfort him but I don't know how to.

I took a breath and looked down.

"Move on... I guess. I never knew how to move on because I haven't been in that kind of situation before," I started. I was telling him what's on my mind. 

I looked at his done eyes and smiled bitterly. Huge droplets of tears started to drop from Sanz.

"Death is serious. It never discriminates. It just takes and takes, we never know when, how, or even who it'll take, it will just happen. We're always carefree thinking that today we're going to live and that there are billion people in the world, death must have passed us by now. But suddenly it takes..."

"We understand death only after its place on someone we love. As Edward Counsel says 'Death aims only once, but never misses'... Time will heal you, Sanz... Your heart won't, your mind won't but time will."

He looked at me with eyes that are saying that he understands but chose not to. He doesn't want to move on, he wanted to go to her. 

He really loves her. His eyes were showing just that.

"You can follow her but as you said we don't know what's after death," I added as I looked at him sincerely in the eyes.

"To be honest, I don't know what advice I can give to you. I've never experienced that before but the only thing I know is you have to keep living. No matter what, if that girl loves you she can wait until the right time comes for you."

I gulped as he lowered his head once again.

"I could see that you both love each other very much. If you follow her this early, don't you think she'll be sad and disappointed? You have to live your life first before going to her, you have to have fun and do things you've never done and the things you wanted to do before following her when your time comes so if you do die you'll have no regrets."

"Think about yourself first, even if it takes hundreds of years to heal. Then after you're done and death takes you, you can go and meet her again, you can fall in love with her again. Time will heal you... You have to heal yourself first so let time do its part, don't end your time suddenly when time hasn't even made its move yet."

"Live Sanz. Live, heal, have fun, and let time takes you until your last breath then you can be with her. Moving on doesn't mean forgetting, it means healing."

After I have said all that, I took a deep breath to let myself relax. I heard his chair moved and before I knew it he was hugging me. He was crying and sniffing like a child who has lost his mother. I stood up so that he can cry comfortably, I embrace and patted his back as he keeps whispering a name.

"Ayumi, I miss you... Come back please... please?"

I heard his trembling voice begging and cracking as he was desperate. I hugged him tighter when a sudden light from the door caught my attention.

I focused on it but nothing seems to be wrong.

Maybe I'm just imagining it. I decided to ignore it and caressed Sanz's head.

We stayed in that position for a long time before he calmed down and sat back in his seat while facing me. His tired red eyes were looking down. He took a deep breath before staring at me.

With his worn-out face, he tried to smile. He tried so hard but his eyes can't lie at all.

"Thank you."

He stood up and hug me once more as he patted my back three times before letting go.

"I have to go. Thank you so much." He said as his weary face was smiling at me full of sincerity.

"Now I know, how you must have felt when he was gone."

"Take up your own advice," he whispered in my ears before he turned away as he waved his hand while still not looking at me. He walked away, when he was at the door he turned his head at me one more time and smiled.


"Ah, right. Goodbye, you can do it. Sanz." I waved him goodbye as he walked away.

I watched his back as he was fading in the distance. I was now left alone in this room.

My heart was beating loudly, I couldn't comprehend what happened. I could only wish him good luck.

The ticking of the clock on the wall brings me back to reality. I'm not hungry anymore...

I shook every thought on my head and faced my bag. I was about to reach out to it when a hand, out of nowhere, grabbed my arms.

I flinched and looked at him.

"We need to talk."


(Please live, you'll meet them soon :(... To everyone who's suffering please heal. It hurts to see someone you know hurting. I love you guys.)