
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Action
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The Village of Ardon

As the group arrives at the Oasis village, the sounds of an open air market and vendors trying to attract customers begin to fill the air. 

As Ottawa and the others begin to explore the market, Ottawa listens for information regarding adventurers.

You were saying that the party never came back?

Yeah, that's what the guild said. Poor kids, seems that old human ruin still remains to be explored. 

Where is that place? 

Guild said it's about a weeks journey East of here. Seems that it has plenty of unwanted visitors making it home or something.

Ottawa walks away from eavesdropping on the conversation and meets up with Lucy.

Oh Ottawa! What's up?

Tell the others I have found us a perfect location. An old human village, a weeks journey east from here.

Will do. What are you doing now?

I'm free, what did you need?

Well, if it's a weeks walk, we might as well find a wagon to use. Seems there is a merchant selling them. Best hurry.

Thanks Lucy.

Ottawa make his way over to the merchant selling the wagons and horses.

Ah you look you the spirit of adventure resides within you! 

You have a keen eye. 

Ah! I am glad to hear that! Sixty silver gets you a wagon and a mule. Three gold gets you a wagon and a trusty stead. 

Have anything that can survive a weeks journey in the desert?

Well... I do have one. It's a hybrid, called a Desert Oxen.

How much?

Five gold. 

Deal. Please have the cart and oxen ready. Ottawa tosses the five gold coins onto the counter.

Pleasure doing business with you! If you ever need some "extra" help, stop by my brothers shop. It's the big one, can't miss it.

Ottawa clenches his fist and nods.

As he rejoins Morgan, he tell her to follow him.

Where are we going?

The wagon merchant Lucy sent me to dropped a hint of "extra" help.


Has to be.

What's the plan?

Buy them all if I can, and if not, destroy that build and take them by force.

As the two enter the store, a small, rounded fellow walks up to them. 

Hello. What a fine day in the oasis.

Your brother sends his regards.

Is that so? You must mean business if he's sent you here.

That's right. He mentioned I'd need "extra" help for my quest.

Ah, my brother is a great man. Follow me.

The small man leads Ottawa and Morgan into the backroom warehouse where there is cage upon cage stacked as high as they eye could see. Ottawa clenched his fist, but held his tongue.

Unfortunately, my inventory is low at the moment, but I do have some help to offer you.

In the back, there were a few sickly looking slaves, only one of them string enough to stand.

They are of a beast-folk lineage. Most of them are sick but with a potion of healing, they'll be good as new.

Ottawa knelt down by the cage of only standing slave.

Would you mind showing my associate the others? I want to evaluate this one using magic.

Of course! Right this way miss.

As the two move away, Ottawa looks at the wolf-boy. 

Do you want me to save you?


I will only ask one more time. Do you want me to save you and the others here.

The wolf boy nods and begins to cry.


Now always remember Liam, if you are in trouble, a real hero will come to save you. You must never give up hope.

Yes father.

As the merchant and Morgan arrived back at Ottawa, Ottawa stood up and turned to them. 

I want all of them.


You heard me... or is my money worth nothing to you.

No, no! I'll take that pouch of coins and call it even.

Deal. Now release them. Ottawa tosses the man a pouch of gold coins as he releases the slaves. Ottawa forms contracts with them all and leaves with them.

Everyone load up on the wagon. 

Ottawa, that was a lot of money you spent....

No one should be forced to live as a slave. Call me idealistic if you'd like, but with these skills... I wish to create a utopia as sweet as honey and as plentiful as are leaves on trees. Even if I have to climb to the highest heights, I will no abandon my goal, my dream.


Should anyone stand in my way.... Their blood will water the seeds of the fields I sow. No matter what, no matter who, I will win. 

As Ottawa and Morgan load up into the wagon, they begin the weeks journey to their new home.