
Star Imploring Dungeon

*EVERYTHING IN THIS BOOK IS FICTION* --------------------- Her life has been something that she had no control over for the longest time. With no choice but to leave herself vulnerable at the hands of fate, Art became a hollow who instead of living - was surviving through the world's cruelty. That all changes when she is sold off and finds herself a candidate for The Dome. A.k.a 'Star Maker' and The Dungeon below it that feeds and preys on youth like her to mold them into superstars. After becoming a contestant in this cutthroat competition where losers face death, Art gets a newfound motivation to finally fight against fate and take matters into her own hands. That all comes to a peak when she is granted a system by those who rule this messed up game in The Dungeon...

Ch0mper · Urbain
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An Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

Finding some way to squeeze into the moving mob, Art started walking against the white wall. That was how she noticed the girl in the room next to her, one with dazzling red hair and lips, who was standing at her door. She was having the same problem Art did as the kids who were running were too crowded and there was no chance for her to get in without risking an injury.

Art remembered the loud fit that rang into her room the moment Manager left her and moved to the next kid. The redhead was really loud and, from what Art heard; she was a brat. Regardless, hoping to maybe befriend someone in here before things went to shit, Art slowed down as she came up to the redhead's room.

Although the mumbling behind her turned annoyed and shoving got more aggressive, Art still tried to hold her ground as much as she could. With what she thought was an inviting and friendly smile, she gestured for the taller girl to get in front of her. From the redhead's viewpoint, Art had an expression like one of those perverts at the corner store in the middle of the night.

Art's smiling face was one of much dubiety.

"Weirdo." The redhead spoke loud enough for Art to hear, which was disheartening.

'What did I do?!' Art subconsciously pouted.

Behind the slender, nice-smelling redhead, Art's view was blocked so she started inspecting the structure they were intricately moving through. Like rats being escorted through a maze. At the bottom and top of the walls were led screens that blinked a mellow orange sign which pointed to where they were headed.

Eventually reaching the main hall of section A, Managers' words popped into the younger's brain.

"At the hall, you will meet the higher-ups. After grabbing the mics lined by the walls, wait to be called to the front for your introduction. There are also workers who will survey the area with clipboards which you can ask for any additional tools. Like an instrument."

Just like he said, many staff and white mics lined the walls on soft, black satin stands. Art grabbed one, and like a lost puppy, looked around the hall. Some groups had already been formed, but most seemed to want to keep to themselves. She breathed a sigh of relief, glad she at least wasn't falling behind in that category.

At the front of the giant space was a stage with 12 seats. They were empty, but it was easy to deduce they were for the 'higher ups'. Choosing to stand at the wall (because her dress was split to one side, and she didn't want the cold floor freezing her left thigh), Art got lost in her thoughts.

Once again, Manager's words were all that rang in her ears.

"Through the elevators at each corner of the room, you will rise to the stage. On that stage is where your value to the higher-ups and as an amateur star is determined by the public."

He had already explained what The Dome was to her, so she was caught up to the competition and just what it meant to take part. 

"Do you understand?" He had told her. "This is where you will start your exit from this life. Isn't that what you want most? I've seen your look in the eyes of many kids before you. You don't want to live like this anymore, right? Not knowing your future. Having to always expect the worst. Not having the power to even protect yourself, much less those you care about."

Art picked up on the hint of anger in his voice although Manager was desperately trying to mask it with sincerity. It was as though he was talking to a younger him the way he slowly started to get emotional in the last bit of his speech. Art also noticed how he was incredibly well informed on her background and knew exactly what to say to motivate her but chose not to question it.

Sometimes, ignorance was bliss, and, as naive as it was, she genuinely didn't want to ruin the image she already had for the only seemingly "normal" person in this facility.

'He is somewhat right.' Art thought to herself. 'Even though I'm not sure how I ended up here, if everything he says is true, then this is the luckiest thing to happen to me. Like an opportunity thrown at me from the gods…'

She sighed, throwing her head back with closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

'I would be dumb not to grab it, but at the same time…'

There was really no rebuttal she had at the moment. Some issues were in the back of her head, like the suspiciousness of it all and these 'higher-ups'. She didn't know enough, but then again, since when was she ever granted that privilege? Art always figured things out for herself, whether or not she wanted to. It was just her low self-esteem that was holding her back right now. She felt she didn't deserve this opportunity. That it was wasted on her. 

'Am I supposed to sing? With this mic, that's what it looks like. Maybe Rap? …Nah…' She chuckled at her own suggestion.

'But sing what? I've never sung a day in my life. I barely know any good songs or what's trending. I didn't even know if I was going to make it to tomorrow 3 hours ago and now I have to entertain a rowdy crowd?'

Once the hall was filled with the young candidates, the same voice came over the intercoms.

<Welcome to the main hall all who made it. You are now present yourself higher-ups. Make sure you have your introduction ready and everybody make their way walls.>

Art was already at the walls, but the kids that were sitting in the middle of the room quickly got up and walked away from the center as instructed. One of the female contestants tripped on her dress and, as her friends noticed to look back and help, the floor beneath her started to slide. With wide eyes, Art noticed now that the ground had painted patterns on it.

Like signs of what each tile did. There was a huge painted navy blue line in the middle of the room, which was what slid. Thankfully, the victim was grabbed by some of her newly acquainted friends, so no major injury was dealt. Other than some scrapes, that is.

As all the tiles slid to the side, a plane with 5000 chairs rose to fill its place.


The guy next to Art whistled in amusement at the display. Art was impressed as well. She was honestly impressed with everything here, but that's beside the point. After the plane was situated, nobody at the walls really tried to move towards them, waiting for some type of instruction. Fear controlled most of these kids and programmed them to be obedient, just like Art. All in the room were wearing white metal collars which showcased different numbers. 

Her own now dropped to 5100.

Even though all the kids looked different and they came from all around the globe, she was sure most were in desperate situations, just like herself. Just then, the redhead, who was Art's neighbor, walked into the center of the hall with confident strides.

'She's quite an exception, I guess…' Art looked on in admiration as the rest slowly started to follow the red heads lead.

Just then, a masculine voice came from the stage at the front.

"They don't bite, you know! Take a seat, children." A man in a black and white suit with a star mask made his way out from behind the maroon curtains that were clumped to the sides.

Even with his face covered, his voice sounded like it was made for announcements and TV. There was a charisma to him. It allowed the kids to be trusting of his words quickly. 

"Go on, go on! Sit!" He was gesturing enthusiastically to the black, foldable chairs.

Art started to walk towards the closest one to her, which was right in front of her position.


Just then, the boy who stood next to her violently slammed into the seat. He looked back at her with a scowl before barking:

"Move it! I got here first."

"Okay…?" Art started walking to the chairs behind him.

'What a bitch. Better not to sit in front of a guy like that.'

Once everyone was settled in, the star man spoke again. 

"Let me introduce myself once and for all! I am MC. The one who will be taking care of introducing you guys and conveying your story to the audience above! I hope I am able to do all of you justice and I look forward to getting to know you guys better!"

He paused, waiting for something. After some seconds of silence, someone in the center started to clap. Others followed. Art wondered if it was her neighbor again. The redhead.

'She really knows how to lead. Her popularity is set in stone.'

"Alright, alright! That's enough." MC bashfully gestured for the kids to cease their applause.

"That's enough about me… Now it's time to meet the Higher Uuuuuuuupsssss!!!"